by Order Of Melchizedek | Aug 28, 2016 | Uncategorized |
The government and media have the power to make us believe anything they want us to believe. If we are not discerning or have a desire for truth, we will easily become prey to deception and propaganda. Over the years we have shared intuitively and non corporate media news facts of what’s really happening there. After listening to the testimonies and report of the Peace Council, you might realize what you thought you knew for sure about Syria just aint so. “It’s not what we don’t know that gets us into trouble. What gets us into trouble is what we think we know for sure, that just aint so.” Mark Twain Watch the Press Conference below & share it with others: US PEACE COUNCIL – THERE IS NO CIVIL WAR IN SYRIA Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Aug 26, 2016 | Eye See, Uncategorized |
This is a Prophetic Review update. We will look back over mostly prophetic words Eye released a bit over 5 months ago on the Spring Equinox. I actually wanted to wait until the Fall Equinox before doing this follow-up, due to many changes and shifting in the Spirit realm, we will look at things now. I am often asked why I make bold predictions or prophesy in a public forum about national or international events, or what if it does not happen. Scripture tells us that prophecy should be presented in a way so that it can be judged, also so that unbelievers can realize there is a Higher Power/God that yet speaks and will served Him. The words below were posted March 20, 2016 are from SAYINGS OF A SEER– Events that would take place 6-9 months or so from March. The fulfillment/verification will be posted following each prophetic word “Over the next 6-9 months you will see things never before seen in our generation, as unseen hands seek to steer this nation into violence, chaos and unrest. I. “EYE SEE A SUMMER VIRUS OUTBREAK – I don’t know if this will be the revitalizing of the ZIKA Virus (Baby Head Shrinking Virus) or another one. Fear will be in the air.” HURRICANE OR HEAVY RAIN COULD SPREAD FLORIDA’S ZIKA OUTBREAK 8/25/16 (There are at least 14 people infected with Zika in Florida. 13,000 in Puerto Rico and millions in Brazil. The Zika virus is mutating and affecting not only pregnant women, but men brain cells, nervous system and causing paralysis. Zika can now be transmitted through sexual...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Aug 24, 2016 | Uncategorized |
Yesterdays blog we mentioned one of David’s mystical instruments called, Alamoth. The Bible shows us about 8 specific instruments that were to be used with various psalms. I call them mystical instruments due to the meanings behind the names and intent. Sound along with lyrics and intent created a range of effects using these instruments; from blessings to judgements. We have had many experiences in the past, with the power of music (sound technology) and learning to channel those frequencies to achieve a specific goal. One does not necessarily have to know how to play an instrument to be able to direct the frequencies. Many times in the past, while traveling mostly in foreign lands, the Spirit would give me a chord and Eye instructed the skilled musicians to play in that specific chord. We saw unbelievable miraculous manifestations take place by becoming one with the sound. Become the instrument (Alamoth) or sound. (Many of the miracles we used to posted on our Missions page in the old website). ANCIENT SOUND TECHNOLOGY REVIVED Several years ago, I was one of the speakers at a Prophetic Conference. I shared the stage with a well known Televangelist that Pastors mega-Churches in England and Europe, etc. If I’d mentioned his name, he would be easy to recognized because he was often on TBN TV. He travels with his musician, an organist. The musician from London is not only skilled and highly anointed, but very educated and has lots of degrees in music. After that Sunday morning meeting, we went out for lunch. The musician had questions about the technology behind my TribeOscope...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Aug 22, 2016 | Uncategorized |
Treasures trapped in the old website are yet being rediscovered and released into this one. Alamoth-the Song of the Virgins is our present day experience that was revealed many years ago to me. It was when I lived in Washington State, that revelation flowed like an avalanche of sweet honey daily. I was often caught up in ecstatic ecstasy of drunken enlightenment, twirling in visions until twilight. My house had literally become the house of prayer of all nations; as people found their way to it from various parts of the world. Some traveled because they had heard that something supernatural was happening. Others were sent there as refugees by World Relief from war torn nations, needing a temporary refuge. Yet others came straight from jail, drug rehab centers, Churches or Mosque. Straights, gays, lesbians, hermaphrodite, old, young and even a psychiatric ward escapee. True story, a beautiful young woman once escaped a nearby mental hospital and showed up on my porch barely clothed in the winter. Pavel, my Russian brother answered the door, as I was upstairs in my office/prayer room. Due to his shock and little English, he called me to come down quickly to see the sight. I asked the young woman how I could help, realizing she was in some type of distress. She stated, “The Voice led me here to asked for the one that lives in the top level of this house.” As I noticed her hospital wrist band and partial hospital garb, I invited her in and said, “that would be me.” According to her, she had not slept in several days,...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Aug 21, 2016 | DNA & Science, Health |
Over a decade ago I was teaching at a School of Prophets meeting and while I was speaking, I had a revelation. Eye saw that the ages (numbers-digits) given in the genealogy of the descendants of Adam in Genesis are codes for frequencies that will be discovered and used in our time in both positive and negative ways. As I taught, Eye went off into a prophetic word of what Eye saw. I don’t remember most of the prophetic word, besides “the Spirit strongly urging us to pay close attention to the ages give in the Bible genealogical record. Spirit said these are hidden codes for frequencies that would be used in both positive and negative ways in the future as technology advances.” For a short time afterward, I started to research the hertz and megahertz of frequencies, looking for matches or near matches recorded in the genealogical records of Bible characters. It was in 2013 that someone that heard me speak sent me a recording to listen to about Smart Meters. Pastor William shared that Smart Meters are on 905 MHZ frequency. This got my attention and brought back to my mind the Word of the Lord I spoke in that conference years prior and the research I gave up long ago. All frequencies resonate with our brain wave pattern and body rhythm to some degree because we are simply made up of and held together by frequencies and sound waves. The Bible clearly states this, “17 And He Himself existed before all things, and in Him all things consist (cohere, are held together). [Prov. 8:22-31.] 18 He...
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