And Jesus Said Unto Paul of Ryan….

And Jesus Said Unto Paul of Ryan….

A woman who had been bleeding for 12 years came up behind Jesus and touched his clothes in hope of a cure. Jesus turned to her and said: “Fear not. Because of your faith, you are now healed.” Then spoke Pious Paul of Ryan: “But teacher, is that wise? When you cure her, she learns dependency. Then the poor won’t take care of themselves, knowing that you’ll always bail them out! You must teach them personal responsibility!” They were interrupted by 10 lepers who stood at a distance and shouted, “Jesus, have pity on us.” “NO!” shouted Pious Paul. “Jesus! You don’t have time. We have a cocktail party fund-raiser in the temple. And don’t worry about them — they’ve already got health care access.” Jesus turned to Pious Paul, puzzled. “Why, they can pray for a cure,” Pious Paul explained. “I call that universal health care access.” Jesus turned to the 10 lepers. “Rise and go,” he told them. “Your faith has made you well.” Then he turned back to Pious Paul, saying, “Let me tell you the story of the good Samaritan. “A man was attacked by robbers who stripped him of clothes, beat him and left him half dead. A minister passed down this same road, and when he saw the injured man, he crossed to the other side and hurried on. So did a rich man who claimed to serve God. But then a despised Samaritan came by and took pity on the injured man. He bandaged his wounds and put the man on his own donkey and paid an innkeeper to nurse him to...
7 (Feminine) Pillars of Wisdom

7 (Feminine) Pillars of Wisdom

  [This message/article was first spoken, written and posted on our website in 2001, March 4.  It seems like only a short time ago.  Divine Mother Wisdom yet calls to her children to come and partake of the Infinite Mind and Power she has to offer.  We have taught Wisdom’s  Pillars of Proverbs 9 on several levels in the past; astrological, metaphysical, esoteric Spirits of God and other hidden truth…lets experience this level of it here.] DIVINE POLARITY In this writing Eye want to share insight given by the Holy Spirit about the 7 (Feminine) – Pillars of Wisdom. The 7- Pillars are also masculine, it takes both sides to build Wisdom’s house. First of all, it is important to realize that true wisdom builds. She may take some things away that we thought we needed, and may force us to leave the comfort zone, but ultimately it is to build us up. Wisdom is the Divine Feminine expression of the Creator; the likeness is male and female. Genesis 1:26-27 It is by this expression that the earth came into being, kings rule, and humans experience favor from the Lord. The Creator is not a single parent, but He is both Father and Mother. Many years ago Eye heard the Spirit say, “My children are rebellious, filled with anger, disappointments, and drunk with their own doctrines and out of balance. They hang out in gangs (Churches) on the street corners, they are constantly fighting and destroying one another over petty doctrines. They are recognized by their legalistic outward dress and language, and are quick to judge others that don’t abide by their rules. They don’t...
Trump’s Tremendous Sermon on the Mount

Trump’s Tremendous Sermon on the Mount

Is it possible I am having a change of heart about Trump? For those of you who think I only post negative things about Trump, by the way, which were all true; here’s something different. I am sure all my super-sensitive conservative readers will be very proud of me, I can feel your smiles already. “The Lord is my shepherd. OK? Totally. Big league. He is a tremendous shepherd. The best. No comparison. I know more than most people about herding sheep. And that’s why I won the election in a landslide and it’s why my company is doing very very well. Because He said, “I’m with you, Donald. You will never want.” So we were on this green pasture by the still waters and He said, “Lie down.” I said, “Lie down?” He said, “Lie down.” And He made me lie down. Right there in the pasture. So I lie down. People are so surprised that I lie down — “Oh, he’s lying down.” But He’s my shepherd. Great shepherd. Not just good. Great. It was right there that I thought, “This is going to be a tremendous golf course. Terrific greens. Plenty of water. And it is. Everybody who plays it comes away saying, “That is the greatest course in the entire world.” Everybody. So He was saying to me, Blessed are the deal-makers for theirs is the kingdom. Big time. Blessed are they who scorn: for they shall be comfortable. Blessed is machismo for it wins again and again. Blessed are they who are persecuted by the dishonest press for they shall continue down the paths...
PISCES the Fishes

PISCES the Fishes

In Tropical Astrology, the Sun moves into Pisces February 19 and stays until March 20 in the divine order of the heavens. Pisces is portrayed in the heavenly constellation of stars as 2 Fishes tied together moving in opposite directions. Pisces is the 12th house or mansion of the Zodiac (circle of animals, Way, path of the Sun) in the heavens. It is a Feminine sign and the element is Water. In the divine order of the heavens, the Zodiac energy alternates from masculine to feminine, starting with Aries and ending with Pisces. Each of the Zodiac signs are ruled by planetary energies that exerts influence upon those born while the Sun is in that particular sign house, as well as upon the inhabitants of the earth, when the Sun yearly moves into it. Pisces is ruled by Neptune and it’s lesser planetary governor is Jupiter. Genesis 1:16 tells us that the Elohim Company made the heavenly orbs to “rule,” from the Hebrew, it means to Govern over the day and night. Just as the Sun and Moon are the Celestial Prophetic Governors, so are the planets. According to Genesis 1, they are to give light, the Hebrew words mean illumination; cause the face to shine or glow. Each of the Zodiac signs have 3 sub-constellations, also called decans or faces. The more we understand about the heavens and our connection to the constellations, the more we will become illuminated. God’s glory will literally beam from our face. How is this possible? One will realize that he is the Sun, the Moon, the Constellations and even the Zodiac. Sun...
Discerning the Times

Discerning the Times

**THIS PAGE WILL BE UPDATED FREQUENTLY WITH NEWS LINKS TO SHOW THE ACCURACY OF THE DATED PROPHETIC WORD DELIVERED FEBRUARY 15, 2017 – CHECK BACK OFTEN- WE WILL ONLY CHOOSE A FEW OF RELEVANT WORLD EVENT**** “And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding (discernment, knowledge) of the times (seasons, prophetic times), to know (perception, discernment) what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.” 1 Chronicles 12:32 The Sun is moving very quickly through the heavens and in 4 days it will be rising in Pisces. We are on the cusp of a Major Shift on the planet that will make things more Intense, as we are forced to deal with life, because it will be in our/your face. You will see things continue to intensify globally as everything is already accelerating. As you see the acceleration of things in the natural (world events, political arena), know that there is also an acceleration of things in the spirit and Kingdom of God. We are moving into another season and the seasons and times of the day we have come to shall be short. No longer will you see long seasons of events and situations in your personal life (illnesses, disappointments, major disruptions in relationships, and lack), the seasons shall come and go. This season or shift in consciousness officially begins when the Sun moves into Pisces (February 19) and will last through the end of Taurus, until early June. World events are heating up and shall come to a boiling point. The pressure...