by Order Of Melchizedek | Dec 16, 2015 | Eye See, Uncategorized |
We are at the end of 2015 already, if you are seeing the article you are among the blessed to yet be alive and hopefully Awake. For many years, we have posted openly on the website prophetic words given by the Spirit and using various prophetic sciences. Back in the day, we used to send the articles out via snail mail. Spirit yet speaks, the Holy Spirit is the same as Yahushua (Jesus) said stated 2000 years ago, “He will show you things to come.” The gifts of the Spirit are yet available to the “called out ones” Church or anyone who desires them. The prophetic is given as a sign, to bless, edify, comfort, warn, instruct, disclose, foretell, increase faith, and correct. What is termed, the office of the prophet is yet a necessary and valid ministry for the “perfecting of the saints,” the maturing of the universal Body of Christ. Apostle Paul said, “Despise not prophesying,” “Grieve not the Holy Spirit.” THE REALM OF THE PROPHETIC Since my late teens, Eye would have visitations from angels that would tell me which country they were assigned to and began to disclose what would be happening in the country they represented during that year. Sometimes the images they’d show for me to speak or write about would be like watching hi-speed movie clips. Others times there would be voices, feelings, knowing or dreams. Some of you yet following our ministry will probably remember the yearly list of nations Eye would publish and send out in the mail. At that stage in my newly born-again spirituality, I...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Dec 10, 2015 | DNA & Science, Uncategorized |
Do you realize that we are energetically connected? There is no space or time between us. Eye Am there and You (Eye) Am here. When you clicked on this link, the frequency of our connection spiked and became more real, no matter where your are in the world. Now that you have been made aware of this in a greater way, I want to invite you to an experience in real time. Years ago, when I taught this message at a conference, we passed out small packets of Salt. We instructed people to hold the salt in their hands during the message that lasted about an hour or close to it. Some people held the grains of salt in their hand, others just held the packet. There was a powerful anointing released that ministered on various levels. Sobs could be heard all over the conference room, as deep emotional healing took place: laughter could be heard, some people just vibrated and others just sat in a trance-like peace. There were many testimonies of experiences and even more later, as the Salt was taken home and used as a point of contact for prayer, intercession, meditation and other spiritual works. Here is the exercise and experience I want to invite you to. First of all, get up and get some salt (box of salt, salt shaker, packet or some grains). Hold it in your hand, close your eyes and go to that secret place within you. STOP!! Do not read any further. You will want to visit part 1 of this message, read it first if you have not, go...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Dec 10, 2015 | DNA & Science, Uncategorized |
Eye initially shared this revelation around year 2000 with those that were part of the Mystery School. (We also posted it on the website during that time, we are yet bringing messages from the old website to this one for easy access.) There were many testimonies of miracles and strange events, as we activated literal table salt and used it in various ways. As an exercise, you might want to pause, get some grains of Salt if possible and hold the Salt in your hand while reading. It will become charged/activated. Being raised in the southeastern part of America, I saw the use of Salt in an unorthodox manner at a very young age. My uneducated superstitious grandmother, knew many things intuitively. She had a deep respect for nature, and a strong belief in the supernatural. I must have been about 6 or 7 years old at one of my earliest remembrance of my great grandfather, a very old man with very intense eyes. He wore a necklace made of leather with a pouch on the end, and occasionally stroked the pouch as he conversed. I later learned that in the pouch was various types of herbs, and that he was thought of as a Choctaw Medicine Man (shaman), and feared by many. Due to a family feud, my grandmother was very suspicious that he might have “put something down” (released a curse). After one of his visits my grandmother told me to take table Salt that she had prayed over and sprinkle it on the walkway leading from the house to the sidewalk. Then, to take the broom...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Dec 8, 2015 | Astrology, Uncategorized |
Thanks for the emails requesting more messages. Our Daily Blogs seems to have almost become a weekly blog at this point. Life is happening and I am busier than ever…at least it seems that ways. In the meantime, please study our powerful Sagittarius series and align yourself with the Sun in Sagittarius with Ara the Altar constellation that’s rising until December 11, 2015. Here’s your link to a 4-part series of an explosive revelation of the stars and their connection to metaphysics and the you. Ara, the Altar constellation is rising in Sagittarius until December 11. Spirit says, “What is the sacrifice you bring to be poured out on the Celestial Altar of God? Is it the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving? Is it your burdens and cares that you are tired of carrying? Is it the fruit of your labor-money/material things? Is it your body, a living sacrifice? Whatever it may be, align yourself with the heavens and bring it to the Altar and watch how fast your life will Alter, say the Spirit of Grace.” (This constellation shows whatever is on the Altar being poured out. It is Finished! Experience it. The heavens declare it.) THIS IS THE CONSTELLATION RISING NOW. Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Nov 30, 2015 | Uncategorized |
We live in a time when most so called, “Christians” prefer to be “Politically correct,” rather than to be “Biblically correct.” Most of the well-paid preachers and teachers on TV, or in American pulpits don’t have the gonads, or ovaries to be Biblically correct on one of the most important issues today. Why do they refuse to rebuke or confront the obvious instigators of global evil today? Many have been willingly misled to believe to speak out or disagree, they are somehow touching the “apple of God’s eye,” the “chosen ones.” That couldn’t be further from the truth. They fear man, they are people-pleasers, simple harlots; attracted to fame, fortune and the never-ending fairytale gospel. They so easily kneel or spread their legs to receive what is irrelevant, popular, trending and generates numbers that translate into dollars. Lolling their already mostly comatose congregants into a deeper unconscious state of unreality, by refusing to address the relevant issues of today…mainly, “those who say they are Jews (biological descendants of Hebrew people) and are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan.” Revelation 2:7, 3:7 KJV They are failing to warn their sheep of the global deception, instead they are helping to pull the wool over their eyes. Almost gone are the men and women not afraid to “cry out and spare not, lifting up their voice like a trumpet.” Isaiah 58″1 KJV Of course, speaking relevant truth is sure way to get deleted from Facebook friends, Social Media, Ministers’ Prayer Breakfast and speaking engagements. Who cares about addressing the real problem, when we can so...
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