The Sounds of Life – Part II – Darcy Ferneau

The Sounds of Life – Part II – Darcy Ferneau

Shalom All, We finally got the website backed up and restored. In the meantime, please be inspired with Part II of the Sounds of Life by Darcy Ferneau. THE SOUNDS OF LIFE – Part II Let us ask ourselves some basic questions. Are we obstructing the free flow of the energy towards perfection, in our daily living? Is the enlightenment alive in us? Are we living in the light? Perhaps, maybe we just have a form of Godliness and are denying the power thereof? In other words, if we have only “head-knowledge” and do not experience the energy, the vibrating pulsating force working through every cell; then we only have an image of God that “we created.” Locked up in our cells are chemical receptors that have produced some confusion. However, “Blessed are the ‘pure’ in heart for they shall see God.” When we learn how to hear the sounds of life using the laws of harmony, which permeate the whole creation, we shall be free to create that which we thought was unattainable. We are standing at the threshold of a time of compelling change and are becoming more radiant and more empowered each day. Illuminating a completely new dimension, our lives infused with more foreknowledge and limpidity. One illuminating after another is entering our circuitry making it possible for the altering of our DNA. The power that drives our choice into manifestation is that perfect power that already exists in creation. The sound has been noisy and many barriers have kept us apart. Our differences in opinions, and some of our experiences produced a great deal of...
Introduction To Sounds of Life & Part 1 – Darcy Ferneau

Introduction To Sounds of Life & Part 1 – Darcy Ferneau

It was around year 1999-2000, when I got a special phone call from someone I had not met before. I don’t exactly remember how it came about, but there was an immediate connection in the Spirit. I was bumbling around in my garage and stayed in there during the duration of the long call that turned into rich fellowship. It was a time when Spirit was initiating me into some very controversial deep and metaphysical revelations and there were very few people I could talk to that understood and could hear what I was saying. TribeOscope was just about to be released o CD, “Secrets of the Cherubim” book also and Spirit was bombarding me with DNA and Sound Frequency understanding. I am not for sure if Darcy had somehow found my website, or someone that knew me and gave her my number, or both. Well, I wasn’t crazy after all, other people were hearing the same Voice around the same time and that Voice was blowing our minds. We were being given a language to express the manifold wisdom of God not in a language that the Churches we were affiliated with could hear – nor wanted to hear. Nevertheless, the message was liberating and rekindled a hunger for the unadulterated Word of God. Darcy began to share with me about Sound, at that time I was receiving similar revelation from the Spirit and was researching Cymatics, the effect of sound on matter. After some time of fellowship via phone, back and forth; I knew I had to have Prophetess Darcy Ferneau from Okeechobee, Florida come to Seattle,...
White Police Officer Tells Why They Keep Killing Black People

White Police Officer Tells Why They Keep Killing Black People

The problem in our nation is not limited our nation. Statistics around the world shows that there has been an increase in the murder of Black Males in particular, Globally. Is that coincidence? Is that just a bunch of black people whining and complaining about unfair treatment and unjustified murders? Three quarters of the people killed by Police in Rio de Jainero, Brazil are Black. No one is held accountable for nearly 700 people killed in 2015. Police in America kill more people in one day than most countries in one year. In 2015, over 100 unarmed Blacks were murdered. Blacks make up around 12% of the population. Police in the US kill citizens at a rate of over 70 times of other First-World nations. Thank God more people are waking up. Watch this very powerful prophetic video and pray for his safety: Ear Hustle White Police Officer Tells Why They Keep Killing Black People & Uses The Bible Specifically The Book Of Exodus To Explain It Then of course there is the outside force. After the 911 events of the government demolishing the Twin Towers, Building 7 & the Pentagon – much of our Police Force was handed over to Israelis for training. Their training encouraged the use of black men images as target practice and to target black and brown people. This is one of the reasons why our police force look more like the military. Check out related links: Israel Instructing US Police to Murder Blacks 2006 FBI WARNED OF WHITE SUPREMACY GROUPS INFILTRATING LAW ENFORCEMENT Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...


Many years ago when the Father renewed my calling and recommissioned me for ministry, he gave me a specific assignment. I can remember it as if it was just a few days ago. I had come to Seattle to visit my Mom, after traveling in Canada for many months. At that point, my ministry had been mostly evangelistic-prophetic, mostly preaching on the basic, literal stories in the Bible and seeing miraculous signs follow. — Early that particular morning the Voice began to speak, as I laid there seemingly between awake and asleep. Here is one of the main things He told me I was to do, “Educate, Enlighten, Empower and Give My people Permission to THINK.” I came out of the experience thinking how strange that sounded, especially the part, “Give My people permission to THINK.” Nevertheless, I started putting it in our hard copy Newsletters that shortly seemed to evolve into deeper revelatory prophetic messages – “We give you permission to Think.” Later as I discovered the internet, I posted that phrase on the Home Page of the website. The ministry began to move beyond just addressing the spiritual conditions at that point and also addressed social, political, economical and global issues. Of course, many that followed the ministry did not agree or understand and some yet don’t. I happen to believe the Father of Lights is concerned with everything humans are concerned with and that He can provide solutions to all human needs, injustices and problems. Wouldn’t you agree? DISTURBING TIMES WE LIVE IN I have often been told, even recently that I have become too political,...
Cancer – Argo the Ship

Cancer – Argo the Ship

The Sun moved into the Zodiac sign of Cancer, as of June 21 and will stay there until July 22. Cancer symbol is the pincher, or the CRAB. In the Egyptian records of about 2000 BC it was described as Scarabaeus (Scarab), the sacred emblem of immortality. In the Bible the tribe of Issachar was assigned to the Zodiac sign of Cancer. (The 12 Zodiac signs were assigned to the 12 tribes of ancient Israel, led by the 12 sons of Jacob. Of course, there was and is the hidden 13th Zodiac sign, which was assigned to the one daughter of Jacob- Dinah). Each Zodiac sign has 3 sub-constellations, stars that form an image. The decans (faces) or sub-constellations of Cancer are: (1) Ursa Major (the Great Bear, also called the Greater Sheepfold). Ursa Minor, and Argo the Ship. (2) Ursa Minor (Lesser Bear-She Bear, also called the Lesser Sheepfold). (3) Argo the Ship. Each sub-constellation of stars rise for 10 days in the order of the heavens. From July 13 – July 22, ARGO the Ship, also called Argo Navis is rising. Modern astronomy no longer recognizes the huge constellation as Argo, they have broken it up into mostly 3 constellations (Carina the Keel, Vela the Sail and Puppis the Stern). In Greek Mythology Argo Navis represents the Ship used by Jason and 50 Argonauts to sail to fetch the Golden Fleece from Colchis (modern day country of Georgia) on the Black Sea. The Argo was built by the shipwright Argos or Argus. It was built at the port of Pagasae, using timber from nearby Mount Pelion. (Just...