Year of the Cock – 2017

Year of the Cock – 2017

It’s 2017! Oh my God, didn’t 2016 do a number on most of us? Does anyone else feel they were sliced, diced, battered, salted and put in the oven turned on high by life events? Thank God the timer went off and we were taken out and declared, “Well Done.” Did you notice how fast people, and celebrities were leaving the planet (dying) as the year came to an end? But you are yet here. You have a purpose for yet being here, when so many around you were taken. I normally would have this portion of the New Year 2017 message out by now, but I was waiting to see if President Obama would have a delayed exit of the White House before the transition, due to some… event. Nevertheless, whether the transition is delayed, or not I will share some more thoughts and prophetic insights regarding 2017. In October, Eye already spoke into this year in our message called, “YEAR 5777 – PROPHETIC” WHAT WAS UP WITH 2016???!! Looking back before looking ahead. I managed to piss more people off unintentionally and intentionally with Truth and Facts than ever before. Of course, I must admit, I was less patient than normal, and sometime enjoyed telling arrogant people off. I am sure I was probably the only one feeling all the tension, pressure and automatically reacting. 🙂 But why was 2016 so messed-up for so many of us? Sometimes I forget what I preach and prophesy about. From late 2015-2016, Eye spoke about Saturn’s movements would expose what’s in our heart. I found out my tolerance level for...
Visions of God

Visions of God

“In the beginning of the year the hand of the LORD was upon me. In the visions of God brought he me into the land of Israel, and set me upon a very high mountain.” Ezekiel 40:1-2 Ezekiel, a prophetic priest had been taken into captivity along with many other Judahites into the land of Babylon. He had been in captivity for 25 years to the date, many of his people had become discouraged and could no longer sing the songs of Zion and some had hung their harps on the willows. It seemed like God wasn’t able to fulfill His promised and things appeared to have gone from bad to worse for many. He was surrounded by Discouragement, Distress, Depression and Discontent; however, his surroundings did not greatly affect him. While others were seeing negative things, no hope, no answer to prayers, and longing to go home; he was having Visions of God under an open heaven. Are there Unfulfilled Dreams, and Unreached Goals from years past? Are you watching how fast the days are going and wondering if you will ever fulfill the things in your heart? “Where there is no vision (prophetic insight) the people perish (become loose, uncovered, go in circles, without restraint), but he that keeps the law, happy is he.” Proverbs 29:18 VISION JOURNEY Ezekiel was far away from the ‘Promised Land’ by natural standards, however, the power of vision transported him to his promised land. I don’t know what God has promised you, or the Goals and Dreams of your heart. Nevertheless, I have been sent to tell you that if you...
Immortality Is Scientifically  Possible

Immortality Is Scientifically Possible

Many years ago when I lived in Canada, I was nick-named, “the Never-Die Preacher.” Some people actually made fun of my messages because they were not the traditional, “get saved, live holy, die and go to heaven” messages. Rather, it was LIVE and heaven will come to you and there is no need to physically die. “Stop Dying!!” I shouted and yet passionately shout to audiences today. Often other ministers and people would assume that I was afraid of death and asked me, “Why are you afraid to die, furthermore, you are so young?” they’d say. I was in my early 20’s in human years and had received a revelation on immortality during my late teens. It was on an early Sunday evening after a big Sunday meal and fellowship, I went up to my room to meditate and recovery from overeating. (I shall never forget my last meal of meats-spaghetti with huge spicy-hot meatballs, steak and deserts) As I laid on my bottom bunk bed, a vision came before me while awake. It was as if I was watching a screen. (It was not due to the super spicy meatballs) I heard things I had never heard, thoughts things I had never thought, saw things I had never seen, and was taken out in the Spirit of the Lord. When the vision was finished, I had had a paradigm shift. I did not have all the language to utter what I had witnessed or heard, but I knew without a doubt the physical body did not have to die. I knew that one could become so filled with...
So Who SENT Trump…?

So Who SENT Trump…?

Truth can sometimes be frightening, some choose to not see truth even if it flashes in neon. “Who sent “The Don”? When a mafiosi suddenly shows up and makes a splash – rubs somebody out, moves in on one of the rackets – the cognoscenti ask: Who sent him? That is the question we should have been asking about career mafia front-man Donald Trump many, many months ago. Actually, here at Veterans Today, we WERE asking. The rest of you should be asking: Why was Trump’s mafia background completely blacked out of both the mainstream and pseudo-alternative media? Why was Veterans Today practically alone in harping on it, day after day, fighting an uphill battle against the Trump kool aid drinkers? Come on, people! This whole Trump thing didn’t “just happen.” “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt What will the Alt Right and others think when they realize Trump is owned by Netanyahu and the Mossad? What if he is everything the Christians thoughts they were escaping from? So far, it seems like we have been forced and tricked into an alternate reality, where will it lead if we stay in it? Was 11/9 our new 9/11? The Simpsons show not only told you who would be elected President, but they nearly “predicted” the Electoral Map…16 years ago. As Trump announced, “The election is Rigged!!” When the creators of the Simpson Trump episode was interviewed on CNN about the year 2000- they said, “IT WAS A WARNING TO AMERICA.” Think!! You have people that...
Fall Prophetic Update 2016

Fall Prophetic Update 2016

“Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, before he reveals his secret unto his servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7 You must understand this verse above does not mean everything that happens in the world, the Lord Yahweh has done it. It means, nothing is allowed to happen on the planet or anywhere in the universe without Yahweh first sharing it with His servants, the prophets. The Creator loves to talk to those who have the ability to listen. He loves sharing secrets with those whom He has an intimate relationship with. Isn’t that exciting??!! The prophets see it, hear it, sense it or experience it and say it in agreement with Spirit. Then it comes to be. Of course, some things can be changed through prayer. People often ask me why would the Holy Spirit or God give me foreknowledge about things in space, weather, government, or celebrities etc., and not just about what’s happening in the “Church” – religious world. My answer is, it depends on your Relationship with Him. If your relationship limits the Holy Spirit to only revealing things that can be foreseen in someone’s personal life or a religious group…that’s all He will reveal. If your relationship allows God to be God in all realms, the EYE will be able to see in All realms. What a wonderful opportunity we have to be given INside knowledge about events and Not to Worry or Fret about negative world situations. Let God Arise in You. CELEBRITY PROPHETIC NEWS UPDATE FROM NOVEMBER 6, 2015 November 6, 2015 of last year Eye saw a vision of Kanye West, the...