Bigfoot Is Part Human…How?

Bigfoot Is Part Human…How?

This message was written November 27, 2012. It is one of the many yet stuck in our old defunct website on an inaccessible server or in the Vault – waiting to be brought here. This message will help you to innerstand scientifically how Yahshua was able to be born of a virgin.) The headline news today reads, “BIGFOOT IS PART HUMAN…,” based on a 5 year DNA study of hair samples. Not a surprise to some of us, nor Native Americans. What a shock and blow to the scientific community? How will the evolutionist fit this into their theory? What a shock and blow to parts of the religious community. How will the creationist handle their 6000 year old Earth and human theory? DNA testing shows that Sasquatch mitochondria DNA is from a modern female human that existed about 15,000 years ago. That means there was some “hanky-panky” going on between cryptids (ancient hidden undocumented creatures which were more animal like) and humans. Also, it could suggest that highly advance beings on the planet introduce various strains of their DNA into humans. Much of BigFoot DNA can not be found anywhere on the planet. So where did it come from? Before we answer that question, let’s look at a prophetic word given by me January 1, 2012 – This was one of my weird prophecies for the year. CRYPTOZOOLOGY WEIRD PROPHECY & MORE – Given January 1, 2012 “Eye see the Dragon energy is revealing that over the next 2 years there will be a lot of emphasis on cryptozoology and other prehistoric creatures. There will be hard evidence...
Amazing NASA Mars Photo Anomalies! Billy Carson

Amazing NASA Mars Photo Anomalies! Billy Carson

Alien life and interplanetary travel is frequently on my mind. I have been fascinated about this subject most of my life. I am fully confident that it wont be long before everyone knows we are only a very small part of an intergalactic and universal community. Of course, to us here on planet Earth our importance may seem great, and it is from our perspective. Unfortunately, most of us yet struggle with the idea of a global community, and it will require a huge paradigm shift to realize we are a part of an intergalactic and universal community. Practice by allowing yourself to think beyond your family, city, state, nation and then world. Expand your consciousness and seriously think; if we can not function in our tiny community regarding race relations, humaneness, respect, and tolerance – we might be denied access to know and experience greater things. Rockets and spaceships are great for traveling in space, but you really don’t have to wait for human technology, if you learn how to tap into spiritual technology. The universal access code is based in the energy and emotion of Love. Mars, Andromeda, Sirius, Pleiades, Regulus and many unnamed planets and stars systems will make themselves available, to the expanded conscious frequency of love. For now, take a look at this and experience some 4Bidden Knowledge. Why does NASA want you to think Mars is redder than it actually is? Why don’t they want us to know it looks much like Earth? More than a decade ago I was posting stories of colonies on Mars and that there was a ‘break away’...
The New UFO Documentary

The New UFO Documentary

We don’t get to comment on this intriguing subject as much we’d like to or used to, but it is very important. We have had disclosure all year from higher levels of government than we ever had before in this country. In December 2017, the Pentagon finally admitted that they have spent tens of millions of dollars looking into UFO’s and admitted having filmed them. Of course, that was only a carrot being thrown out to appease the awakened public pushing for disclosure. In reality, there has long been a “Black Budget” for the Secret Space Program and that’s where much of the trillions of dollars have gone and yet go. Alien ships (UFO’s) are being seen more frequently than before in our skies and it will increase until it soon becomes the norm and then there will be interaction with the ones who fly these crafts. A lot of strange things are happening in our Solar System at this time, one of the most fascinated events besides the UFO’s is, a complete celestial planetary system that hasn’t been seen has come. Literally multiple giant planets, with multiple moons very close and is being seen daily. Yet the media and government is completely silent on this subject. Watch this intriguing UFO Documentary. The content of this documentary has massive implications for our entire planet. Deemed too controversial for TV, it is unlike many of the UFO “documentaries” found on network television nowadays, which contain far more speculation than fact, this film rigorously examines the officially-still-hidden history of UFO activity at nuclear weapons laboratories, test areas, storage depots and missile...
Sun Simulator & New Planetary Bodies

Sun Simulator & New Planetary Bodies

The technology and science you see being used today that claims to be the result of recent breakthroughs in science is at least 40 years old. There have been discoveries on the planet left by ancient civilizations that were very technologically advanced, that we benefit from today. There is also reverse engineered technology from crashed space crafts (UFO’s), as well as an exchange of technology from various alien races visiting the planet. We, the people do not get to see, enjoy and benefit from the technology that would liberate humanity…yet. For many years I have spoken that the Chemtrails we see in the sky are not placed there just to make us sick, but they are concealing something they don’t want us to see along with changing the planet at the same time. This is where we go deeper into the rabbit hole and I am thought to be making up conspiracy theories by some. The Chemtrails serve multiple purposes; apart from making people sick. I don’t claim to know all of them, but one has been recently confirmed, that I have long stated. #1) I have felt for some time that there is a massive Geoengineering Program taking place and our planet is being terraformed. All the major and western nations are in agreement. Why? A short quick answer. As we have been stating for many years, the elite are preparing the planet to be ruled by the losing side (fallen angels/aliens). They need the atmosphere to be changed in order to live here. They and their human and hybrid counterparts on Earth are too arrogant to accept...
Are UFO’s & Aliens In the Bible?

Are UFO’s & Aliens In the Bible?

Soft Disclosure is happening in America. After the Pentagon’s admission this past week and video, there should be no more doubt that our government has known about “them” for decades. Unfortunately, in much of Christianity, everything outside the limited understanding of creation, the universe, science or technology is often relegated to being demonic. Are there positive & negative entities? Are all the flying machines Fallen Angels? Did Angels of the Most High also use them and Yahweh himself? What does the Bible say? Does the Bible actually give us an idea what these vehicles look like? Did many of the prophets have a special connection with them? Didn’t President Ronald Reagan know something? Are negative and positive alien abductions mentioned in the Bible? Experience what the Bible really says in the video...
Paranormal, Little People & Alien Life

Paranormal, Little People & Alien Life

It’s been quite a while since I wrote or commented directly on “Extraterrestrial” or “Alien Life,” besides sharing some of the abundance of information given in the Bible occasionally. This is a subject that I have been intrigued with since a child. There has always been a knowing within me that there has to be others out there. I suppose this innate knowledge was cultivated by my love for reading ‘Enquirer Magazines’ growing up. I clearly remember being in my early teens years standing in the middle of the floor on a Sunday night stunned watching the news. There had been many minor accidents on Union Ave. (Memphis, TN) that evening during good weather. People were excitedly reporting that a UFO flew over, swooping down quite close to traffic. This caused a series of accidents, as startled people took their eyes off the road to look at the craft. I have had many sightings, especially, as a young adult and nearly always while in the presence of other people. Unfortunately, it is taught in Christianity that all these beings are demonic. Just as with the human race, there are some evil people and some some good; so it is with many of the alien races. We have a problem with their appearance and demonize them. Consider, some of these being are thousands and possibly hundreds of thousands of years old-based in Earth solar cycle. Also, consider, the 1st rank of the angelic look like serpents/dragons-they are the closest to the Throne Room. They are the Seraphim. Being able to discern will be necessary to avoid deception or entertaining angels...