Saturn’s Influence

Saturn’s Influence

We are moving into another very critical time and space on the planet.  The prophetic art of understanding times and seasons gives us the ability to position ourselves to benefit from the blessings of the universe and also to prepare for the unpleasant things coming upon the land.  While we realize not everyone feels a calling to the ministry of intercession or light-work; we can all be aware.  The purpose for this article is to make you aware. On November 6, 2015  ,   Eye gave you some Watch & Prayer Dates.  The dates are November 24-28, with November 26th being the high point.  We often post dates as a sign to confirm the spirit of prophecy, to warn, and to create intercession.  There are so many dynamics at work on the planet specifically at this time, unfortunately, most of them are malevolent in nature and if most knew what was really going on, they simply would not believe it.  Top scientists have acquire a level of technology beyond what most can allow themselves to even imagine.  The ancient Hebrew Prophet Daniel declared 2500 years ago, “knowledge (technology) shall be increased.” “But you, Daniel, keep these words secret, and seal the book until the end times. Many will travel everywhere, and knowledge will grow.”  Daniel 12:4  God’s Word Translation Today, November 24, 2015 brings us to the beginning of a massive energy shift building on the planet, that peaks on November 26.  This specific window will be open until November 28, and then began to wane. However, the effects will be long-lasting beyond November 28; as the residual...
Astro-Prophecy..There Is No More Normal

Astro-Prophecy..There Is No More Normal

I have talked to so many people in the past few years that have stated to me that, “nothing seems normal anymore,” as they wondered why.  I must confess that I have been in total agreement with them, there is no more normal…at least as we knew it.   For those that could hear, Eye shared some information from the astrological point.  “Do you know the ordinances of the heavens? Do you know how the heavens influence the earth?”  Job 38:33 In 2012, Eye started to share astro-prophetic insight of what the Uranus-Pluto conjunctions and squaring over the following 3 years meant.   In 2012, Eye spoke and wrote on several occasions of the death on many levels that would be coming, as the cosmic human family came to an end of a long cycle.  From June 2012 to March 2015, we were in a very powerful cycle that affected every aspect of our planet (government, military, law enforcement, economy, relationships, spirituality, health, emotions, individuality, etc) and our solar system.  We are now just coming out of that heaven and hell chain of experiences.   Uranus (ou-ran-os=heaven), representing heaven, positive, refreshing, healing, faith-giving, blissful events.  Pluto (god of the underworld), representing hell,  death, negative, tension, stressful, darkness, fear, and anger events. The planets and  the zodiac are the Most High God Cosmic Apostles and Prophets who can not lie.  They are there to govern, guide, guard and instruct humanity in the path of righteousness and give us the lessons needed, until we are no longer subjected to their tutorship. “And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the...
SHIFT HAPPENS!  by Anthony ‘Nyce Moise

SHIFT HAPPENS! by Anthony ‘Nyce Moise

Shalom People of the Most High God.  It is Yom Kippur, the day of Atonement; the most sacred day of the Biblical year.  The long awaited verdict is in. You have been sentenced to Life and that more abundantly.  You are no longer a part of this crumbling world system and from here on, you will never fit in.  This Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) is most different from any other, as the consciousness of humanity is being forced to Shift.  You are no longer free to do your own thing, live your own life, go your own ways and frustrate the grace of God, by excusing yourself.  Shift is happening and you want to be walking in truth.   The message below is from my brother Anthony ‘Nyce Moise – in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE).  Receive & Experience it.   Beloved the SPIRIT REALM is very real n actually MORE real than our 3D reality (Scientifically proven for you skeptics being that we only see 3% the universe i.e. Dark Matter) And the SHIFT is about to HIT the preverbal cooling unit 23 SEP 2015. Portals around the world are being activated as those whose EYE is open will sense or SEE this time of visitation from higher beings in preparation for a lot of SHIFT. For the next 7 days you may feel a pull to go deeper into spirituality. Allow the magnetic energy to pull your consciousness away from this fleshly 3D limited mind into unlimited spiritual realities. RELAX and BREATHE!!! For the Muslims it is Eid-Al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) for the Jews it is Yom Kippur (Day...
Entering the Lion’s Gate

Entering the Lion’s Gate

Our heavenly brothers and sisters called stars, planets and celestial bodies are declaring God’s glory in us, along with the geometric numerical code 888.  Sirius, Pleiades, and Lyra,  frequency codes are affecting all, consciously and unconsciously on the planet.  These influences are affecting and activating cellular memory, triggers… in the form of personal and global events will assist in awakening the genetic memory of who we really are.  8/8/2015 = 8 8 (2+0+1+5 =8)   8  8  8 The energy impacting us,  the planet and our Solar System is very similar to the energy that was manifesting exactly 7 years ago.  As I was asking what Eye should write or speak about at this time, Holy Spirit reminded me of 7 years ago and said much of the same energy would be manifesting this time.   Eye was instructed to bring forth much of a prophetic message Eye shared for August 8, 2008.   The Lion’s Gate portal is a portal to the heart.  We must be true to our heart, matters of the heart (relationships) are being shaken.    Pleiades, Lyra and many other power stars are prominent in the sky, as Sirius align with our Sun. Welcome, you have come to the threshold of the Lion’s Gate. This is the portal or Stargate to propel you into your next reality. Sirius has risen and given you the light of the ancients to direct your path. The code 8:8:8: will activate and unlock the blessings for your whole being and give you more access to the etheric body. This is a special time in history that those in the spirit realms have anxiously waited for. The heavens are...
Jupiter & Venus Conjunct

Jupiter & Venus Conjunct

An event that has not happened in  over 2000 years will manifest in the heavens.  Over 2000 years ago wise men (a caravan of astrological prophetic priests) from the Magi tribe of the Medes followed a star.  Actually, it was more than one star.  They followed His star, the planet Venus, which rules Libra, the Scales.  This is the zodiac sign house in which Messiah, Jesus was born.   Venus was on the move along with Jupiter, they were coming closer and closer. The Magis knew exactly what was happening.  These Medes were the ancestors of a long line of astro-prophets, priests, miracle workers, and spiritual people.   Somehow, this 6th tribe of the Medes were blessed with supernatural abilities.  I feel it was something more than spiritual gifting, it was literally in their genetic.  It is kind of like some families are born to play music or sing, without effort they seem to be genetically inclined to perform.  This is the way the 6th tribe of the Medes were, for this reason they were called the Magi tribe.  I can imagine their children demonstrated spiritual abilities at a young age. Around the time of Prophet Daniel, who was made Master Astrologer of Babylon and during the Medo-Persian Empire, some history suggest that Daniel was in contact with this Magi tribe.  Daniel 5:20  Can you imagine what these meetings might have been like?  Just close your eye, tilt your head slightly back and allow your mind to visit ancient Persia 2500 years ago.  These spiritual giants probably got together to sing, meditate, to share experiences, visions, dreams, compare and validate each other.  They shared  what...
Vatican Officially Recognized Palestine While Israel Fumes..

Vatican Officially Recognized Palestine While Israel Fumes..

 What a slap in the face of the Zionist, just one day before their 67th years of celebration, mutilation, devastation and occupation of Palestine, the Vatican officially recognized Palestine. May the evildoers be rooted out of the earth.  You know that had to be planned, while the Sun is in Taurus, the house of finance and judgment. Each nation has a zodiac sign, even if it is an illegitimate nation as modern day Israel is.  The creators of modern day Israel, Zionist-non genetically Hebrews/Jews are aware of the powers of the heavens and how they govern the affairs of men and humans on the earth.   The modern day Israel was birth while the Sun was in Taurus purposely. “God made two great lights – the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night. He  made the stars (constellations) also…”  Genesis 1:16 Even if you don’t like it or believe it, the Sun, Moon and constellations do exert influence over every person the planet.  The Hebrew word for “rule” in Genesis 1: 16 is “memshalah,”  which means to Govern, exert dominion, power over;  control.  Who has dominated the Financial world for the last 100 years?  What small group of people yet control the world resource, 96% of the media and this nation?  Is it not those Zionist, who say they are Abrahams’ biological descendant (Jews/Judahites) but Are NOT, but are the synagogue of satan?  Revelation 2:9, 3:9  You must realize that although modern illegitimate Israel came into being in 1948, the Zionist were planning for a nation decades prior and before setting it up in Palestine, they had chosen the fertile  East Africa.  Their first choice...