Earth 2nd Sun Is Risen, Verified & Coming

Earth 2nd Sun Is Risen, Verified & Coming

A binary star is a star system consisting of two stars orbiting around their common center of mass. Systems of two, three, four, or even more stars are called multiple star systems. These systems, especially when more distant, often appear to the unaided eye as a single point of light, and are then revealed as double (or more) by other means. For many years we have been announcing the coming, or rising of a 2nd Sun in our solar system.  We based this  partly on science and what the Spirit had been revealing in visions long ago.    Eye not only spoke of a 2nd Sun, but a planetary body along with it.  At the end of this article, I will add a link to a revelation given to me years ago that confirms what is now being seen. It was widely believed in 2006, when NASA started to invest largely in the South Pole Telescope (SPT) project, that it was to track an elusive large planet on a journey back into our known solar system.  It was also believed that in 2010, when NASA started to retire some major satellites and telescopes in Anartica, they were hiding from the public what would be eventually seen. Since then, there have been sightings from commercial aircrafts flying near the South Pole of the rising of unknown planetary bodies/objects.   They have also been filmed.   They seem to have now risen  to the point where they can be seen, looking east.  It has been recently filmed from New York to England in the past month.  Also, our binary star, 2nd Sun, or as Dr. Keshe calls it, Earth Twin...
CERN Expects To Contact Parallel Universe In a Few Days

CERN Expects To Contact Parallel Universe In a Few Days

Many years ago Eye started to prophecy “Spacequakes.”   I had never heard the term used, but Spirit said to prophesy it and that He would manifest it.  So Eye did and shortly after the space news  started to report  Spacequakes, over the years we have posted the articles as they came to pass. Later, I received Biblical confirmation from Scriptures I had read many times, but did not connect the dots. What is a Spacequake?  In astrophysics, a spacequake is a temblor in the Earth’s magnetic field. Though occurring in space, the effects of a spacequake can reach the surface of the Earth in the form of electromagnetic reverberations. The total energy in a spacequake can rival that of a magnitude 5 or 6 earthquake. As Eye was writing this article Eye heard Him say, “Prophecy Spacequakes again.” “Eye see the news, word in bold letter “SPACEQUAKES,” and hear the scientists commenting on Spacequakes – this will be occurring soon.  Watch!  This shall be a sign unto you that even as the evil ones are seeking to contact Parallel Universes to attain power and exalt themselves…some will be swallowed up and not be found – trapped, not able to return.   This news will be leaked out in time. Eye shall cause Spacequakes to take place and the veils that have separated My people from accessing other dimensions and worlds will be parted.   What you see happening in the natural is also manifesting in what you call the spirit realm.  You must not be afraid to take major leaps in consciousness, your existence is everywhere. “ DOES THE BIBLE SPEAK OF PARALLEL UNIVERSES, OTHER REALITIES...
Did A Parallel Universe Open Over China..?

Did A Parallel Universe Open Over China..?

 We have been given a powerful Book, although, even many “religious people” that confess that they once had an INcounter with the Author, seem to now question it.  Arrogantly and foolishly they seem to relegate the Book to a book of allegories.  In their insanity, they say that none of the characters in the Biblical history account ever existed, the stories are only stories…Furthermore, some even say the places never existed. What really makes them look even more stupid than they are; while pretending to be wise and intellectual; they use the same Book they try to disprove to try to prove their delusional points.   They have become so obsessed with their strong delusion and deception, they do not see the mere contradiction of teaching/preaching from a Book, they claim is not history, actual accounts, but allegories.  All the while overlooking current science, archeological discoveries, cuneiforms, papyrus documents, credible history, common sense and humans personal experiences, etc.  Wouldn’t it be better if they’d teach from the Brothers Grimm fairytales, or others? The outer Book, written on paper with ink, translated by mere humans and sometimes mistranslated, yet have the power to activate the codes of the inner Book, when used properly. The Bible is also a Book of Science:   Does the Bible speak about Parallel Universes, other Worlds or other Dimensions?  Yes!  Should we expect to see them today? Yes!  “In the beginnings God created the HEAVENS and the earth.”  Genesis 1:1 “For behold, I create new Heavens and a new earth, and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind.”  Isaiah 65:17 “I knew a man in Christ about fourteen years ago was caught up to...
Prophetic Patterns – Gog & Magog

Prophetic Patterns – Gog & Magog

“But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shines more and more unto the perfect day.”  Proverbs 4:18 In this day of Light and enlightenment everything is being made clear and soon we will no longer see through a glass darkly, but face to face clearly.   On the path to Truth, we uncover every stone and revisit and re-examine what has been looked at a hundred times if necessary, to get that nugget of truth to further unlock our consciousness to proceed to the next level of freedom. For the past several years, watching the world events, especially, in the Middle East; I have had to question some things I thought was true.  I have come to find out and remember, we know in part and there is so much more to be revealed.  Prophetic scriptures are layered with truth that uncovers itself as we evolve in consciousness.   Even though we are reading a book translated by faulty humans, words in ink on paper; there is yet the Spirit beneath that letter that shouts to everyone that has an Ear to hear it.  It brightly glitters and beacons those who have an Eye to see it. I have always been fascinated by Bible prophecy, since my Mum ordered my first 7th Day Adventist Home Bible study material for me.  I was somewhere between 8-10 human years old.  After my personal Christ encounter toward my late teen years, the fascination was revived. Gog and Magog, the end-time prophecy of Prophet Ezekiel – Chapters 38-39 has been taught on by all the prophecy teacher, including me.  Several years ago, while looking...
Hillary Clinton Comes Out As …”AI?”

Hillary Clinton Comes Out As …”AI?”

“I’m Really Not Even a Human Being.  A man whose name shall remain nameless created me in his garage,” says  Hillary Clinton  – Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a subject we have dealt with from the prophetic and Scripture perspectives for many years.  We have often shared that many of your world leaders, journalist, celebrities and heads of corporations, are not human, rather, they are AI, forms of what we call Clones.  Of course, some are actually hybrid Nephilim.  This is science, without the fiction.   In the past, we have shared and given prophetic signs…and even released declarations and decrees publically and privately – for certain AI/Clone leaders to malfunction within a set time…and they all did.  The last time Eye did this publically was this past Spring with former President George  Bush Sr.  About a month later he did malfunction 2 times; some alternative News reported he actually died…again.   DID HILLARY CLINTON COME OUT OF THE CLOSET AS “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE” IN A JOKING WAY?  People had often commented and wonder why she doesn’t seem to sweat…even in heat, when everyone else is sweating. “Democrat presidential candidate did not sweat during the interview. Other reporters and Clinton associates have remarked upon Clinton’s remarkable ability to not sweat, even when working the rope line on a hot Iowa day.  “I don’t mean sweat because you’re nervous,” said host Tracy Clayton. “I just mean physically. I’m genuinely curious what your deodorant is.”   HILLARY CLINTON: You guys are the first to realize that I’m really not even a human being. I was constructed in a garage in Palo Alto a very long time ago. People think that, you...