by Order Of Melchizedek | May 14, 2015 | Astrology, Uncategorized |
What a slap in the face of the Zionist, just one day before their 67th years of celebration, mutilation, devastation and occupation of Palestine, the Vatican officially recognized Palestine. May the evildoers be rooted out of the earth. You know that had to be planned, while the Sun is in Taurus, the house of finance and judgment. Each nation has a zodiac sign, even if it is an illegitimate nation as modern day Israel is. The creators of modern day Israel, Zionist-non genetically Hebrews/Jews are aware of the powers of the heavens and how they govern the affairs of men and humans on the earth. The modern day Israel was birth while the Sun was in Taurus purposely. “God made two great lights – the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars (constellations) also…” Genesis 1:16 Even if you don’t like it or believe it, the Sun, Moon and constellations do exert influence over every person the planet. The Hebrew word for “rule” in Genesis 1: 16 is “memshalah,” which means to Govern, exert dominion, power over; control. Who has dominated the Financial world for the last 100 years? What small group of people yet control the world resource, 96% of the media and this nation? Is it not those Zionist, who say they are Abrahams’ biological descendant (Jews/Judahites) but Are NOT, but are the synagogue of satan? Revelation 2:9, 3:9 You must realize that although modern illegitimate Israel came into being in 1948, the Zionist were planning for a nation decades prior and before setting it up in Palestine, they had chosen the fertile East Africa. Their first choice...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Apr 30, 2015 | Eye See, Uncategorized |
In this writing, we want to take a prophetic overview of things EYE have prophetically revealed recently and up to several years ago, which are manifesting today. Does Yahweh Only see what appears as good or positive? “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding both the evil and good.” Proverbs 15:3 How can one manifest true sonship (spiritual maturity) and deny the realities of the 3 dimensional world? You can’t. Does that not render one irrelevant? Did not the Pattern Son address the current and coming issues of His day? There is a strong delusion and deception today plaguing many in the Body of Christ. It is a Fear of acknowledging the realities of the 3 dimensional world in which we are yet very much connected to. One can not bring about Change to things they fail to acknowledge. It is erroneously believed that by addressing or exposing uncomfortable social issues, disasters or calamities; it will magically make them worse. (Thus, many prefer to focus on themselves have chosen to assume the position in the image below and not even use the awesome power of prayer.) Commons sense, true spirituality and history teaches us just the opposite. Creating awareness has always brought about Change and will continue to. One of the prophetic functions is to bring about change through creating awareness. “Cry loud, spare not, lift up your voice as a trumpet..” Isaiah 58:1 A person traveling down a road in a vehicle at a high speed sees a sign on the road, “Clift Ahead,” the big bold letters are designed to prevent him from disaster. Wouldn’t it be stupid to blame the warning sign for...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Apr 26, 2015 | Motivational, Uncategorized |
Some of you have emailed us and even written asking about Ministry Products not realizing we do have a STORE on this website, in the top right hand corner, just before the SEARCH icon. Feel free to browse and order powerful teachings/preaching messages from meetings and conferences. Today we are posting our New Years’ – OVERCOMER Conference – 2015 from Minneapolis, MN. It was a Celebration. Is your Praise/Worship Cerebral or Celebratory?? Is your Spirituality Exciting and FUN or Dead & Boring? Hopefully it is celebratory as you will find in the messages of this powerful series. We have decided to include some Prophetic Worship/Praise, Testimonial & Ministry in this series. Usually we just share a message. Warning! This is highly contagious and you might have a real Pentecostal experience. I believe the message of the Kingdom should not be in word only, but demonstration of the Spirit and power. When a Living Revealed Word is delivered, it should affect our lives in some way. Without the anointing, the words of life appeal to the intellect and become dead letter words. We are suggesting a very small donation of Only $11:11 for the series – because everyone need this anointing in your home, car, office. Eye feel Spirit will cause an awakening & open some portals (11 11) on your behalf. Get ready for Portals to open in you and for you. You will hear and feel the anointing on this series of messages, choruses birth by Spirit, also the revelation of the Spirit. God gave many confirmations and miracles during these meetings. The MP3 Files can be burned onto CDs. ...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Apr 22, 2015 | Aliens & UFO's, DNA & Science, Uncategorized |
Floating cities being seen in our time…? Are you excited to be alive? Are you excited to not only be alive but AWAKE??!!! We are in an awesome time in history, where what has been called science fiction is becoming fact. We live in a universe that exist within many universes or the multi-verse. In this uniquely Intelligently designed construct of visible and invisible realities, we find innumerable worlds without end. The Bible and other ancient and holy text verify that there are other dimensions and planes of existence existing in the space all around us. The seemingly empty space and in our very space is teaming with life and many life forms. Everything that is happening, will happen and has happening is in the eternal moment of Now. I recall many years ago while living in Seattle, I was pacing across the floor praying, as I normally do when I pray during my devotion time. Mind you, this was many years before I started to read what some physicists theorize. With my Eye open, I saw this huge calendar let down before me. Without going into lots of detail and trying to find scientific or common words to explain what Eye saw, the focus was drawn to that particular day on the calendar. Eye was able to see glimpses of everything happening that very day, what was going to happen and had happened. It was like a montage of movie clips at extremely high speed rolling. The overall message that I got from the experience was, there is only 360-365 days based on our lunar/solar cycle and that literally...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Apr 19, 2015 | Uncategorized |
Is there a God? Is God the same? Were the miracles recorded in the Bible just allegories or were they literal accounts that took place? Was the Manna that fell for 40 years for the Hebrews that came out of Africa real food that people could survive on, or was it only symbolic of a psychotropic drug from a mushroom? The Scriptures declares Jesus the same yesterday, today and forevermore. Does God yet do miracles for those who believe today? Can He provide literal food, money, clothes and material things? Is the spirit world or parallel worlds real and do we have the power to extract from them or add to them? It was probably about 11-12 years ago I was invited to a gathering in Seattle, WA where I lived. I was not ministering, there was an older couple sharing their story in the packed church. They had been from a non Pentecostal – non Charismatic background, but found themselves experiencing supernatural things they were never taught to believe in. The both of them stood and talked on and on for a bit, interrupting each others and sometimes almost rambling. There was no 3 or 4 point sermon, neither had they been to seminary to my knowledge. There names escape me now, but as they stood with their hug Bible open on the podium, something miraculous happened. It was after an extended time of worship and about 20 minutes into their sharing…something white and beige began to manifest and pile up in their opened Bible. It was Manna! Hundreds of people lined up to taste it, including me and it seemed to...
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