by Order Of Melchizedek | Jul 24, 2017 | Astrology, Eye See, Uncategorized |
Can you handle the truth? Instead of waiting until the week of the event, I felt led to share this now. There are many things to pray about. Less than 1 month from now America will experience a celestial or astronomical event that has not happened in 99 years. There will be a Total Solar Eclipse August 21, 2017, about 27 days from now. There will be darkness for nearly 3 minutes – to be exact about the space of 2 minutes and 40 seconds. The Solar Eclipse will start at 8:46 am PST. By 9:05 am PST the Path will cross over Salem, Oregon; as darkness approaches mid-morning. Around 10:18 am PST the New Moon @ 28 degrees in LEO will pass directly in front and completely cover the Sun in the constellation of LEO. This will be the unusual 2nd New Moon of LEO. A month with 2 New Moons, the 2nd one is called the Black Moon. “The Sun will be turned to darkness, black as sackcloth.” Darkness will cover the land from the West Coast to the East Coast of America for the first time in 99 years -6/8/1918. The last time this happened was after America entered World War 1. It is being called the America’s Great Solar Eclipse because it will ONLY be seen across America. Is this just an event that happens every 100 years or more? Or, does this have prophetic meanings? What most people are not aware of is, this is ONLY Phase 1 of America’s Great Solar Eclipse. Phase 2 will happen April 8, 2024, in just 7 years,...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Jul 16, 2017 | True Jews, Uncategorized |
We live in an age where “Alternative Facts” are expected and many times preferred. Truth is not as popular as it used to be, most would rather just not rock the box, prefer not to hear it or take the “simply doesn’t matter” attitude. Humans don’t like change very much. When it comes to changing ‘religious error’ for truth, giving up ‘sacred cows,’ some just can’t do it. They’d rather continuing believing a lie… Veritophobia is considered a mental illness; it is the Fear of truth, of hearing or accepting the truth. For quite many years now I have sounded the alarm about one of the most “sacred errors” among evangelical Christians, every once in a while I find an article that confirms or add more information to what I have researched and known. THE ART OF A DECEPTION The latest DNA scientific studies, showing that the people known as the Jews of Israel and Jews all over the world are, in fact, of Khazar-Khazarian, not Israelite or Hebrew origins. This is backed by the earlier work of historians. These historians found that their scholarly books and reports were immediately attacked by Zionists desperate to maintain the fiction that the Jews could trace their heritage all the way back to Abraham. The Zionists knew the truth, that they are not a race, but a composite of many races. They had to keep up the myth that they were a homogeneous race kept together by religion and community interests for 5,000 years. Only in this way could the Zionist Jews claim to be the seed of Abraham. Only as “Israelites”...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Jul 15, 2017 | Astrology, Uncategorized, Wealth Building |
Some of you have emailed or asked, why we don’t write or speak on Divine Astrology – Astro-Prophecy as often anymore. The short answer is, lack of TIME. However, there are a few messages I have been preparing to release and will soon release from the CNN (Cosmic News Network). We are moving into a very important astronomical and astrological season – July 21 – August 21 will “set up” and “set off” global alarming effects, stemming from decisions made mostly late August 2017 by the present Administration. We will probably get into more details in the next Astro-Prophetic post. It’s good to always pray. A rare 2 New Moons in Leo – July 23 & August 21 @ 28 degrees, with Total Solar Eclipse. Gonna be interesting the following 7 months to say the least. We have been writing about Uranus since March 2011, before it entered the house of Aries (March 11, 2011). Eye prophesied weeks before; that a Major Earthquake more than 8.0, Global events, Volcano Eruptions and Crustal Displacement would take place on that date- March 11, 2011 with Islands moving out of their place. According to the Astro-Prophetic word of the LORD Eye spoke – March 11, 2011 Japan was hit with a 9.1 Earthquake & Tsunami, Crustal Displacement (island moved out of their places), plus, 3 Volcanoes erupted on the planet. (Original post in our old website -“THE KINGDOM OF URANUS IS AT HAND“) How could I have known that weeks in advance to describe accurately what would happen and the exact date? There is a prophetic science of the heavens and there...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Jul 4, 2017 | Uncategorized |
This message, “The Abiding Presence of Christ,” was initially shared in March of 2012 by Mary. Today we are treated with this message again from Mary Aarrestad in Federal Way, Washington. Mary & Ozzie have been in ministry for over 50 years and yet going strong to the best of their abilities; overcoming physical, mental and spiritual challenges. They are my spiritual parents (at least one set of them), they are actually more than “spiritual parents.” We adopted each other long ago, after they attend one of my Mystery School home-fellowships. They have been a part of my life and ministry for many years; we have traveled together and ministered together in many places. When I lived in Washington, barely a week went by that we were not in each others home eating, singing, worshiping, sharing, interceding, and prophesying the word of the Lord. They have even visited and stayed with us here in Arizona many times. My boys refer to them as, “our grandparents.” (I am sure you will see our family resemblance in the photo below-San Diego School of Prophets 2013 -Mary & Ozzie ministered prophetically) Be encouraged by this comforting word the Father has given Mary of His abiding presence. Also, keep them in prayer for their health and mental clarity to be sustained. ——————————————————————– Lately, the importance of the Christ abiding in the members of His Body has been made more real to me. There is no substitute for Him. In John 14 the disciples were very troubled because Jesus said, “I go away to prepare a place for you, but I will come again...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Jun 26, 2017 | Aliens & UFO's |
It’s been quite a while since I wrote or commented directly on “Extraterrestrial” or “Alien Life,” besides sharing some of the abundance of information given in the Bible occasionally. This is a subject that I have been intrigued with since a child. There has always been a knowing within me that there has to be others out there. I suppose this innate knowledge was cultivated by my love for reading ‘Enquirer Magazines’ growing up. I clearly remember being in my early teens years standing in the middle of the floor on a Sunday night stunned watching the news. There had been many minor accidents on Union Ave. (Memphis, TN) that evening during good weather. People were excitedly reporting that a UFO flew over, swooping down quite close to traffic. This caused a series of accidents, as startled people took their eyes off the road to look at the craft. I have had many sightings, especially, as a young adult and nearly always while in the presence of other people. Unfortunately, it is taught in Christianity that all these beings are demonic. Just as with the human race, there are some evil people and some some good; so it is with many of the alien races. We have a problem with their appearance and demonize them. Consider, some of these being are thousands and possibly hundreds of thousands of years old-based in Earth solar cycle. Also, consider, the 1st rank of the angelic look like serpents/dragons-they are the closest to the Throne Room. They are the Seraphim. Being able to discern will be necessary to avoid deception or entertaining angels...
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