September 23 –  Jesus is Coming…

September 23 – Jesus is Coming…

People have been asking me when I would write or speak about the September 23, 2017 event, since it is a huge prophetic celestial event. After checking with the Spirit, I realized there was no rush; plus, I could not fit it into my schedule until now. Before talking about the coming of Jesus September 23 event, I want to share a little testimony. In 1999, there was an unusual sign in the heavens, which in my opinion was the first phase of an Astrological fulfillment of Revelation Chapter 12 of the Sun clothed Woman. It was nearly the exact configuration of stars. It was September 11, 1999 – Rosh Hashanah -New Year- Feast of Trumpets. I was invited to a special event as speaker that was held outside, under the stars. People had become aware of me through my accurate Astro-Prophetic work and many postings I had on the internet, that did come to pass, as Spirit foretold. There was a group of Jews, Mormons, Christians, New Agers, people from various Native American Indian tribes, and people that practice Nature Religions represented. I was brought in by limousine and a bed of rose petals paved my way to the place where I was to address the eager crowd. (That was probably my first time in a limousine and surely my first time to do the ‘rose petal walk.’) There I was under the stars with my guitar slung behind me and my bible opened to Revelation Chapter 12, as the heavens were coming into alignment. There was no PA system, so I had to yell to make sure...
Year 5778

Year 5778

Happy New Year!!! It’s Rosh Hashanah the Feast of Trumpets, also called Yom Teruah (Day of Returning – Gathering) It is year 5778 on the Hebrew Calendar. We have taught many times on this highly prophetic encrypted Calendar that the Creator has given us. Decoding this Calendar goes way beyond just knowing the high feast days that Yahweh commanded us to observe. This highly prophetic season is upon us. Using Biblical numerology called Gematria, we can decipher more mysteries to gather understanding of what shall be. I will be using this ancient method of prophetic science to assist in reading this year, along with other methods. By using the last 2 digits of a year, we can determine the most prevalent spirit(s)/energies that will me manifesting. For the past 8 years, we have been in AYIN, which is the 16th letter of the Hebrew alphabet (16 or 1+6=7). It’s numeric value is 70 (ie 5770, 5771…,5776, 5777, etc.) AYIN speaks of the EYE, the Eye See, tears or water in the Eye. Esoterically, it speaks of the third EYE, the gift of prophetic sight, insight and foresight, the Seer. The 16th letter or glyph in Hebrew is AYIN. This is what the ancient Hebrew hieroglyph it looks like. CHET is the 8th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, with the numeric value of 8. Chet means life, living; wisdom, grace (ascent of grace) It speaks of community. The physiological aspect of Chet correlates with the chest or breast area. The Astrological aspect of Chet is assigned to the Zodiac house of Cancer. PROPHECY TIME Eye prophesy to you that the...
The Science of Intercession

The Science of Intercession

(This message was initially given, spoken and posted on the old website June 21, 2011) As Co-Creators, we possess awesome powers; however, too often I think we forget who we really are. The area of power I want to focus on in this thought is “Intercession.” One of the duties of the priesthood was to intercede on behalf of those he or she is ministering to. Many of us have come to realize that we are of the Order of the Melchizedek Priesthood, the Universal Priesthood that ministers on both sides of the veil (unseen worlds and the seen). Intercession is a form of prayer that basically means, to deal with, entreat in favor of or against; to go between. (To speak up for, or against, on the behalf of others.) Furthermore, it is a science that can be tested and has been tested with proven results not just from ancient Scripture, but contemporary science. It is the science and art of going Within; I like to call it “Inner-Cession”, surrendering and ceasing to BE, through the external and internal dialog, thus, releasing the desired intent. The true Intercessors are the Prophets, Seers; they are the “Watchmen” on the wall sounding the alarm and announcing victory. The Creator does not hide the things that shall be from them, but they are revealed. “Surely the Lord God will do nothing before he reveals it to his servants, the prophets.” Amos 3:7 I am reminded of Prophet Abraham’s Intercession after having an encounter with Melchizedek. The angels (guides) appeared to him and revealed a Natural Disaster that was about to take...
The Overlooked Ble$$ing…

The Overlooked Ble$$ing…

There is a story in the Bible that I have used in messages many times over the years or shared individually with those I was trying to uplift. The ekklesia (Church) of the 1st century was going through great persecution. James, the brother of the beloved Apostle John had been killed by King Herod. The religious/political government of that time was targeting the “People of the WAY.” These people were later called “Christians,” but quite different from many who call themselves that today. Herod saw how happy the religious Jews were with the killing of these people, so he went after another leader, Peter. Peter was arrested and scheduled to be killed after Passover to further appease the religious people. But something strange and supernatural happened. While Peter was under the tight security of 16 guards and even chained between 2 guards, locked away in the innermost 3rd part high security area of the prison; he had an almost unbelievable encounter. Peter was in a deep sleep between the 2 prison guards he was shackled to. The next day he was to be killed (martyred) for his belief in Yahshua (Jesus), performing miracles in that name and proclaiming the Kingdom of God. It was probably a deep sleep of depression, knowing that he would be killed in a matter of hours, as his dear friend and spiritual brother James had been. During the time that Peter was in prison, there was a marathon Prayer Meeting going on for his release. This probably went on for days around the clock, it was the end of Passover. “Peter therefore was kept...
Earth & Space Storms  – Prophecy

Earth & Space Storms – Prophecy

About 3 weeks ago the Spirit was speaking to me about various types of storms and I was prompted to create my first videos for the YouTube Channel, called Identifying Your Storm. We will look at the different storms raging now. However, I want to start this message by sharing some recent and an older prophetic word, which are relevant to things happening now and shall be. *** “Eye see back to back Storms and Hurricanes during this coming season – (Gulf states impacted) – very active period.” Posted August 1, 2017 near bottom of the article. (Names of back to back Hurricanes of 2017 affecting our nation/region so far: Harvey, Irma, Katia, Jose, Maria, Lee) *** “A new cycle of Major Earthquakes will begin even before the Eclipse as a precursor of the more frequent activity coming to North America and the planet.” Posted July 24, 2017 – Solar Eclipse *** “Eye see the news, word in bold letter “SPACEQUAKES,” and hear the scientists commenting on Spacequakes – this will be occurring soon. Watch!” Posted October 21, 2016 While reading the news between home school classes for my boys earlier today; I learned that a Major Storm had erupted on the Sun and that (2) X Class Solar Flares had ejected from the Sun that will be a direct hit to Earth. X-Class are the highest class of the Corona Mass Ejections (CME’s) of the Sun. The classes or ranges of the CME’s are, A, B, C, M and X. Today there was an X.3 and an X-10, later downgraded to an X-9.3; the largest we have experienced;...