America’s Great Solar Eclipse – Aug. 21, 2017

America’s Great Solar Eclipse – Aug. 21, 2017

Can you handle the truth? Instead of waiting until the week of the event, I felt led to share this now. There are many things to pray about. Less than 1 month from now America will experience a celestial or astronomical event that has not happened in 99 years. There will be a Total Solar Eclipse August 21, 2017, about 27 days from now. There will be darkness for nearly 3 minutes – to be exact about the space of 2 minutes and 40 seconds. The Solar Eclipse will start at 8:46 am PST. By 9:05 am PST the Path will cross over Salem, Oregon; as darkness approaches mid-morning. Around 10:18 am PST the New Moon @ 28 degrees in LEO will pass directly in front and completely cover the Sun in the constellation of LEO. This will be the unusual 2nd New Moon of LEO. A month with 2 New Moons, the 2nd one is called the Black Moon. “The Sun will be turned to darkness, black as sackcloth.” Darkness will cover the land from the West Coast to the East Coast of America for the first time in 99 years -6/8/1918. The last time this happened was after America entered World War 1. It is being called the America’s Great Solar Eclipse because it will ONLY be seen across America. Is this just an event that happens every 100 years or more? Or, does this have prophetic meanings? What most people are not aware of is, this is ONLY Phase 1 of America’s Great Solar Eclipse. Phase 2 will happen April 8, 2024, in just 7 years,...
Heavens Declare Money $$$ Release

Heavens Declare Money $$$ Release

Some of you have emailed or asked, why we don’t write or speak on Divine Astrology – Astro-Prophecy as often anymore. The short answer is, lack of TIME. However, there are a few messages I have been preparing to release and will soon release from the CNN (Cosmic News Network). We are moving into a very important astronomical and astrological season – July 21 – August 21 will “set up” and “set off” global alarming effects, stemming from decisions made mostly late August 2017 by the present Administration. We will probably get into more details in the next Astro-Prophetic post. It’s good to always pray. A rare 2 New Moons in Leo – July 23 & August 21 @ 28 degrees, with Total Solar Eclipse. Gonna be interesting the following 7 months to say the least. We have been writing about Uranus since March 2011, before it entered the house of Aries (March 11, 2011). Eye prophesied weeks before; that a Major Earthquake more than 8.0, Global events, Volcano Eruptions and Crustal Displacement would take place on that date- March 11, 2011 with Islands moving out of their place. According to the Astro-Prophetic word of the LORD Eye spoke – March 11, 2011 Japan was hit with a 9.1 Earthquake & Tsunami, Crustal Displacement (island moved out of their places), plus, 3 Volcanoes erupted on the planet. (Original post in our old website -“THE KINGDOM OF URANUS IS AT HAND“) How could I have known that weeks in advance to describe accurately what would happen and the exact date? There is a prophetic science of the heavens and there...
Feast of Pentecost [Shavuot]

Feast of Pentecost [Shavuot]

  FEAST OF PENTECOST This is the Feast of Pentecost  celebration – a Harvest Festival.  This is the 2nd Major Feast on the Hebrew Calendar, and the last of the Spring Feasts. These Feasts are God’s Prophetic Calendar of events, for they show exactly where we are on God’s clock, and what He is doing in the realm of time. Those that would be wise should learn them and keep them. 3 – FEASTS OR EXPERIENCES God sums up the 7 Feasts that He gave to ancient Israel to 3-major experiences. This 3-dimensional principle is played out over and over throughout scripture. “Three times in a year shall all your males appear before the LORD your God in the place which he shall choose: in the feast of unleavened bread (Passover), and in the feast of weeks (Pentecost), and in the feast of tabernacles; and they shall not appear before the LORD empty”. Deuteronomy 16:16 Here are the Feasts of the LORD. Leviticus 23 1) PASSOVER (Death of Christ) = Salvation 2) Unleavened Bread 3) First Fruits (Resurrection) 4) PENTECOST = Baptism in the Holy Ghost 5) Trumpets 6) Atonement 7) TABERNACLES = Fullness of Christ Expressed. Yahushua (Jesus) has fulfilled all of the Spring Feasts (the first four), and is NOW fulfilling the Fall Feast in us. So far the majority of Christianity only know of and have experienced Passover and Pentecost; however, there’s a remnant that’s beginning to experience Tabernacles now. These 3- major Feasts also represented Salvation for the whole man, spirit, soul, and body. 1500 years before Yahshua, Israel rehearsed these with the many types, shadows, and...
Dragon/Reptilian Race In South Africa – Part 5

Dragon/Reptilian Race In South Africa – Part 5

“I will open my mouth… I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.” Matthew 13:35 Comment: First of all, we are thankful for all the comments from those that read our writings/blogs. It has been pointed out to us, many have shared some of the beliefs we brought forth about our origins and a Reptilian/Dragon Race on the planet, but did not know it was so evident it in Scripture. Others have been amazed that the heavens actually do confirm and declare these things. We are also thankful that these messages are stimulating thought and promoting deeper study and research. I think we all as humans have a lot of catching up to do in a short time. The covers are being ripped off of everything and especially our consciousness. Revealed truth should not take away from your spiritual experience in any way, rather, it should enhance it. The Supreme Creator Being we call God is greater than anyone can imagine. (To better understand this series, you might want to read Parts 1 – 4. Scroll to the bottom of this page to get the links.) Many years ago, Eye started hearing the Spirit repeatedly say, “Get ready for the family reunion.” We wrote about it several times, I knew exactly what He was talking about. Now more than ever am I sure that we (humanity) are being prepared to meet our distant relatives from other star systems and many wont look like us at all. The Father of ALL, is Incomprehensible. Isn’t it exciting??!! People on the planet who are small...
Dragon Seed – Part 4

Dragon Seed – Part 4

“I will open my mouth… I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.” Matthew 13:35 To get a clearer understanding of this series, you will probably need to scroll to the bottom and study Parts 1-3) I am convinced that there is truth in myths and legends, which are the missing pieces of the puzzle of our rich ancient history. That which is thought to be fiction and science fiction this morning, will prove to be fact and reality by nightfall. The vast library of the universe with all the knowledge of what was, is and will be is locked up in us; anxiously waiting for the student initiate to enter. The keys are within your reach and within your sight, but they will not unlock the doors until there is a “need” to know. “The heavens declare (prophesy, predict and set forth in a language of numbers) the glory of God…there is no place where this language is not heard.” Psalms 19 THE LAW OF 2 The constellation of Cepheus, prophesying the One coming to rule, sits in the center of the great Zodiac wheel within the wheel in the heavens. At his right hand is Draco the Dragon constellation, falling under his feet. The secrets of wisdom teaches us the law of 2, good (positive) and evil (negative), or duality. As much as we do not like duality, it is necessary for us to survive in this present 3 dimensional construct. When Earth and those inhabitants who are prepared to shift into the 5th dimensional reality makes the shift; duality...
Draco the Dragon Constellation Part 3

Draco the Dragon Constellation Part 3

“I will open my mouth… I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.” Matthew 13:35 (You will want to read Dragons Around The Throne – Part 1 and Dragon In the Throne Room Part 2 – before starting this message for a better understanding.) Over the past two articles, I have posed the question of why would the Creator God have an angelic being called a Seraphim (fiery flying serpent – dragons) closest to His throne. “As above, so it is below.” Kings and royals have used the dragon symbolism for thousands of years and until this very day. Europe, Asia, Africa and into the Americas, the dragon symbol can be found and associated with royalties or king-priest. The dragon is the symbol you are greeted with when entering the city of London. What does it say? The Dragon of London has “Domine dirige nos” (O Lord guide us) written underneath. Making the Dragon as a god to guide them, with the specific term “Lord” associated with the image of a Dragon. The red dragon represent Great Britain, the only nation that uses the red dragon as it’s emblem. We don’t have time here to show how that fits in to Revelation chapter 12, “great red dragon prophecy.” The Queen has a huge stature of a red dragon next to her throne, called “the Queens beast.” The royals possess ancient hidden knowledge past down from the angels, sons of God. They understand the power of symbolism. This human size image of a dragon below was used in the Queen’s Coronation in 1953....