by Order Of Melchizedek | Oct 5, 2015 | Aliens & UFO's, Uncategorized |
Russia is now Warning that the leaders need to prepare to defend Earth from Fallen Angels. Haven’t I been saying this for many years? September 23, 2015 and all of the other important September dates have come and gone. Many were thinking that the world would end, there would be a rapture, or that there would be a lot of visible things happening. The Shmitah has come and gone and there was no Financial Collapse as it was prophesied and expected by many. Did anything really happen, or was it just hype and disinformation? Rest assured that many things happened as was stated by me and other Watchers. The Pope coming to America and speaking to Congress and the UN was not just a ministerial trip of good will happening on those dates that I had forewarned about. CERN, which calls itself the “gateway to the universe,” bringing the LHC up to the highest speed yet, to smash atoms and particles by September 23, 2015 was carefully planned; as were all the events. Don’t think for one second that the Luciferians and Satanists did not take advantage of the long awaited Year of Lucifer – 5776 (beginning September 14, 2015) and all the astronomical events surrounding it. Here is something Eye stated on August 20, in a message: “The human and human-hybrid evil ones live by a strict code. They can not and will not do anything before announcing it to the public in a cryptic form usually. There are several recent films that show the date or number 9/23 – September 23 of events happening on that date. Eye am certain that date and surrounding days is...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Sep 22, 2015 | Astrology, Eye See |
Shalom People of the Most High God. It is Yom Kippur, the day of Atonement; the most sacred day of the Biblical year. The long awaited verdict is in. You have been sentenced to Life and that more abundantly. You are no longer a part of this crumbling world system and from here on, you will never fit in. This Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) is most different from any other, as the consciousness of humanity is being forced to Shift. You are no longer free to do your own thing, live your own life, go your own ways and frustrate the grace of God, by excusing yourself. Shift is happening and you want to be walking in truth. The message below is from my brother Anthony ‘Nyce Moise – in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Receive & Experience it. Beloved the SPIRIT REALM is very real n actually MORE real than our 3D reality (Scientifically proven for you skeptics being that we only see 3% the universe i.e. Dark Matter) And the SHIFT is about to HIT the preverbal cooling unit 23 SEP 2015. Portals around the world are being activated as those whose EYE is open will sense or SEE this time of visitation from higher beings in preparation for a lot of SHIFT. For the next 7 days you may feel a pull to go deeper into spirituality. Allow the magnetic energy to pull your consciousness away from this fleshly 3D limited mind into unlimited spiritual realities. RELAX and BREATHE!!! For the Muslims it is Eid-Al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) for the Jews it is Yom Kippur (Day...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Sep 17, 2015 | DNA & Science, Uncategorized |
We have shared several messages and some revelations on CERN and the Large Hadron Collider over the past few weeks. As you may or may not know, they are increasing the power to operate the LHC at the highest level ever by September 23, 2015. The publicized goal is expected to be around 14 TeV. That’s a lot of power, atoms and particles moving beyond the speed of light smashing into each other in a 17 mile circle, creating a super vortex. Who or what will come through the gate? Did you notice the 8.3 Earthquake in Chile yesterday? Over 1 million people evacuated and displaced, this is also validation for a prophetic word Eye gave last month about mass evacuation and displaced people through Natural Disasters. Please keep the people of Chile in your prayers. CERN’s LHC magnetic is 100,000 times stronger than earth’s magnetic field. Wouldn’t you think it’s probably the cause of the 8.3 Earthquake in Chile? After they restarted the LHC at CERN in April 2015, running it at the then highest speed ever, what happened? There was an 8.2 Earthquake that hit Nepal, killing almost 10,000 people and injuring tens of thousands of others, in April. In 2008, the LHC set off 7 Earthquakes and several Volcanoes in the same day globally. Eye had spoken and posted this before it happened. Keep our world in prayer during these ‘days of awe,’ coming up to the day of Atonement. Pray that the planets’ plates remain stable during CERN’s operations. There are at least 14 other smaller CERN like colliders operating at the same time, along with HAARP technologies. Let’s try to tap into all...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Sep 9, 2015 | Eye See, Uncategorized |
Over the past weekend I was reading headline news about the Mass Migration of Refugees into Europe from mostly Syria and other neighboring war torn countries. I commend Angela Merkel of Germany and the EU for committing to take in 200,000 refugees, especially, since much of Western Europe is very anti-Islamic, with a strong sense of nationalism. However, Syria population is 10% Christian. By accepting all these refugees is one way to darken the complexion of Europe over time. But there is more to this story than meets the eye or ear. As I thought on this story while reading it over the weekend, Eye heard something. We’ll get to that in a moment. I recently learned that there are currently 19 million refugees worldwide, people that need to find a safe place to live. That is totally unnecessary in the 21st century, and should be unacceptable. Just a month ago, EYE released a prophetic word on August 8, 2015 in “Entering the Lion’s Gate – 888” – Father told us about the soon major displacement and relocation of people written toward the end of the message. Here is an excerpt from that prophetic word posted August 8, 2015: “Eye see mass evacuation and relocation. Eye am seeing a return of Tent Cities to accommodate the displaced people. This is not just here, Eye see a major shuffling of people, relocation due to displacement from Natural Disasters and War…” 8/8/15 Here are some of the images shown to us today. 9/9/15: Syrian Refugee Tent City EYE SEE SINISTER MOTIVES BEHIND EUROPE’S GENEROSITY What are the sinister motives behind seemingly willing/smiling Europeans (British & German)...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Sep 7, 2015 | Uncategorized |
This is the 5th and probably the last of this particular series of messages dealing with the dark side of the occult and the occult physics-technology that’s being used to summon or conjure up the Rephaim and other evil entities. If you have not read and understood messages 1 – 4 of this series, this message here might not make a lot of sense. Eye encourage you to familiarize yourself with the other messages, they are extremely relevant for the time we have come to. To access the messages, please click on these links in the order they are listed. Year of Lucifer-1 – Opening the Gates of Hell -2 — UN Satanic Temple -3 — Stirring Up the Rephaim (dead ones) – 4 Yesterday I was reading through blogs and comments posted by Satanist, Devil worshipers and other Satan sympathizers. They are excited and looking forward with great anticipation to the Year of Lucifer (5776) that begins September 14 and the September 23rd date for the appearance of their lord. They are cheering and making boastful statements that the era of God is over – God has had his chance and has failed, but Lucifer will bring light to humanity. They are blaspheming the name of my Father and pledging their allegiance to Satan. After feeling sorry for the children of Satan, I thought about a Scripture a holy dude, Alan Newton sent me. “Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break...
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