by Order Of Melchizedek | Feb 6, 2017 | Uncategorized |
“Say among the nations, The Lord reigns, let the heavens rejoice…let the earth be glad.” Psalms 96:10-11 This has been our declaration throughout the year. It is so wonderful to know that God is in control and that we must not keep silent. Despite of the oppression, corruption, and injustice of the leaders that abuse their positions; the Lord reigns. Despite of the crimes, wars, racial conflicts, economical and spiritual crisis; the Lord reigns. Therefore, we will rejoice and be glad. Hallelujah! I would like to share part of a Vision and Word given by the Spirit in late November 1997, while waiting for a Word from the Lord to share at a speaking engagement. This vision revelation was given to me over a period of 2 days. During my time of worship and meditation the Spirit began to speak to me about the holy anointing oil of Exodus 30:22-33. As I opened my Bible, my attention was drawn to the number of ingredients used to make this holy anointing oil, then to the spices used. The spirit of revelation was released within me and Eye saw a vision of some people mixing the ingredients very carefully and skillfully. Eye could sense the sweetness of the spices (not smelling them at first), and at times the sensing was so strong that it tickled my nose to the point of me literally sneezing. The vision then changed, the holy anointing oil was completed and ready to be used. Eye saw what appeared as Aaron the first high priest of the Old Testament and a hand began to lavishly pour this...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Jan 29, 2017 | Eye See, Uncategorized |
I once was sort of complaining to a friend of mine about the messages I receive, that many times disturb people. She told me, “It’s hard to wake someone up without disturbing them.” But shouldn’t we respect the sleep of others? That unconscious, unaware, oblivious, tranquil looking state that most are snuggled, cozy and satisfied in…should it be disturbed? Eyes closed, snoring, detached from reality, motionless between two worlds, as the smell of smoke fills the house from the unseen fire silently growing and burning…shouldn’t they be disturbed? Or, do we out of respect for their privacy allow them to breath in the fumes from the smoke, putting them in yet a deeper peaceful sleep…a sleep that they will never awaken from in this world? Hear this word: EYE WATCH THEM SLEEP Eye sit and watch, sometimes from a distance and sometimes close up, People sleeping, some snoring; tossing and turning – but can’t wake themselves up- Eye stand and watch, sometimes from a distance and sometimes near, People motionless, passionless sleeping-some having nightmares, filled with fear. In the disappointment, the yelling, and a plethora of noisy sounds, Yet sleeping, selfishly enjoying the illusions all around- In the chaos, pain, injustice, screaming and fleeting breaths of despair, Yet sleeping, comforted and cozy, covered without a care. Eyes tightly shut to blot out the light of reality you’ve convinced yourself is not real, Escape from a sense of humanity, by creating and believing a false gospel- Eyes closed so tight – assured to remain in an eternal night, Accepting and defending ‘Alternative Facts’ to substitute wrong for right. Sleeping! As...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Jan 22, 2017 | Astrology, Uncategorized |
Earlier this evening I was in meditation, trying to discern the meaning of the Women Marching. Literally, millions, over 3 million and counting as I write. I was also alerted by the Spirit that there was a celestial component to this, so I began to look to the stars and found it. Nothing, absolutely nothing happens on the planet, without the heavens first declaring it. Though in most cases humans are oblivious to the fact that we are unconsciously being influenced by the heavens. WISDOM is Rising is what Eye heard. Sophia is making her voice and presence known and is right on time. Some months back, I shared a message and in the message, I briefly wrote about the importance of feminine energy being strategically placed on the planet at this time in our history. This is partially through women in power, to bring balance, lest we bring ourselves closer and faster to the brink of extinction. This goes beyond what we know of as Political Parties. I am speaking in a mystery about energy. In understanding the times and seasons of things, male and female types of energies are important and even necessary for the preservation of the planet and human life. Too much masculine energy creates confusion, a perversion of power, the inability to pro-create, and give birth to something new. The same happens when there is too much feminine energy. He that hath an Eye to see, let him see. It is not just a fad, a group of feminist or baby killers wanting to usurp the place of a man. You are seeing something...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Jan 20, 2017 | Uncategorized |
I was taught in Church long ago and have heard throughout the years, that every king, president, ruler or government is put in place by the Almighty. “Promotion comes from God.” “The heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord and he turns it.” “God sets one up and pulls another down.” These are some of the Scripture verses widely used to justify that theology. In the distant past, I have repeated the same thing, as I was told. As we grow in Grace and in the Knowledge of the Christ and His thinking (consciousness), we learn to let go of “childish” thinking, beliefs and behaviors. We realize some things we were taught were not true. In fact, there were many kings that were not anointed or chosen by God. Did God really raise up an openly wicked, bigot, vile, sex predator, perverted, arrogant person to lead this so called, “Christian” nation and the world…the man that most Christians support? Was this God’s choice or the people’s choice? We understand the Sovereignty of God in all things, but we also understand the measure of “free will” and “choice” the Father allows His people. Isn’t it possible that God will allow Illegitimate Rulers (kings, presidents, etc) that He did not choose, but the people who should have known better chose?? Could there be 500 billion reasons why someone manipulated the election for Trump to win and none of them was God? Could it be that Trump is only a mirror image of what’s in the hearts of most of those that claim to know JESUS? In the...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Jan 10, 2017 | Eye See |
“But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes someone’s life, that person’s life will be taken because of their sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood.” “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me.” Ezekiel 33:6-7 This is the type of message I am always reluctant to share. For nearly two-decades Eye have used this forum, our website to openly and accurately announce events shown to me that would affect our nation, sometimes a specific region, city or other nations. Over the years, we have sometimes given the month, date and approximate time according too that specific time zone the event (natural disaster, air crash, terrorist attack, etc) would be taking place. As Eye often say and have demonstrated over the years, prophesy is not given to Only show us what shall be, but to give us the opportunity To Change, Limit, or sometime Prevent it. Prayer with faith is yet powerful. VISION On the morning, January 10th between 5:30 am – 6:00 am, the hand of the Yahweh was upon me, as I was taken out in the Spirit of Yahweh. I don’t know what city I was in and usually when I have these types of visions I am in them experiencing the emotions, drama and sometime the physical impact of the event, but it does not mean that I will be in it when it occurs or near...
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