Summer Solstice 2016

Summer Solstice 2016

The Summer Solstice of power is upon us. June 20, 2016 is the Summer Solstice. As you may or may not know, energetically from the astrological standpoint, this is one of the most powerful days of the year. The Summer Solstice marks the day with the most daylight hours of the year. This year there is something very different that the heavens are shouting and screaming to us, as the planets move and configure themselves. Due to the energy being released from space affecting the Earth, the ancients have acknowledged this day for thousands of years. It is shrouded in mystery and power. Each time there are astronomical events, we realize that portals are being opened. These doorways allow us access to strong energetic frequencies that can be used with intent to achieve goals. Yet on the other hand, most people are happy that summer is finally officially here. The word solstice is derived from the Latin sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still), because at the solstices, the Sun stands still in declination; that is, the seasonal movement of the Sun’s path (as seen from Earth) comes to a stop before reversing direction. Divine Astrology is the interpretation of how energy in space (the planets, celestial bodies) is affecting our planet and the beings on it. We normally expose and prophesy into the works of evil being done on this day, since those on the dark side are aware of the massive amount of energy that’s being released and can be used, redirected or transmuted. Due to the uniqueness of this Solstice, we will read and prophesy into...
Fall of US Fiat Currency – Prophecy in Motion

Fall of US Fiat Currency – Prophecy in Motion

The prophetic signs are everywhere of what will happen with our Federal Reserve Fiat Currency. A few days ago, there was a storm in Boston, Massachusetts and the wind blew down a bronze statue of Benjamin Franklin. Because of time, we will only look prophetically into a few of the meanings of this sign. Every event has prophetic implications and overtones when we learn to read God’s sign language. This language is expressed in every aspect of nature, the stars, global events, national, local and even personal events. I was on a phone call last night with Marcel, a friend from Alberta, Canada. He was listening to US news as we spoke and ask if I heard of Benjamin Franklin statue falling. He was wondering if it had any significance. Of course, I shouted and rushed to a computer to verify the story. I began to rattle off some prophetic stuff and realized I needed to share this with our Age To Age Ministries family of readers and those who are aware of us. First of all, it is the image of Benjamin Franklin on the Federal Reserve Bank Note $100 bill. On the reverse of the banknote is an image of Independence Hall. The $100 bill is the largest denomination that has been printed since July 13, 1969. 1963: Because dollar bills were no longer redeemable in silver, beginning with Series 1963A, WILL PAY TO THE BEARER ON DEMAND was removed from the obverse of the $100 Federal Reserve Note and the obligation was shortened to its current wording, THIS NOTE IS LEGAL TENDER FOR ALL DEBTS, PUBLIC...
Freedom From Financial Slavery

Freedom From Financial Slavery

When one lives in the realm of the prophetic or at least is aware of the what we call the prophetic, every event becomes prophetic. This means that every event is layered with hidden stories or messages and foreshadowing coming events. Major news stories, Hollywood films, political events, the economy, all become subtle clues of what is and what shall be. We are living in a period of time that’s greatly pregnant with prophecy. The media and Hollywood uses predictive programming often to reveal their plans both positive and negative. The events that happen in your person life and around you, great and small, also are filled with prophetic clues…if you take the time to listen. In our last article, “Global Economic Shift in a few Days,” Eye shared some astrological prophecies regarding our time and the coming wealth transfer that would be triggered by an event April 19-20, as the Sun moved into Taurus. China did fulfill this prophetic word by announcing their new Gold-back Yuan and upending from the fiat USD. However, there was another powerful prophetic announcement on April 20, 2016 by our government. This announcement had to come while the Sun is in Taurus, the house that controls finances. Everything that the elite do, whether they are good people or evil ones, must be timed by the movements of the heavens. They clearly understand the vibratory and energetic frequencies being emitted from the heavens to assist with plans on earth, be they good or evil. Here is the announcement: WASHINGTON — Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew on Wednesday announced the most sweeping and historically...
Global Economic Shift In A Few Days….?

Global Economic Shift In A Few Days….?

Is the long awaited and expected Global Economical Collapse just ahead?  Are you prepared to lose your savings with a Bank Bail-In?  Since the government will no longer bail the banks out of the mess they got our nation and the world in, the banks have decided to make you (us) pay for the next soon coming collapse.  It’s the law, and it’s called a “Bail-In.”   They have the right to go into your account and take your money to cover their loss.  I don’t plan to contribute. This past week, around April 11/12, 2016 –  There was a Special Unusual Financial Meeting.  President Obama, Vice President Biden and Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen met, this was historical on many levels.  It seems like they are trying to prop things up just a bit longer, the following manipulation of the Gold market seems to further indicate that. Alternative News suggest that there was another person invited to this close door meeting.  It was a representative from the Dragon Family.  This has a lot of people talking and speculating in the currency world.  Yes, there will be a collapse…but before we see that, their might be a Global Currency Reset (GCR).   Those who follow alternative news believe that the representative from the Asian Dragon Family was in Washington, D. C. at that meeting to help put things in place and get the ball rolling faster for the release of long awaited funds.   That would be good. CELESTIAL PROPHETIC NEWS For the past month Eye have been sharing with others that when the Sun moves into Taurus this...
Solar Eclipse of Change in Pisces

Solar Eclipse of Change in Pisces

The heavens are shouting again.  Prepare yourself for the Total Solar Eclipse happening today in Pisces.  This is the Eclipse of “great change” – the power being generated in the heavens will be breaking many ties from various cycles connected to many life times.  You have and are living many lifetimes in this present reality and time space as the many versions of you are existing.  The merging together of the many fragments into one new creation being is powerful.  Raise the vibratory frequency of your being to as high as possibly and maintain that frequency through out the day and tomorrow.   Love is the highest frequency.  This can be done through acts of kindness, smile, giving, meditation, positive music, worship, dancing, etc. We had intended on getting this message out sooner, but with traveling, speaking engagements and other mundane things- we are late.  Keep in mind that you can yet experience the transformative power of this event even if you get it late.  There is no time in the realm of Spirit, just think and you will be there. March 8-9  depending on where you are, the Sun in Pisces and the Super New Moon will be in Pisces to create a powerful experience.  Look out of your window, go outside and see the Super New Moon.   The energetic frequency that you find yourself at today and is most dominate will be sealed or stamped onto your being and will be the predominate expression over the next 6 months.  Love is the highest frequency, maintain it.  Make an extra effort to be love in every situation...
Phoenix Factor

Phoenix Factor

The heavens are filled with wonder, subtle messages and sometimes not so subtle messages.  Icelandic photographer Hallgrimur P. Helgason captured the aurora borealis forming a giant phoenix bird.  The luminous bird appeared to be rising above the icy grounds of Iceland and taking his flight. The phoenix is considered to be a mythological bird that existed in Eastern Africa and seemed to never die.  The beautiful bird’s life was cyclical regenerated at the end of each long cycle.  According to legend, the large bird  was covered with royal colored feathers of red, gold and purple; it had a beautiful crest of feathers on its head.  Some described it with bright yellow-golden legs, with rose colored talons and bright blue eyes.  Some descriptions were similar to a peacock in appearance. With all the beautiful detail descriptions in many cultures, could not this magnificent bird have actually existed?  Could not this myth have been based in historic facts that were somehow lost in legends and became myth?  Someone must have seen it. Some East African myths say this fascinating bird lived 500, 700 to 12oo years before it was reborn.  Hebrew traditions say this bird lived 1000 years before being born again.  At the end of the long cycle of this birds life, he would fly about modern day Ethiopia and pluck the most aromatic plants and compile a huge magnificent nest and sit there in the middle.  This special nest was not what he would live in and enjoy as his home, this was to become his elaborate spice filled funeral pyre. Just before the  moment of transformation, he would become...