Solar Eclipse of Change in Pisces

Solar Eclipse of Change in Pisces

The heavens are shouting again.  Prepare yourself for the Total Solar Eclipse happening today in Pisces.  This is the Eclipse of “great change” – the power being generated in the heavens will be breaking many ties from various cycles connected to many life times.  You have and are living many lifetimes in this present reality and time space as the many versions of you are existing.  The merging together of the many fragments into one new creation being is powerful.  Raise the vibratory frequency of your being to as high as possibly and maintain that frequency through out the day and tomorrow.   Love is the highest frequency.  This can be done through acts of kindness, smile, giving, meditation, positive music, worship, dancing, etc. We had intended on getting this message out sooner, but with traveling, speaking engagements and other mundane things- we are late.  Keep in mind that you can yet experience the transformative power of this event even if you get it late.  There is no time in the realm of Spirit, just think and you will be there. March 8-9  depending on where you are, the Sun in Pisces and the Super New Moon will be in Pisces to create a powerful experience.  Look out of your window, go outside and see the Super New Moon.   The energetic frequency that you find yourself at today and is most dominate will be sealed or stamped onto your being and will be the predominate expression over the next 6 months.  Love is the highest frequency, maintain it.  Make an extra effort to be love in every situation...
Shall We Keep On Looking…?

Shall We Keep On Looking…?

Deception, fear and confusion seems to be the choice weapons used against humanity from the beginning of what we know of as time.  No matter how far a person tries to remove himself away from what we may call God, religion or spirituality, he is sure to run into Him – it again and again.  No matter how far a person try to remove what we call God, religion or spirituality from the human experience, He and it will find you again and again. Truth can not be silenced by tyrants, dictators or religious leaders, it will whisper it’s messages through the morning breeze.  Truth can not be quelled or replaced by modern technology; science itself will unknowingly testify of its existence.   Philosophy and humanism with all of its arrogance can not explain away Truth as some debunked theory; their own rhetoric entraps them, as they try to dismiss the Unexplainable. Yahushua (Jesus) told us 2000 years ago when His disciples asked him what would be the signs of the end of the Piscean Age, “Be careful that no one deceives you.”  That was the first thing he said, he warned about a spirit of great deception that would lead to fear and confusion.  This is being played out in every aspect of life, we see this especially in our American politics…but my main concern is what I have noticed among the Believers over the past decade that has increased.  I am sure that each of our spiritual encounter is different, but I have been disturbed and yet wonder how someone who has had an experience with Him can...
Phoenix Factor

Phoenix Factor

The heavens are filled with wonder, subtle messages and sometimes not so subtle messages.  Icelandic photographer Hallgrimur P. Helgason captured the aurora borealis forming a giant phoenix bird.  The luminous bird appeared to be rising above the icy grounds of Iceland and taking his flight. The phoenix is considered to be a mythological bird that existed in Eastern Africa and seemed to never die.  The beautiful bird’s life was cyclical regenerated at the end of each long cycle.  According to legend, the large bird  was covered with royal colored feathers of red, gold and purple; it had a beautiful crest of feathers on its head.  Some described it with bright yellow-golden legs, with rose colored talons and bright blue eyes.  Some descriptions were similar to a peacock in appearance. With all the beautiful detail descriptions in many cultures, could not this magnificent bird have actually existed?  Could not this myth have been based in historic facts that were somehow lost in legends and became myth?  Someone must have seen it. Some East African myths say this fascinating bird lived 500, 700 to 12oo years before it was reborn.  Hebrew traditions say this bird lived 1000 years before being born again.  At the end of the long cycle of this birds life, he would fly about modern day Ethiopia and pluck the most aromatic plants and compile a huge magnificent nest and sit there in the middle.  This special nest was not what he would live in and enjoy as his home, this was to become his elaborate spice filled funeral pyre. Just before the  moment of transformation, he would become...
Russia Declassifies Documents of Inner Earth Civilizations

Russia Declassifies Documents of Inner Earth Civilizations

I was a kid when I first heard or read about the fascinating idea of an Inner Earth, with  huge cities and civilizations that existed inside the earth.  It was probably from an Enquirer magazine where I first read it.  I was always anxious to read them, not for the sleeze and celebrity tabloid; it was the paranormal usually toward the back.  They seemed to report on subjects and stories no one else talked about or wasn’t in the news.  Many of the stories were far-fetched and unbelievable for most; over the years many of those strange reports have proven to be based in truth. Many researchers have also published material about Operation Highjump and Admiral Byrd’s journeys where extremely advanced airships (disc shaped UFOs) were seen flying around and even engaging him militarily.  Hitler was obsessed with mysticism and ancient history, and many of his followers knew that and supported him. The possibility that the earth is at least partially hollow, and that it can be accessed through the North and South poles, and that secret civilizations flourish within it, has gained popularity in recent years. It might just turn out to be true after all, that somehow, and somewhere, there is an access which leads to a completely different world, one that has been kept in secrecy for reasons that are just now coming to light. Everything hidden must be revealed.  Read this amazing declassified report. ~~~   For more insight on this subject from a Biblical and scientific perspective, check out these messages: Ancient Earth Inside Earth Hidden Ocean Found Deep Underground Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...
Murdered Holistic Doctors Discovered Cancer-Causing Enzyme Being Added to All Vaccines –

Murdered Holistic Doctors Discovered Cancer-Causing Enzyme Being Added to All Vaccines –

Since last year I had been following the strange deaths of Holistic doctors.  Most conscious people were aware that this was not coincidence and felt that these holistic doctors were being killed.  It seems like the truth is finally coming out why possibly the American Medical Association or Big Pharmaceutical Companies would want them dead.   The scores of deaths and near deaths over the past several months span from the USA to Europe.  As of late, several of these Naturopathic doctors lived in the state of Florida and were researching  the same information and had come to certain conclusions that caused them to be murdered. It is no secret anymore that Big Pharma is (and has been) at war with alternative medicine. Its modus operandi is to generate profit by selling drugs that perpetuate a cycle of addiction and dependency, rather than liberation and empowerment. There have been more than 2 dozen Naturopathic doctors mysterious deaths since last summer.  12 died within a  90 days period.  The cover story reported for their deaths range from suicides to heart attacks.  These doctors were believed to have been suicided and assassinated because they discovered something and was about to share it with the world.  One of the things they discovered was that a Cancer causing enzyme was being put into vaccinations given to our children. The attacks on Alternative Medicine and the Practitioners of it have not been limited to the USA.  In September 2015, 29 Holistic doctors were deliberately severely poisoned at a convention.   Fortunately, there were no deaths, although some were critically ill.  Read the link below....