Mystery of Resurrection

Mystery of Resurrection

We live in a universe where nothing dies and there is really no death. We use the words dead, die and death to only try to define how someone, the very essence of who they are has escaped from this reality into a reality that we know very little about. It is usually not until what we call death, that most realize that we are not necessarily our physical body. How often have we stood over a body in a hospital room or at a memorial service and said, he or she is gone? Yet there is the body and likeness of that loved one that can be touched, photographed and even held right before us. Nevertheless, whether a person is religious, spiritual or not; there is that innate knowledge; that the person is not there. The physical body was the house the real person used until it was broken down and could perform no more, or the body was taken by accident or violence. PRINCIPLE OF RESURRECTION There has been a belief in the power of resurrection since humans came to be and the belief is valid. We were not created to die and if one happens to experience that, he or she yet lives on beyond the 3 dimensional world. The loosening from the physical form is a type of resurrection within itself. The word resurrection from the Greek New Testament means, to stand up again. The principle of resurrection is laid out throughout nature and even with the seasons of the year. One of the easiest ways for me to understand it was in the seed...
Prophet Daniel the Dragon Slayer – Part 9

Prophet Daniel the Dragon Slayer – Part 9

(This is the last article of our Dragon series, at least for now. Please SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM of the page and click the links to start your Dragon Journey from the beginning.) I believe that every subject or question humans have can be found in the compiled books we call Bible, even the most bizarre and fantastic ones. Humans are basically the same as we have been for thousands of years. However, to solve some of the riddles or determine if the Bible addresses some of the bizarre subjects; one might have to study the words from the original languages of the Bible. It is no coincidence that we are dealing with this subject on “dragons” at this time. This morning, while in the Waiting Room/area for my sons yearly “Well Child Check-up,” my attention was drawn to the TV that was on CNN. They were showing the MOAB weapon (bomb) that was dropped on Afghanistan yesterday. As the reporter talked about the intricate levels of caves, complex tunnels and mazes that were destroyed; my over active imagination or visions kicked into gear. Had they discovered another family of giants, Nephilim or other world creatures they want to keep out of the public’s view? I thought. The last time I had those thoughts, flashes about that region was in the early 2000’s. I posted them on a webpage and stated it would be reported and validated by foreign news. Months later, it was leaked and other whistle-blowers have come forth since, reporting a red-haired giants was killed by US forces after several were attacked and killed by the...
White Dragon Society – Part 8

White Dragon Society – Part 8

“I will open my mouth… I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.” Matthew 13:35 (For a clearer understanding of what we are sharing, scroll to the end of this article for previous articles in this Dragon series, Parts 1- 7) WHITE DRAGON SOCIETY GIVES A DEADLINE As a global society, and even our solar system community; we are entering into a very interesting period of time. It is a time of Light & darkness magnified. We see this scenario played out in the daily news in every aspect of our life, especially, in the religious and political worlds. We get to choose which will be our experience, darkness or light. Darkness does a very good job masquerading as Light, so much so many that claim to follow the Light have accepted it. In this message, I want to share some thoughts on the esoteric side of the topic, which further confirms our (7) Dragon series listed below. If you have gotten to this point in the Dragon series, you wont be shocked about our understanding of literal Dragon bloodlines that’s verifiable in your Bible from Genesis chapter 3 and other places. We often time take for granted the many symbols are around us which are speaking extremely loud messages that relate to a forgotten ancient past. These symbols hold special powers for those who believe in them. These powers are energies can be transferred or used as powerful weapons of control, for good or evil upon all whole pledge allegiance to them, even unknowingly. They are like sidereal or powerful occultic...
Dragon In The Matrix – Part 7

Dragon In The Matrix – Part 7

“I will open my mouth… I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.” Matthew 13:35 (For a clearer understanding of what we are sharing, scroll to the end of the article for previous messages in this Dragon series Parts 1- 6) I think most of you are familiar with the movie, “The Matrix.” It yet remains one of my favorite films (trilogy) of all times, if not my favorite. For those of you who may be new to our work, we often show how Hollywood uses Predictive Programming in movies. The Matrix story-line goes somewhat like this: Humanity was on the verge of becoming free and the matrix that had controlled humans was about to be destroyed. Ancient systems of control don’t give up easily and there is always heavy sacrifice and loss of life; when humans protest successfully against the system. In the film, an awakening was taking place, accurately describing what’s happening on the planet now. I am sure that if asked, who was the most important character in the movie, most would say, NEO. Neo was a Messiah figure that was awakened to save the world and he was also very important. In the second installment, “Matrix Reloaded,” it is revealed which character was most important. This is not to take anything from Neo’s role, but it is a powerful lesson and ancient principle that rings truth for today. The world system (matrix) is crumbling before our eyes. Look here in our nation. People expected their favorite Liar that they voted for to save them and be different. Thus...
Dragons In Sumer – Part 6

Dragons In Sumer – Part 6

“I will open my mouth… I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.” Matthew 13:35 (For a clearer understanding of what we are sharing, scroll to the end of the article for previous messages in this Dragon series Parts 1- 5) The stories are basically the same, as we move from continent to continents. Every major culture have stories about Dragons or Reptilian people visiting Earth. Intelligent life forms can be found throughout the vast universe, multi-verses and dimensions of existence. Just in the past few months, scientists have discovered many planets similar to Earth outside our solar system. There are an estimated 300 billion galaxies out there, each galaxy is estimated to have 300 billions Suns. Each of those Suns have an unknown number of planets orbiting them. Intelligent life exist not only in other galaxies and solar systems, but also right here in our own solar system. However, the intelligent life forms are not all humanoid in appearance. Our planet Earth is probably one of the few planets that judge intelligent life by outward appearances. TYCHE IS NIBIRU Most have heard of the elusive Planet X that was first discovered by astronomers in the 1980’s, they later retracted their findings. Then, recently most have heard about Nibiru, the 10th planet according to ancient Sumerian text. Finally, around 2011 astronomers admitted again to the finding of a new 10th Planet on the edge of our solar system in the Oort Cloud (cloud of comets beyond Pluto). It is 4x the mass of Jupiter and can fit 5300 Earths inside it. (Just...