I Thought You Were Praying For Revival America…

I Thought You Were Praying For Revival America…

Throughout the Bible we see various clues when a “spiritual revival” was about to take place or was taking place. I hear ministers and Christian people often talk about the need for a Revival in our nation, people turning to God or those fallen away turning back to God. The airways of radio, TV and satellite broadcast are filled with words, and frequencies of those crying out for revival. Some especially in the ‘Bible Belt’ region yet even practice the powerful ancient art of fasting and prayer for revival. Thank God. Sunday after Sunday the doors of the Churches are open at places of worship. From the few that gather in homes or Store Fronts, others at Elementary Schools, Church buildings, or to the huge Mega Campuses; where thousands gathers multiple times on Sunday to accommodate the crowd. The tears streaming down their faces during worship or prayer, begging God for revival. “Change our nation, help us, send revival again,” they cry. But what does revival look like? Is it the high energy meetings (which I love) of rejoicing, prophesying and miracles? Is it the great singing and best most anointed musicians on the planet and scripted meetings? Is it the greatest speaker, or the one with the deepest revelation and ability to unravel the mysteries of the Kingdom? What does the beginnings of a revival look like? Does it have to it agree with my theology, cultural background or how I perceive God to be? Will I feel chills? Will it be nice and proper, polished, clean shaved, perfect haircut, suit and tie, ipad, and led by white...
The Sign of Jonah & the Black Sun

The Sign of Jonah & the Black Sun

We are in highly prophetic times. Are you aware of what is really happening? Can you feel the energy rising as the heavens move into position to open portals to directly impact the Earth, specifically the USA? What an awesome time to be alive and AWAKE. In these video, we barely examine the Black Sun Cult and symbols; how it was hi-jacked by the Nazis and perverted to represent a symbol of Hate, Racial Superiority and Dominance. This is the esoteric story behind the Eclipse they have been waiting 100 years for that happens on Monday. Fortunately, they failed with the rise and fall of Hitler after the 1st phase of the Black Sun – June 8, 1918. They are counting on the August 21 Total Eclipse in LEO to empower them to arise as the kings of the earth, but they will fail miserably to not rise again – so says the stars. In the future as time permits we might get to share more in depth and prophetically – but for now – Be Aware of the spirit and esoteric technology being used behind the scenes to embolden and empower the alt-Right and their misguided sympathizers. The Black Star energy will ultimately be to their own demise. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL August 21 sets the mark to “Go!” As the months and years play out we will see many astounding things. The line is being drawn in the sand. Choose what side you are on, this is not about Republican or Democrat. It is good or evil. Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...
Charlottesville, Virginia Race & Terror Riot

Charlottesville, Virginia Race & Terror Riot

I was recently at a Church service where Christians were encouraged by these words, “The world is watching you, they want to see how Christians will react…be humble, be patience…sometimes it’s best to not share your perspective, after all, it is just your perspective. Pray and show love, don’t be confrontational or disagreeable,” the young pastor went on to say. As one might imagine, that 35 minutes teaching on the misunderstanding of what love is was very uncomfortable for me. My thinking was, “sheep being led to the slaughter.” Scanning the large sanctuary, Eye could see others were not buying that either. The dumbing down of Christians and is one of Satan’s greatest weapons being used from the pulpit. Whatever happened to “PROTESTANTS?” Much of Christianity has become a gullible, irrelevant, powerless, clueless social club that takes a stand for few real issues or stands for evil, injustice and violence by their silence. One thing the young pastor said was correct, “The world is watching you.” I am sure if they have the least bit of intelligence, most don’t want to be like you. Many people are somehow divided on what exactly happened on this past weekend with Neo-Nazis, Skinned-Heads, KKK, White Supremacists, White Nationalists and others who surrounded a Church on Friday night with torches, long-guns, baseball bats, shields, body armor, multiple guns, knives, etc chanting terrorist slogans to terrorize people; while people inside prayed for strength, peace and a strategy how to combat evil and hate during that night and the following day. As we know the following day led to beatings of Pastors, others and the...
Identifying Your Storm

Identifying Your Storm

I clearly remember my first Monsoon after moving to Phoenix years ago. It’s so fresh in my mind, it seems like only a short time ago. I never knew there were Monsoons within the borders of the USA. I had been in various parts of Asia and knew of them there. It was late July to early August here in the Phoenix area. I had gone out to a Walmart nearby to do some yet looking for the proper screws and hangers to hang things in new house we had recently moved into. It was starting to get cloudy as I walked through the doors, within a few minutes I heard a loud noise pounding on what sounded like a metal/tin roof. It was so loud. I asked someone, “What is that noise.” They replied, “It’s a Monsoon.” I kinda stared in disbelief thinking, this is not Asia and I am in the desert. It can’t be a Monsoon. After about 10-15 minutes of shopping, I walked out the door to a flooded parking lot. The rain had nearly stopped, I could not believe my eyes. I had just walked in the store, how could the water be so high, half-way covering the tires in a short time, I thought. People were stranded and stalling all around the parking lot. As I was getting into my car, someone suggested I wait awhile. I think they noticed my Washington State license plates and by the look on my face knew I was clueless to what had just happened. My mind was set on getting back home, wondering how high the...
The Lion’s Gate Is Opening

The Lion’s Gate Is Opening

The Portal for the Lion’s Gate is opening. (Just before we proceed through, we are thankful for new people finding the website and want to address a reoccurring question. Why do you deal with astrology and profess to be a Christian? It is very simple, the Bible is filled with astrology from Genesis-Revelation. The very first prophecy of Messiah was astrological. Furthermore, it is a powerful prophetic science that’s being restored to the Body of Christ. Most of the prophets in your Bible understood and used this prophetic science. For more in depth understanding check out: Astrology.) What is the “Lion’s Gate Portal?” It is when Earth, Sun and Sirius moves into alignment; while the Sun is in LEO, the Lion constellation. Just to get an idea how big of a deal this is, our Sun is so big that 1,000,000 Earths can fit inside it. Sirius A, a binary star is so big about 5 Suns the size of ours can fit into it. Sirius is the brightest star in our night sky, 8.6 light years away. It is located in the Gemini constellation, called the Dog Star (Canis Major)- this is the Zodiac sign that was assigned to the Hebrew tribe of Benjamin. “Benjamin shall be as a ravenous as a Wolf: in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil.” Genesis 49:27 “God counts the number of stars and calls them all by their names.” Psalms 147:4 Benjamin means son of authority, power; son of my right hand. The movements of the heavens affect everything on the Earth, absolutely...