7 (Masculine) Pillars of Wisdom

7 (Masculine) Pillars of Wisdom

[This message/article was first spoken, written and posted on our website in 2001, April 3.  This message is a follow-up to 7 Pillars of Divine Feminine Wisdom – you might want to review it along with this message below.  We have taught Wisdom’s  Pillars of Proverbs 9 on several levels in the past; astrological, metaphysical, esoteric Spirits of God and other hidden truth…lets experience this level of it here.]  DIVINE POLARITY In our previous writing we dealt with the 7 (Feminine) Pillars of Wisdom, and how they were hewed out depicting development of the soul realm.  However, in this writing we would like to share the 7-(Masculine) Pillars that are used to develop the spirit realm of Wisdom’s House.  Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore, get it and with all that you get, get understanding. Wisdom is the Divine Feminine expression of the Creator, the likeness is male and female on a much higher level than genitalia. Humanity is created in the image and likeness of the Creator, male and female.   Genesis 1:26-27 WISDOM’S HOUSE Proverbs 9:1-5 “Wisdom has built her house, she has hewn out her seven pillars; She has slaughtered her meat, she has mixed her wine, she has also furnished her table. She has sent out her maidens, she cries out from the highest places of the city, Whoever is simple, let him turn in here!” As for him who lacks understanding, she says to him, Come, eat of my bread and drink of the wine I have mixed.” (NKJ) In order to grasp this message on a deeper level, we must understand the customs and culture of 3000 years ago. ...
Is There Hope For Humanity…?

Is There Hope For Humanity…?

In light of the racially motivated terrorist attack and  massacre in South Carolina leaving 9 people dead and others wounded, many are wondering, is there any hope for humanity?  Of course in the media the phrase, “Christian Terrorism” will not be used, but most if not all white supremacist consider themselves to be Christian.  They take their doctrine from what they interpret wrongly in the Bible.   These are delusional so called “Christians” that strangely feel they are God’s chosen people, in the chosen land of America or Common wealth nations and they are superior to others; especially Blacks-African Americans.  Thus, they feel they have a right to terrorize and kill them.  (This doctrine of the devils comes from British Israelism theology and other similar strands doctrines.) It was about a decade ago or more, Eye started telling Believers that just as we see bombings and shootings in Mosques in the Muslim world, we would see this in Churches in America.  We live in a society where fear, hatred and ignorance is manufactured, wrapped and sold everyday, 24/7 through media.  The FOX (Faux)  news outlets of cable and radio is the biggest dealer of the addictive products of Fear and Hate, preying on weak minded fearful white-people; suggesting or saying anything for shock value and ratings.  Therefore, the many borderline psychopaths feel justified in carrying out their terrorist attacks.   In the recent years, they (FOX) is showcasing more uncle and auntie Tom types; blinded by studio lights, cameras, fame and feeling they are a part of something they never really can be.  These ‘useful idiots’ create more problems and confusion for race relations in this country, by...
Discovering HU

Discovering HU

Discovering HU was initially experienced and written October 4, 2013.  However, yesterday I had another encounter with HU similar to my initial encounter, as Presence manifested and filled my space.  Eye felt to bring this from the old website page and share it again here.   It was several days ago, my little office was filled with Presence, as I meditated on and chanted “HU.” In my spiritual drunkenness, I rose twirling,         Intoxicated with His divine love, swaying and whirling-       To the beat of the eastern Drum, Sitar and the Ney (reed flute)…       Absorbing the glory of Yahuweh. Seemingly taken to another time, another place;         Ascending in consciousness…each dance step filled with grace.      My senses overwhelmed with thoughts of HU, Tthe Nameless One forever true. Searching for truth, one will surely find – And knowledge will be released from the unlimited Mind.    One of the oldest names for the Being we call God is “HU.”     He was called so by the Egyptians, Indians, Hebrews, Native Americans, Tibetans and Celtic too. HU (who), the living Word breathed out and spoken,   Creating the universes and transforming the broken.   HU, He who was, is and shall be.      HU, the One rising up in you and me. John Lewis ————————————————– It was just before the internet, or rather before I was aware of it or had it; I began to prepare a message called, “In Search of the Christ.”  It was a bit controversial for our very diverse Home Fellowship/Mystery School that was just developing. As I sat in the library in Seattle preparing to do some research, my mind went back to an experience several years...
Soul Speak Radio Show Today – Divine Astrology

Soul Speak Radio Show Today – Divine Astrology

Shalom!!! Eye will be  guest speaker on the Soul Speak Radio show on Wednesday, June 17, 2015 @ 4:00 pm PST, 5:00 pm MST, 6:00 pm CST, 7:00 pm EST…check your country’s time zone.  Set your clocks, we need your energy to participate in this LIVE interview/broadcast.   Eye believe there will be a powerful release into the atmosphere.   Lynn Means is the host of this radio show. Eye am expecting a release of Spirit to create instant Paradigm Shifts as people are released from error, traditional limited thinking and false religious ideas about God and the Bible; into a Present Truth Reality.  Invite others to the show.  Come expecting to receive from Spirit and be empowered. Lynn has asked me to speak on Divine Astrology.  It’s gonna be awesome….Invite others. Log in and experience the power:   www.EX3Radio2.com   or  call in @  1-929-477-3860  Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...
Gay Nation…?

Gay Nation…?

 Gay nation – USA.  Every parent and every person should watch this News Interview…several times at least.  Send this to all your friends.  “My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge, because they reject it…”  Professor Tyrone Hayes is a Black Scientist/Chemist, turned Whistle Blower.   He exposes how the herbicide  ATRAZINE used on food is turning people gay.  The worldwide corporation Syngenta produces this product-maybe we should call it (Sin-genta). Is there a scientific reason why there’s a huge increase in the gay population over the past 50 years?  Is there really a sinister plan to created more homosexuals?  Is it partly for population control?  YES!!  I can emphatically say that, because nearly 15 years ago, Eye saw something in the Spirit I could not fully understand at that time.  Eye started telling people, “they” are going to somehow do something to make people gay.  Of course, people looked at me  strange …sort of the way some of you are as you read this.  Early in 2013, I was led to write a 5 part series on Gay – vs – the Gay Agenda –  in Part 3 & Part 4 of the links below, Eye shared what Eye had seen and confirmation how the side effects of some psychotropic drugs can turn a person gay.   I am not anti-gay or homophobic,  we are only sharing information, revelation and inspiration relevant to NOW.  We are not condemning or condoning, just bringing light to ancient Scripture science is confirming, which  many seems to think is no longer relevant. We must upgrade our theology and knowledge, yes some people are born that way…but using modern...