by Order Of Melchizedek | Jun 11, 2015 | Uncategorized |
Shalom People of the Most High God. God is doing an awesome work among the First Nations, Indian People. As many of you know, I spent many of my earlier years living on the Rez and ministering in Native communities in the USA, Canada & Mexico. (Will be in Saskatchewan doing Camp Meeting/Conference in July). I want to share a powerful message by my brother, he hails from the Kiowa Indian Tribe in Oklahoma. He is the man you see in the photo above with the spaceships. He is one of my favorite scientist, mystics, ministers and he yet knows how to rock. I met Curtis Munoz many years ago. He is also a writer and usually post his blogs on Face Book under Spiritual Warriors Drink Living Waters. Just a little bit about Curtis: He is Science Instructor at the Comanche Nation College, Environmental Director and Scientist at Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma Environmental Program. He studied Molecular Genetic and Microbiology at Harvard Medical School. Most of all, he is a man of God and very down to earth. Be bless by this powerful revelatory message of Curtis Munoz below. ——————————————————– More on numbers and how they show us Jesus Christ and what He did for us ALL….I have had the honor of learning from some of the best. We take what we learn, add to it and pass it on to others….just like when I teach Native Science, College Biology, Chemistry, and Climate Change, or later when I get to show my molecular genetics knowledge in the lab….I had to learn from professors and teachers (I didn’t just sit there...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Jun 4, 2015 | DNA & Science, Uncategorized |
We want to share with you a recorded radio broadcast from the Soul Speaks Radio Show – Host Lynn Means on May 27, 2015 – I was sharing on the Metaphysics of the Brain. We are awesomely, beautifully and wonderfully created in the image and likeness of the Creator. In this message, Eye reveal the scene and characters of the Garden of Eden in our brain. We only touch on various aspects to show this experience is taking place within…we are fully aware that the Garden of Eden was and is a literal place. Your brain is a super biological computer, surpassing any technology the present human mind can even think of. Find out where the Tree of Life is in the Brain, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. What about the Serpent/satan or God…Can we identify them in the brain? Yes!!! Enjoy this message and BE INSPIRED. Check Out Spirituality Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with EX3 Radio 2 on BlogTalkRadio WE WILL SOON BE MAKING OUR BOOK ‘SERPENT BRAIN’ AVAILABLE HERE IN OUR WEB STORE. (Serpent in the middle of the brain image) Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...
by Order Of Melchizedek | May 25, 2015 | Uncategorized |
Shalom!!! Eye will be guest speaker on the Soul Speak Radio show on Wednesday, May 27, 2015 @ 4:00 pm PST, 5:00 pm MST, 6:00 pm CST, 7:00 pm EST…check your country’s time zone. Set your clocks, we need your energy to participate in this LIVE interview/broadcast. Eye believe there will be a powerful release into the atmosphere. Lynn Means is the host of this radio show. Eye am expecting a release of Spirit to create instant Paradigm Shifts as people are released from error, traditional limited thinking and false religious ideas about God and the Bible; into a Present Truth Reality. Invite others to the show. Come expecting to receive from Spirit and be empowered. Lynn has asked me to speak on the Metaphysics of the Brain during the first half hour. The second half hour we will delve into Divine Astrology. Log in and experience the power: or call in @ 1-929-477-3860 Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...
by Order Of Melchizedek | May 20, 2015 | Aliens & UFO's |
Could this discovery made May 4, 2015 be true? Is there a secret connection between the Vatican and extraterrestrials? Why are they interested in Deep Space and have one of the world’s most powerful telescopes called LUCIFER, here in Arizona on Graham Mountain? Who was Leonardo Da Vinci? Did he leave extraterrestrial codes for this generation for find and realize whose behind apostate religion and world conflict? The likelihood of Leonardo Da Vinci being an alien or half-breed is very high. He shows all the signs. He had very high intellectual ability, extraordinary creative range, and used them to accomplish quite a bit. Leonardo is somebody who is able to operate across all these various fields, which is very unusual. Geniuses rarely are great in all areas like Leonardo. He was known for hiding secret messages and codes in his artwork, so this new discovery gives us the key we have been missing about him…his extraordinary abilities came from or were those of aliens. SCW Eyewitness states: Many theologians believe that Leonardo Da Vinci deliberately concealed secret codes and subliminal messages in most of his work. If this is true then its reasonable to assume that the Mona Lisa was in fact painted in order to conceal important historical and religious facts possibly regarding the extraterrestrial presence and its surreptitious involvement within the Roman Catholic Church. Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...
by Order Of Melchizedek | May 16, 2015 | Uncategorized |
There really is a time for everything and it’s time for Deborah’s Troop to emerge. The Divine Feminine energies are rising as Mother/God-dess ministers and comforts her sons and daughters. What is Deborah’s Troop? Who are Deborah’s Troop? Who is Deborah? Deborah was the only female judge to arise over the ancient land of Israel. In a culture where women were considered 2nd class and had very little rights, Deborah emerged as not only a judge, but mighty prophetess that led her people into a victorious battle over their adversaries, because she knew how to read the signs in the heavens. “They fought from heaven; the stars in their courses fought against Sisera.” Judges 5:20 A powerful woman of God and friend of mine, Apostle Andrea Williams is hosting a conference. I have had the privileged of speaking at one of her Prophetic Conferences, she has also spoken at a conference I hosted. We realize that many people yet don’t realize that Father/Mother God calls women into ministry; especially, to the office of an Apostle. She truly does have an Apostolic/Prophetic mandate on her life and have spent years traveling the nations empowering leaders, prophesying into the potential of others and encouraging women to boldly step into their calling. There is aa Apostolic/Prophetic Presbytery descending on Fishers, Indiana – as the women of God teach, preach and prophesy the word of the Lord. The Spirit will locate you and minister to your need. If you are near the area, you will want to experience this anointing. It is not for women (daughters) only…Mother also wants to empower her sons. ...
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