Saturn’s Influence

Saturn’s Influence

We are moving into another very critical time and space on the planet.  The prophetic art of understanding times and seasons gives us the ability to position ourselves to benefit from the blessings of the universe and also to prepare for the unpleasant things coming upon the land.  While we realize not everyone feels a calling to the ministry of intercession or light-work; we can all be aware.  The purpose for this article is to make you aware. On November 6, 2015  ,   Eye gave you some Watch & Prayer Dates.  The dates are November 24-28, with November 26th being the high point.  We often post dates as a sign to confirm the spirit of prophecy, to warn, and to create intercession.  There are so many dynamics at work on the planet specifically at this time, unfortunately, most of them are malevolent in nature and if most knew what was really going on, they simply would not believe it.  Top scientists have acquire a level of technology beyond what most can allow themselves to even imagine.  The ancient Hebrew Prophet Daniel declared 2500 years ago, “knowledge (technology) shall be increased.” “But you, Daniel, keep these words secret, and seal the book until the end times. Many will travel everywhere, and knowledge will grow.”  Daniel 12:4  God’s Word Translation Today, November 24, 2015 brings us to the beginning of a massive energy shift building on the planet, that peaks on November 26.  This specific window will be open until November 28, and then began to wane. However, the effects will be long-lasting beyond November 28; as the residual...
Zoned Out For Jesus – Nick Baker

Zoned Out For Jesus – Nick Baker

Earlier this year, or late last year; I was contacted by a young man who had been following our website blogs.  He told me that he lived in the Valley and wanted to meet.   After a while we eventually met and had a wonderful time of fellowship.  Nick was well on his way in his transition from religion to true spirituality.  We met several more times this year and he shared with me that he had been inspired to write a blog and shared some of his articles. Nick attends Arizona State University, he’s an avid student of the Word and an excellent writer.  After reading some of his work, I was thoroughly impressed how he also was able to connected the metaphysical to the theological aspects of the Word.  Nick calls it Meta-Theology – The Jesus Groove.    Be blessed and inspired by Nick’s message as he describes the excruciating kindness of God manifested through Jesus. Enter Zoned Out here~~~ Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...
Astro-Prophecy..There Is No More Normal

Astro-Prophecy..There Is No More Normal

I have talked to so many people in the past few years that have stated to me that, “nothing seems normal anymore,” as they wondered why.  I must confess that I have been in total agreement with them, there is no more normal…at least as we knew it.   For those that could hear, Eye shared some information from the astrological point.  “Do you know the ordinances of the heavens? Do you know how the heavens influence the earth?”  Job 38:33 In 2012, Eye started to share astro-prophetic insight of what the Uranus-Pluto conjunctions and squaring over the following 3 years meant.   In 2012, Eye spoke and wrote on several occasions of the death on many levels that would be coming, as the cosmic human family came to an end of a long cycle.  From June 2012 to March 2015, we were in a very powerful cycle that affected every aspect of our planet (government, military, law enforcement, economy, relationships, spirituality, health, emotions, individuality, etc) and our solar system.  We are now just coming out of that heaven and hell chain of experiences.   Uranus (ou-ran-os=heaven), representing heaven, positive, refreshing, healing, faith-giving, blissful events.  Pluto (god of the underworld), representing hell,  death, negative, tension, stressful, darkness, fear, and anger events. The planets and  the zodiac are the Most High God Cosmic Apostles and Prophets who can not lie.  They are there to govern, guide, guard and instruct humanity in the path of righteousness and give us the lessons needed, until we are no longer subjected to their tutorship. “And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the...
Galactic Proxy Wars & the Khazars

Galactic Proxy Wars & the Khazars

Our world is changing faster than you realize it and truth will become stranger than fiction to some.   You are being forced to believe in the reality of what you thought was only science-fiction, conspiracy theories,  and aliens whether you like it or not.  As I have stated for a very long time, everything you thought you knew about history, science, the world, religion and practically everything is about to change. Many years ago I was puzzled by the constant wars on the planet and it just did not make sense that our planetary history was based in extreme violence by “humans.”   Eye started to realize that this Satan or devil was not just a “spirit,”  but was actually an extraterrestrial biological entity (EBE) that had lots of other literal  physical beings like him and they were very busy wrecking havoc throughout our solar system.  Eye saw that evil and the wars being fought on the planet were not fought  because humans were inherently evil or sinfully.  Eye begin to realize the 2nd Parable of Jesus in Matthew 13 on a deeper level.   It was the Parable of the Tares.  An evil seed that looked, acted and function like humans had been sown into our planetary society, but the genetics of this parasitical creature was slightly different. “Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:   But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.   But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.  So the servants...
Edgar Cayce’s Prophecy About Russia

Edgar Cayce’s Prophecy About Russia

80 years ago a prophet by the name of Edgar Cayce prophesied that Russia would become a savior of sort- to help prevent the destruction of mankind.   We have been writing and sharing a lot about Russia and the events in the Middle East for several years now.  Why?  Because it is relevant, we need to know the plans of the evil ones and also know  what Spirit is doing and going to do.   So many Believers are confused and deceived by the smoke and mirrors of mass media and religious-political propaganda, they don’t have a clue to what’s really happening.  They often openly take sides with the darkness, thinking that it is light.  Yet others side with darkness by remaining mute or refusing to address darkness; thinking that’s being spiritual. WHO WAS EDGAR CAYCE?? Edgar Cayce (/ˈkeɪsiː/; March 18, 1877 – January 3, 1945) was an American mystic who answered questions on subjects as varied as healing, reincarnation, wars, Atlantis, and future events while in a trance. A biographer gave him the nickname, “The Sleeping Prophet.” A nonprofit organization, the Association for Research and Enlightenment,[1] was founded to facilitate the study of Cayce’s work. A hospital and a university were also established. Cayce is a well-documented psychic of the 20th century. Hundreds of books have been written about him. Cayce’s practice of reading through the entire Bible each year was thought to give him the insight to reconcile his Christian beliefs with the metaphysical information provided while in trance. Cayce became a celebrity toward the end of his life, and he believed the publicity given to his prophecies overshadowed the...