Don’t Get STD’s – Spiritual Transmitted Diseases (demons)

Don’t Get STD’s – Spiritual Transmitted Diseases (demons)

Not long ago, I was invited to a Prayer Meeting at a Church. I normally enjoy the corporate prayers of the righteous agreeing on one thing, shouting out declarations with intense emotions and Spirit-filled. I have always loved communing with the Creator since my adolescent years and I must say that I commune – pray daily. However, I must also confess that I don’t pray nearly as much as I would like to in focused, uninterrupted, fervent, devil binding, totally caught up in/with Him types of prayer. I pray as I drive, wash dishes, laundry, shop, shower, watch a movie and also totally un-distracted alone time with Him. The Prayer Meeting was going well and the Holy Spirit was moving, at least for me, as we prayed earnestly to be the Christ example, prayed for suffering people in the church, etc. Then a young woman decided now was the time to pray for our nation and Israel. “Israel first, the Jew first, then the gentile,” she shouted, with tears in her eyes and a quivering voice. My pacing the floor bare feet as energy (spirit) increases is normally how I like to pray during these types of prayer meetings came to a standstill. Netanyahu the psychopathic mass murder, whom I prefer to call Satanyahu was exalted to sainthood and prayer was offered for him to be empowered to totally crush the evil Palestinian terrorists and take their land. After some time, the frail blond young woman prayed for the “installed” President Trump. To my shock and surprise, she led the prayer with great fervor that ALL the LIES about...
Prophetic Update – Spring 2017

Prophetic Update – Spring 2017

“Also of the sons of Issachar men of understanding, that knew all times to order what Israel should do, two hundred principal men: and all the rest of the tribe followed their counsel.” 1 Chronicles 12:32 Douay-Rheims Bible “Then the king said to the wise men who understood the times– for it was the custom of the king so to speak before all who knew law and justice..” Esther 1:13 KJV “But Jesus replied, “When evening comes, you say, ‘The weather will be fair, for the sky is red;’ and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but not the signs of the times!” Matthew 16:3 Can we actually discern the signs of the times? Do we have the ability to see and know by the Spirit events of the future? Does the Holy Spirit yet reveal times, dates and seasons major events will be taking place on the planet, or in our nation that could affect us all? Is the Creator actually concerned or even aware of political, social or religious issues and challenges we face today? The answer to all those questions is a resounding, “YES!” For decades Eye have posted prophetic words of events that would be happening in our nation, cities, and other nations. Sometimes Eye have given the exact dates and time within several hours ranged, months or weeks before the event took place. Spirit reveals for several reasons: If it is something negative or devastating, it is revealed to give us a chance to pray...
Churches Have Become ‘Prostitutes to Politics’

Churches Have Become ‘Prostitutes to Politics’

How refreshing it is to hear men or women of God with a huge platform “get real” and tell the ‘politically incorrect’ truth. Bishop T. D. Jakes says, “Churches Have Become ‘Prostitutes to Politics.'” Last weekend, I was speaking at the School of the Prophets @ Christ Revealed Embassy, near Baltimore, Maryland; I stated the same things. Of course, this was not the first time I stated that, for most of my ministry, I have shouted that. Here is what the Bishop said, “”The problem that the church finds is that we find ourselves having to hook our wagon to one political side or the other, when the truth of the matter is we don’t totally agree with either side about everything,” he explained. “We end up with debris or contamination—when we attach our identity to either [party] and act like this is God’s choice for the body of Christ,” he said. Watch the video clips of the debate and read the rest of the CBN article at this link: Prostitutes To Politics Here is a video clip of me speaking @ the School of the Prophets in Mitchellville, Maryland – 5/6/17 (SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL – WE WILL SOON BE ADDING VIDEO CLIPS AND FULL VIDEOS FREQUENTLY – GET THE NOTIFICATIONS FOR THE LATEST VIDEOS) Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...
Jacob’s Ladder – Part 2

Jacob’s Ladder – Part 2

(This is part 2 of a the original message initially share and spoken around 1998-99, slightly edited. To better understand this message it is best to first read/study Jacob’s Ladder – Part 1) Problems in WordPress Program might prevent your Browser from seeing some images below until it is repaired. “And Jacob dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it. And, behold, the LORD stood above it…” Genesis 28:12-13a Jacob was in trouble, family problems he created through deception and he was running away from the problems, instead of facing them. He was tired, depressed and just wanted to have a good sleep. We have all been there before and can identify with what he was feeling. I am sure part of him wished he could just disappear, or take the wings of the morning and fly away into the heavens. His mind in rewind mode projecting onto the screen of his consciousness the images that had led him to this place, with full audio in effect, he feel asleep. He got his inner wish, to escape from this present reality and experience the heaven, a higher reality. We ended yesterday’s message with the understanding that Jacob’s dream about a ladder that reached from earth to heaven, was more than just a dream. It was more than a product of a stress, fear, and depression; Jacob had a divine encounter. Oftentimes in the darkest moments of our life, feeling alone, empty, self-hating, and good for nothing; God shows...
Jacob’s Ladder – Part 1

Jacob’s Ladder – Part 1

It was in the late 1990’s, when Eye led a home-meeting that developed into what was called the Mystery School in Seattle, Washington. For more than a decade, we had many amazing encounters with the Most High, as people literally found us from all over the world. There was something very special about that era, it was during that time the Holy Spirit began to unlock my mind to the realm of spiritual-science, or as I sometimes refer to it as, Divine Science. It was often after many hours of intense worship, prayer, or just “soaking” under the power on the floor, with a CD in loop mode that amazing encounters and revelations took place. All that attended and were a part of those meetings testified of the supernatural, as we engaged the Spirit corporately every Friday night or sometimes Saturday night for many years. It was out of that era and those experiences (3) books were birth, TribeOscope – Prophetic Empowerment – Christian Alternative to Secular Astrology, Serpent Brain – Transforming the Carnal Mind, and Secrets of the Cherubim – A Journey Into the Heavens (currently out of print). There was a flood of revelation knowledge released, as the long forgotten mystical aspects of the Bible was revealed. Of course, it challenged the current paradigm that most of religion (man search for God outside himself) taught and many were so entrenched in and many yet are. The label “New Ager” was whispered or spoken loudly in a derogatory sense toward me and those who followed everywhere we went. I must admit, it was sometime fun watching religious spirits...