White Scientist Says The Black Community Is Being Targeted By The Medical System

White Scientist Says The Black Community Is Being Targeted By The Medical System

When I read first saw the article, “White Scientist Says The Black Community Is Being Targeted By The Medical System, They Are Deliberately Being Poisoned [Video],” I immediately requested prayer for this man’s protection. This is not news for most that live in Black communities throughout the country, their voices are not heard. It takes a lot of courage for Mike Adams to blow the whistle, break rank with the code of silence and “look another way” mentality that’s been displayed for decades. Be sure to watch the video at the end of the full article in the link. If your skin is black or brown, there is some powerful information in the video that could save your life. For many years we have spoken prophetically about “frequency weapons,” and “soft chemical weapons” being used in Brown and Black communities that affects the brain, causing rage, violence, anxiety and murder. It really sounded like extreme conspiracy over a decade ago when Eye first saw this and started to share it. Today, more truth is coming out and it doesn’t seem so crazy anymore. Mike Adams, the Health Ranger sort of alludes to this when the mentions the affects of poisoning the water with lead in black communities. “You think blacks are killing blacks because they just hate each other? No, they are being poisoned and mentally conditioned to kill be angry and hate each other. In certain demographics most often impoverished black neighborhoods, blacks are being misdiagnosed with all types of disease and are literally being treated with toxic treatments.” Scientist Mike Adams Blacks are not angrier, dumber, more...
Fall of US Fiat Currency – Prophecy in Motion

Fall of US Fiat Currency – Prophecy in Motion

The prophetic signs are everywhere of what will happen with our Federal Reserve Fiat Currency. A few days ago, there was a storm in Boston, Massachusetts and the wind blew down a bronze statue of Benjamin Franklin. Because of time, we will only look prophetically into a few of the meanings of this sign. Every event has prophetic implications and overtones when we learn to read God’s sign language. This language is expressed in every aspect of nature, the stars, global events, national, local and even personal events. I was on a phone call last night with Marcel, a friend from Alberta, Canada. He was listening to US news as we spoke and ask if I heard of Benjamin Franklin statue falling. He was wondering if it had any significance. Of course, I shouted and rushed to a computer to verify the story. I began to rattle off some prophetic stuff and realized I needed to share this with our Age To Age Ministries family of readers and those who are aware of us. First of all, it is the image of Benjamin Franklin on the Federal Reserve Bank Note $100 bill. On the reverse of the banknote is an image of Independence Hall. The $100 bill is the largest denomination that has been printed since July 13, 1969. 1963: Because dollar bills were no longer redeemable in silver, beginning with Series 1963A, WILL PAY TO THE BEARER ON DEMAND was removed from the obverse of the $100 Federal Reserve Note and the obligation was shortened to its current wording, THIS NOTE IS LEGAL TENDER FOR ALL DEBTS, PUBLIC...
Thorn In The Flesh

Thorn In The Flesh

It was late March 2016, I was inspired to go in the front yard and do some yard-work. Since I was finally inspired, I got tools and rushed right out with my flip-flops on. I was aware that I should have on proper shoes working outside, especially in a desert landscape. I had not planned to be out very long, since there was little to do. Trying to avoid stepping on flowering cactus plants, I backed into another one and got a heel full of cactus thorns of various sizes on my right foot. When I went into the house to pull out the needles and thorns, all came out but one. It was the biggest. While carefully pulling it out, it broke and seemed to sink deeper beyond the reaches of my tweezers. My youngest son Jeremiel had been with me and witnessed everything, he comforted me, assuring me it would be ok. I told him not to worry, it’s only a little thorn and we went out again. Days later my foot had a fever, was swollen, infected and extremely tender. (The image above is a few days later.) Sleeping at night became uncomfortable, standing for long periods and wearing shoes; painful. It seemed that no matter how hard I tried not to, I bumped my swollen fevered foot. My boys became concerned with the many “ouches” and grunts sounds throughout the day and they started to pray for my foot, where the blackened area was growing. Just last week I had thought of making a small incision and removing the bothersome thorn myself. REWIND Within the...
Blood of Jesus

Blood of Jesus

– According to Biblical history, over 6000 years ago something magnificent happened; it is called the creation of man, the Adam. We are told he was created in the image and likeness of the Elohim (God). The version of this creation or engineering mentioned in Genesis chapters 1 & 2, leads us to believe this Adam was a highly advance being, plus, his body was not like the frail bodies we have today. He seemed to have had a light-body. His DNA (DeoxyRIBonucleic acid) and genetic make up was programmed so that the internal communication of his genetic codes fashioned a body liken unto the Elohim. Adam and Eve’s blood was pure compared to what later happened. We are told that the life of the flesh is in the blood. There is a mystical power in blood that somehow infuses the body with life. It is even thought that the soul of man dwell within the properties of the blood. In Genesis – the Book of Genes-Genetics; we find something happens to the God-man and woman called Adam. The Serpent coiled on the tree further confirms that a DNA downgrade took place. On a mystical level, the Serpent represents one strand of the double helix (double-serpent) DNA strand. The one strand is called the RNA or RIBonucleic acid. Its principal role is to act as a messenger carrying instructions from DNA. So one of the deeper messages of Genesis 3 is that something happened to the DNA of humans. The message or language codes in the body human that had produced life, longevity, divine health and immortality was changed....
Freedom From Financial Slavery

Freedom From Financial Slavery

When one lives in the realm of the prophetic or at least is aware of the what we call the prophetic, every event becomes prophetic. This means that every event is layered with hidden stories or messages and foreshadowing coming events. Major news stories, Hollywood films, political events, the economy, all become subtle clues of what is and what shall be. We are living in a period of time that’s greatly pregnant with prophecy. The media and Hollywood uses predictive programming often to reveal their plans both positive and negative. The events that happen in your person life and around you, great and small, also are filled with prophetic clues…if you take the time to listen. In our last article, “Global Economic Shift in a few Days,” https://atam.org/global-economic-shift-in-a-few-days/ Eye shared some astrological prophecies regarding our time and the coming wealth transfer that would be triggered by an event April 19-20, as the Sun moved into Taurus. China did fulfill this prophetic word by announcing their new Gold-back Yuan and upending from the fiat USD. However, there was another powerful prophetic announcement on April 20, 2016 by our government. This announcement had to come while the Sun is in Taurus, the house that controls finances. Everything that the elite do, whether they are good people or evil ones, must be timed by the movements of the heavens. They clearly understand the vibratory and energetic frequencies being emitted from the heavens to assist with plans on earth, be they good or evil. Here is the announcement: WASHINGTON — Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew on Wednesday announced the most sweeping and historically...