by Order Of Melchizedek | Mar 14, 2025 | Astrology, Eye See |
Don’t go back to sleep. Time is moving fast. The Schumann Resonance is peaking higher than before. Can you feel the momentum? Are you Peaking? Various timeline scenarios are being presented as the frequencies of Earth change and the manipulation of frequencies by technocrats using occult technology. What a time to be ALIVE & WOKE! President Trump declared during the long State of the Union Address on March 4, “Our country will be woke no longer.” The sheeple applauded loudly and fell into a deeper sleep, some became comatose at the utterance of that declaration. Many have chosen not to watch and pray, but rather relinquish their spiritual responsibilities. It is very easy to fall asleep, after all the majority prefer to. The comfortable zones of secular living, destructive lifestyles, being political or religious correct -choosing to turn a blind eye or keep silent in the face of injustice is more appealing to most. 11 And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. 12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. 13 Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in sexual promiscuity, reckless behavior and excessive sensual pleasure, not in strife and envying. Romans 13:11-13 I am reminded of my favorite 13th Century Sufi Mystics, Rumi. Here is a verse from one of his Spirit inspired poems called, “The Great Wagon.” “Out...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Mar 8, 2025 | Eye See, Uncategorized |
This Prophetic Message was originally Written/Published on March 8, 2018. It generated many Extremely Negative Comments. Spirit told me to remove it because it was not for that time. He told me to schedule it to be re-released on March 8, 2025, not knowing who would be President. I had forgotten the re-release date and was shocked as I just discovered it. Will Stormy Daniels bring the storm? Did you ever think you’d see the day that a sitting American president would be sued by a Porn Star (sex worker)? Not to mention all the weekly and sometimes daily high-drama that we have been subjected to as a nation and the world for the past more than a year. Is this some type of “national social experiment?” Is it a well planned Psyops? Did we enter the Twilight Zone? (Realizing we yet have a large Evangelical following of our work, messages, etc. My intent is to create awareness, and wake people up, so they can prepare. There’s a Storm Coming… There are various forms or expressions of the prophetic, this is only one possibly.) Trying to discern what’s reported in the media with a prophetic Eye, I am reminded of a scene and line from Batman – the Dark Knight Rises 2012 film, “There’s a Storm Coming…” For the sake of time, I am going to share many things in hints, codes, questions and riddles; without explaining in details. The Holy Spirit within you can connect the dots, draw the parallels and prophetic implications. See with your Eye and hear with your Ear. The setting for the Batman...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Feb 6, 2025 | Astrology, Eye See |
Chinese Year of the Snake – this is Astro-Prophecy, ‘ The first part of this video transmission deals with our ministry and Mission in the Philippines – learn how you can help. Around 44 minutes into the video, I start the teaching and explanation about the YEAR OF THE SNAKE. Listen til the end and be shocked and inspired. Receive this message below. Please Share and Forward this relevant message to others. Ways to Donate: Our PAYPAL: WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARD AT THIS SECURE ACCOUNT. Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Jan 7, 2025 | Eye See |
Yes, you read it right, I said, “Pregnant Men.” About 7 years ago (2017) I was prophesying into the Total Solar Eclipse that came across America and what it meant. The Holy Spirit said at that time, “I am giving America 7 years to Repent, but they will not.” These messages were posted on our website. 7 years later, 2024 the second part of the Total Solar Eclipse appeared April 8, 2024. I did several videos on what it meant, especially since America would not repent. They are on Youtube – Subscribe We had many celestial events take place in 2024, but most were overshadowed by the Total Solar Eclipse. Last night in my Master Class, I shared another important event and it’s meaning that happened in 2024. Remember, Jesus/Yahshua told us to watch the signs in the heavens to know what prophetic time we are in. In the message below, I shared the prophecy of Pregnant Men and the Star of Jacob. I will go into more depth in a future prophetic message. Yep, I did say Pregnant Men. Be fascinated and enlightened by this Word and share it with others. You will learn exactly where we are in Prophetic time. Also, enjoy the testimony and flow of Spirit. ” title=”PROPHECY OF PREGNANT MEN & THE STAR OF JACOB”> Ways to Donate: Our PAYPAL: WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARD AT THIS SECURE ACCOUNT. Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Jan 6, 2025 | Eye See |
School of the Prophets 2025 – Phase 1 It is the New Year, on the Gregorian Calendar. It is time to get into our Prophetic Mode and stay there. To help you to learn how to operate in the prophetic, I am conducting the School of the Prophets. If you already are confident in moving in the prophetic gifts, you will be enriched. If you are wanting to learn to discern the Voice of Spirit from the voice of your mind/flesh, you need to come. If you want to learn how to interpret the signs and nudges of the Spirit- you need to come. I will be using scientific, contemporary and Christian terminology to equip you to function at the highest levels in the prophetic gifts/sciences. If you want to attend but can not be present due to time zone or work, all the meetings will be recorded, you will get a copy. The meetings will be on ZOOM, you will get your Zoom link the day when class begins. Register today. I have made it ultra simple, just send your fee as mentioned below, you will be contacted for confirmation. You will have your receipt from the Payment Platform you choose to use. You may send an email to us after you have made payment if you need to: We are quickly approaching the School of Prophets Phase 1 – This will be a 4 week Course Gathering on Tuesday Evenings @ 4:00 pm PST/7:00 pm EST. This will be very in-depth with Activations. I will also bring in other Prophets. Due to the amount of content...
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