What Princess Diana Knew…

What Princess Diana Knew…

From time to time we have written about Princess Diana and the royal family over the years, prophetically exposing what’s not reported in the news…until sometimes much later.  Some of the things we share sounds fantastic, totally out of this world and out right unbelievable.  However, prophetic information and spiritual insight is normally futuristic; forcing others to Think outside the box.  Everything hidden must be revealed. Do you remember Nurse Jacintha Saldanha?  She allegedly committed suicide in December 2012, she was the nurse of Duchess Kate.  Eye shared that it was not a suicide,  that she was killed because she discovered the baby forming in the womb of the Duchess was NOT Human, rather, it was a Reptile hybrid.  Yes you read it correctly.  A Reptilian-hybrid.  Here is an excerpt of what Eye wrote: “Most people have forgotten or did not connect the dots, back in early December 2012 the nurse for Duchess Kate committed suicide, or so we were told. Jacintha Saldanha, the nurse was found unconscious just days after she discovered something. The cover story that most people believed was that this nurse did not recognize a “prank call” and patched it through. The Duchess medical condition of “morning sickness” was revealed. As a result of the embarrassment and somehow jeopardizing the extremely vulnerable nearly 3 months pregnant Kate…the nurse was so distraught that she did what any normal person would do. She killed herself. Of course, leaving behind (2) wonderful teen-age kids and a loving husband. Yes, that’s right, more concerned about a prank call that led the world to knowing the Duchess had “morning sickness,” than for her...
Portals & Pyramids

Portals & Pyramids

David Ovason stated,” A city that is laid out in such a way that is in harmony with the heavens is a city in perpetual prayer.  It is a city built on the recognition that every human activity is in need of sanctification of the spiritual world, of which the symbol is the light of the living stars.” This article below is a follow-up someone sent to me last week, questioning could there have been other reasons why Detroit was chosen to be the city of Unveiling Satan or Baphomet. Were you aware that Detroit is believed to be a huge Portal or Stargate?   Why has Detroit been allowed to go to ruins?  Was this part of a plan to move much of the population away from the portal, due to future events they are aware of that will take place?  Detroit seems to be a place of beauty, ruins, hidden technology and mysticism. Prayer is a portal rarely used in modern times.  Detroit/Dearborn has the highest concentration of Muslims in the USA that pray 5x a day at the same time.  Plus, there people from Christianity or other religions that offer prayers.  This is why the area is considered a city of perpetual prayer. http://www.michigansotherside.com/mysterious-michigan/mysterious-places/20-mysterious-places/70-the-detroit-stargate PYRAMIDS Did Martians or other beings build Pyramids on Mars?  Pyramids have been found on about every continent and even on the ocean floor. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2015/06/24/pyramid-mars-rover-discover-curiosity-nasa-space-red-planet-aliens/29226297/ 3 Pyramids found in Anartica  –  https://atam.org/3PyramidsAntarctica.html A gigantic structure, is perhaps larger than the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt. The discovery has rocked scientists around the world. The pyramid could confirm some engineers contentions that pyramids were originally created as...
Canadian Conference Update

Canadian Conference Update

Shout out to all my Brosky’s in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.  In early March, during our New Years Overcomers Conference in Minneapolis, MN, we ordained Joshua & Delores Stevenson as Senior Pastors in the Regina Church – Awakening Grace & Truth Ministries.  Joshua and Delores told me they wanted me to come up by summer.  I replied, “Do you know what you are getting into?  Persecution will come to you, things will get stirred up.”  They were not moved by the warning and insisted on scheduling a conference.  Thanks for your courage and boldness. The theme of the conference was, “Age of Fullness.”  Shortly after it was publicly announced of my coming, things started to shake…religious spirits started to manifest…others felt they had to compete by scheduling special meetings on the same dates.  Fear of being challenged to think new thoughts.  Fear of having to give up traditional doctrines that have become idols and safety zones.  Fear of giving up Control is what keeps so many ministers/Pastors bound and spiritually immature. Truth will set you free, but before it does, it definitely will piss you off.   : ) We had an awesome conference – Eye spoke in (5) meetings, between Friday night and Sunday night. From the very first night Spirit made it clear that these gatherings were ordained of God.  Father confirmed His word with signs, testimonies of miracles, and people receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues.   The Living Revealed Word and unrestrained worship created such an excitement and momentum amongst everyone. I was joined by Linda Pankretz from Oregon, a fellow Kingdom laborer who does lots of...
9th of Av – Unveiling of Satan

9th of Av – Unveiling of Satan

A few days ago, on the 9th of Av – Tisha B’Av, there was an unveiling ceremony of the image Baphomet.  This particular sculptured satanic image has never been seen in public.  It is 9 feet tall and made of bronze; this goat-headed, human body, hoof-footed image pointing up and down, represents the power of binding and loosening.  The image has a child at both sides, there are many layers of symbolism that go back thousands of years.  The unveiling and private exclusive service/ceremony-worship that took place afterward took place in Detroit, MI on July 26, 2015 – 9th of Av.  (We had hope to have this message complete before our recent Canadian conference, it didn’t happen.) Do you think it was  coincidence that this day was chosen to set up and unveil a symbol of satan in America?  If you are accustomed to reading our articles, you know that there are no coincidences and that hidden hands  are guiding every major scheduled event in this nation.  First of all, some of you are wondering, “what is the 9th of Av or Tisha B’Av?” The Biblical calendar  of the Middle East and regions around about are Lunar – Solar Calendars, in contrast to our modern Gregorian  Solar-Lunar Calendar.  Therefore, the dates of a  month will not coincide with the dates of our modern calendar each year.  For example, the 9th of Av will always be the 9th of Av, but on modern calendars, that might appear sometime in July or August.  The 9th of Av happened to fall on our calendar dates July 25-26 this year.  Keep in mind that biblical days begin at...
Cleanse the House – Model Prayer

Cleanse the House – Model Prayer

Today was a day of seeking God and getting a chance to spend some quality time in prayer, intercession, repentance for myself, the nation and the world.  Spirit began to share with me the importance of fervent effectual prayer during the season we are in and  preparation for both positive and negative things that will accelerate and soon come upon our land and the world.  You will not be able to stand without being filled with Him. After sitting, weeping and hungering for Him to fully manifest in my life, I felt the need to encourage the people of God to pray…  I want to encourage you all that still believe in the prayer, repentance and seeking Him to join in and pray this prayer, or a variation of it as Spirit leads.  Unfortunately, there is a growing number in the Body of Christ that feel they have outgrown some of the most important basic instructions the Prophets and Master Yahushua (Jesus) gave us.  However, I think that’s going to change in the coming months.   Judgment (Correction) must begin at the house of God…God is yet requiring holiness (Whole-Eye-Ness).   “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves (fast), and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”   2 Chronicles 7:14 On July 11, 2015 – “EYE heard Him say, ‘A layer of grace that’s been over the nation was being retracted…” (Eye saw as if it were many layers of protective grace that had been covering us, but the layers would be pulled...