Stirring the Rephaim (dead ones)

Stirring the Rephaim (dead ones)

Stirring the Rephaim is a 4th part of an ongoing series of messages, mostly dealing with the dark side of the occult combined with modern technology to fulfill Bible prophecies.  Some of you will be surprised that the Bible actually mention the things we will share in this message. Unfortunately most Christians seems to relegate the subject at hand to just being myths, allegories, or far stretches of carnal imagination produced by science fiction movies.   Actually, many of the so called science fiction movies of today are disclosures of occult-technology and events that will be happening in our near future.   The physical world we live in is only a reflection of what we may term the “spiritual world.”  In reality, this so called “physical or material world” is more of an allegory or illusion than the unseen world. To get a clearer picture of what we are sharing in the message below, it might be best for you to read/study the previous (3) messages in this order listed  –     Year of Lucifer – Anno Lucis —- Opening the Gates of Hell   —   UN – Satanic Temple.    (In our Year of Lucifer article, we corrected a typo regarding the measurement of the Pyramid,  it should be 5776 inches, NOT feet.) “However, we do use wisdom to speak to those who are mature. It is a wisdom that doesn’t belong to this world or to the rulers of this world who are in power today and gone tomorrow.  We speak about the mystery of God’s wisdom.  It is a wisdom that has been hidden, which God had planned for our glory before the world began…A person who isn’t spiritual doesn’t...
UN Satanic Temple

UN Satanic Temple

Today is Elul 13 on the Biblical Calendar, the 6th month.  We are preparing and rehearsing for the 7th month, Tishrei; which begins September 13 @ sunset.  The world is not coming to an end, we are just about to experience a global major paradigm shift that will change the way we have seen our world, ourselves, the universe, spirituality, and the Creator.  The world system that’s been operating for thousands of years is about to move into a high gear, before it comes to an end.  The end of that system is nearer, and the beginning of a better system – God’s Kingdom is also nearer.  There will be much turbulence in the atmosphere and below, before God’s Kingdom fully manifest. To put this in contemporary street terminology; “The enemy is stepping up his game.”  Biblical terminology; “The devil is come down to you with great wrath, because he knows he has only a short time.”  Revelation 12:12  –   Many will confuse the wrath of Satan with the wrath of God.  It is the wrath of ha Satan that seeks to destroy the planet and its inhabitants.  This will be manifesting in extreme natural or man-made disasters (earthquakes, volcanoes erupting, hurricanes, tsunamis, nuclear war). Our intent, exultation and focus is the Almighty God, but it is necessary to have knowledge about the other side.  The 21st century Believers have been so dumb-down and lulled to sleep that most are not prepared for spiritual warfare.  Sadly, many do not even know there are battles going on.  The natural world is only a reflection of the spiritual world; there are around 40 wars taking place on the...
Opening the Gates of Hell

Opening the Gates of Hell

In our last article, Year of Lucifer-,we shared that starting September 13-14, Rosh Hashanah-Feast of Trumpets will begin Anno Lucis – Year of Lucifer.   [You might want to read it before going forward with this article if you haven’t.]  This country was founded by Master Masons, Satanist and many that practice the perverted or dark form of ancient Hebrew Kabbalism.  And yes, these men were called Christians.  Of course, that statement would be heavily debated by people feeling they are patriots and must defend or revise the history of our nation for the sake of patriotism. Keep in mind, the coin of spirituality has two-sides and it takes keen disCERNment many times to know the difference between negative occultism and true hidden knowledge that helps all mankind.  May 1, 1776 is the birth of the Bavarian Illuminati and the year of American Independence 1776, this is on the US Great Seal; there are many hidden clues.  1776 = 777 = 21 or 21st Century.  21 is also connected with the mystical meanings of “Shin,” the 21st letter of the Hebrew alphabet. In Masonry it is taught that our current creation existed 4000 years before Christ (Genesis to Malachi), therefore, the number 4000 is concealed or added to hid or expose esoteric truth. 1776 plus 4000 = 5776.  What year is starting on the modern Hebrew Calendar September 13-14 – Tishrei 1-2?  It is the year 5776,   The next year of Lucifer wont be until the year 6015, so this one is very important to them.  For this reason we had the unveiling of Baphomet last month. It is not by coincidence that many nations have holiday celebrations (May Day, Labor day, Memorial  Day etc) in...
Year of Lucifer – Anno Lucis

Year of Lucifer – Anno Lucis

We rarely talk about Lucifer.  We are aware of progressive theology and the understanding that on an esoteric level the Day Star – Lucifer is rising in our hearts.  “We have also a more sure word of prophecy; to which you do well that you take heed, as unto a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:”  2 Peter 1:19 The word/name Lucifer is actually only mention once in the Bible and seems like it was purposely done so to hide some truth.  Lucifer is associated in a prophetic writing of Isaiah about the king of Babylon, Adam and represent all those who lose their light due to pride..the ego.   Isaiah 14    –  The Day Star, Morning Star, Shinning One or Lucifer is also another name for Jesus, the Light of the world.   The Luciferian consciousness is one that seek to bring light, love and peace through the teaching and universal principles laid out and expressed through Jesus the Christ.   With this understanding, we are longing for not only a year of light (Lucifer), but the coming reigning Age of Light (Lucifer). Every coin has two sides.  For everything genuine, there is a counterfeit and some counterfeits are very hard to discern.   There is a growing mass of others that see the other side of this Lucifer coin, this is the dark side of light.  They have become deceived and confused operating from a perverted Luciferian consciousness, thinking they can bring Light without the Light of the world. There are some very important dates coming up that will possibly change life as...
The Quantum Tabernacle Within – Rudy Jones

The Quantum Tabernacle Within – Rudy Jones

Last week I was fellowshipping  with Rudy Jones on the phone.  I had not talked with him for quite a while,  Spirit was encouraging me to call him.  He thought I must have had a word from the Lord for him, but it was the opposite, he had a word for me.  It was in the form of revelation knowledge as Spirit immediately led the conversation toward mysteries of the Tabernacle.  To say the least, I got spiritually fed and I guess I was able to say a few things to further inspire him. The living Word, the Torah is sooo rich, be  careful to never come to a final conclusion…the way you see things today may not be the way you see them next week, next month or next year.  As you change from glory to glory, so must your understanding of the Living Word and God change.  Experience this message below from possibly a different perspective for some of you, written by Rudy :   The New Testament states that our physical body is the Tabernacle of God. The prophetic pattern for our spiritual body in [Heb.8: 5, the tupos; “the die”] was ‘hidden within’ the Tabernacle of Moses, a few miles west from Egypt..  Are you aware that there was, in the original Wilderness Tabernacle (identified man as “The Sanctuary of God”) ; a second Tabernacle, concealed  yet clearly illustrated?   There was and is; but to our natural mind, it is at the invisible spiritual and quantum level. That means that it was at first (at the beginning)  hidden to the natural mind. ( “ I am sent with...