Terror in the Sky

Terror in the Sky

Eye saw the word “TERROR” in the sky in a vision. For the past 2 years I have announced that we are in a “Water Cycle” that will continue until 2024, that would manifest as Massive Water Events on Earth. (This does not mean their wont be any after 2024, it is just a specific cycle we are in now for major events). What does this mean? As a Magi/Astrologer, at the beginning of each year I interpret the heavens based on Western/Tropical Astrology, Chinese Astrology, and sometimes I might add Sidereal Vedic interpretations. Based on Chinese Astrology, we have been in the Water Element which will last until early 2024. We have had the Year of the Yang Water Tiger (2022-2023) and now in the Year of the Ying Water Rabbit (2023-2024). For deeper understanding on this you can check out various articles on this website: https://atam.org/year-of-the-water-tiger-2022/ or https://atam.org/astrological-preview-for-2023/ ALL THE ELEMENTS ARE BEING ACTIVATED AND AMPLIFIED At the beginning of the year we announced that this year will Break All Records for High Temperature (HEAT-HOT). Again, on Age to Age Ministries Int’l Youtube Channel I have mentioned in videos. For a few years I have avoided sharing this type of prophetic word in depth for obvious reasons. However, due to the potential damage and loss of life, I felt to share so we might pray and soften the impact of these things. SPIRIT SPEAKS Spirit said to me, “All of the Elements are being Activated and Amplified as modern humans have not seen them before. Look at the sky.” When I looked at the sky, I did...
Many Forms of Prophecy

Many Forms of Prophecy

There are so many forms of Prophecy. Religion likes to put God in a box and have Him speak the way their tradition suggest. The Predictive Science of Prophecy, or the Prophetic is limitless. (Astrology, Numerology, Prophecy, Word of Knowledge, Visions, Clear Hearing, Oracle Cards, and more). “There are diversities of operations, but it is the same God who works in all.” 1 Corinthian 12:6 I want to share with you some of the latest Video messages/teaching from Rising Mystics Institute Classes. We are training people how to flow in the Prophetic Sciences/Gifts. We are a Prophetic People. If you have been acquainted with our ministry for some time, you are aware we use various forms of the Prophetic Sciences to receive and transmit messages from Spirit. The 1st Short Video is from this morning Class. Here are some Excerpts of Esoteric and Predictive Astrology -events that will take place over the next several months: Like & Share these Videos Does God like Numerology? Hmmm. Should we use Numbers to understand the Mind of God? This teaching is a bit long and thorough. This is Numerology Part 2 – In this video we Demonstrate Numerology Readings, Word of Knowledge, Visions, Hearing the Voice and Reading Energy. Learn and Be Inspired. CONSIDER DONATING TO OUR MINISTRY TODAY: Ways to Donate: Our CASHAPP info: $8Mystics PAYPAL: recoveryme@hotmail.com WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARD AT THIS SECURE ACCOUNT. Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...
Why Christians Should Astral Project

Why Christians Should Astral Project

Do you Astral Project or Go out of your body? I just have no time to write much lately, however, we yet want to share messages. CONSIDER DONATING TO OUR MINISTRY TODAY: Ways to Donate: Our CASHAPP info: $8Mystics PAYPAL: recoveryme@hotmail.com WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARD AT THIS SECURE ACCOUNT. Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...
Pluto Transit Aquarius

Pluto Transit Aquarius

Pluto Transit Aquarius Shalom People of the Most High. We are in an amazing time. As you listen to this recording you will innerStand the excitement and what this means. ENROLL IN THE ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK SCHOOL OF ASTROLOGY TODAY! https://www.risingmystics.com/courses-archive/oom-school-of-astrology/ Here is another video clip of some Prophetic Moments we have started to upload. Be Inspired. Subscribe and “Like” our videos. CONSIDER DONATING TO OUR MINISTRY TODAY: Ways to Donate: Our CASHAPP info: $8Mystics PAYPAL: recoveryme@hotmail.com WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARD AT THIS SECURE ACCOUNT. Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...
March 2023 Astrological News

March 2023 Astrological News

It’s March everybody and we have some Astro News. What are the heavens saying in this 3rd month? Full Moon in Virgo, Saturn has transit to Pisces, and Mars is in the last degrees of Gemini. Click on this link below and find out. MARCH 2023 ASTROLOGICAL NEWS– https://youtu.be/mAyfFODchcg Have you ever had a desire to learn Astrology? Would you like to be able to read the heavens and read people also? ENROLL TODAY IN ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK SCHOOL OF ASTROLOGY. YOU MIGHT ALSO WANT TO TAKE OUR COURSE ON PROPHECY RISING MYSTICS INSTITUTE — https://www.risingmystics.com CONSIDER DONATING TO OUR MINISTRY TODAY: Ways to Donate: Our CASHAPP info: $8Mystics PAYPAL: recoveryme@hotmail.com WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARD AT THIS SECURE ACCOUNT. Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...