Astro-Prophetic Events Fall/Winter 2021

People of the Most High, This has been such a Fun-filled Summer so far. The boys and I went to southern California, hung out with some Mystics out there, ate lots of good food, went to the beach, amusement park, museum, etc. etc. Hmmm, I think I am ready for another vacation.. How are you all doing out there? School will be starting within a few weeks here. Yes, I am still home-schooling. My oldest is in High School now and youngest in Jr. High. I can hardly believe it. I don’t get to write very much because of the Rising Mystics Institute, I am teaching/preaching/prophesying for literally hours of day throughout the week with our on-line International Institute. I want to share a message from the LIVE Monday evening Master Class. I believe there is a lot of relevant prophetic insight, visions, reading of the heavens, and information that could help you survive the Fall/Winter season. Based on accurate prophetic words Eye gave last years regarding dates of the CoVid Waves/Phases – When Lock Downs and Spikes would occur, I am sure we can provide accurate Holy Spirit Intel this time. Share this video below with others. Out on line Master Class is Free. When will the next Wave of the Plandemic hit and Spike? When will the next level of Restrictions take place? What can you do? Is there a coming Global Food Shortage? How long will it last? What about God’s Blessings? (Near the middle of the video – There is a Prophetic Word I shared about a coming Water Event in China and I mentioned...
Prophecy, Parable & Year of the OX

Prophecy, Parable & Year of the OX

Shalom People of the Most High God. It is 2021 on the Gregorian Calendar and yet 5781 on the current Hebrew Calendar. Some of you have been inquiring when am I going to release a Prophetic Publication for the year 2021? I already did. Please check out these messages/links below and See the Word of the LORD. However, we will share more here now. (THIS HAS TURNED OUT TO BE A PROPHETIC BUFFET. EAT!! FEEL FREE TO SHARE THIS CONTROVERSIAL 401st PROPHETIC WORD IN OTHER PROPHETIC VENUES, WHERE INTERCESSORS MEET, WITH YOUR PASTORS, PROPHETS, APOSTLES & CHURCHES. THIS IS NOT FROM THE 400 PROPHETS OF THE BAAL SYSTEM WHO ALL PARROT THE SAME LIES.) PROPHETIC ASTROLOGICAL SEASON – AGE OF AQUARIUS From a LIVE Rising Mystics Class in December 2020. POST ELECTION ASTRO-PREDICTIONS 11/8/20 Usually, on Thursdays during our LIVE Zoom International Prayer Gathering, Spirit is speaking extensively and we have documented detailed prophetic words and their fulfillment and what to expect. When time allows we shall put together videos showing what was revealed and did happened. EXPLAINING HOW IT WORKS WITH ME Due to lack of time, without going into too much information Eye will share some extra Prophetic Insight here that has been shared in our LIVE Zoom Gatherings, among our Private Telegram Group & what comes as I write. Please keep in mind that dates I might mention that astrological event will be happening does not necessarily always mean the interpretation of that energy will manifest on those or that date. Nor does it mean the events are limited to those dates. It means that the...
Prophetic Astrological Season-Age of Aquarius

Prophetic Astrological Season-Age of Aquarius

ShalomPeople of the Most High, It is the end of 2020 Gregorian year. Did you really See (20/20) clearly what is happening and what is going to happen? Here below is a LIVE Recording from our daily International Rising Mystics Institute on Zoom (Toilet Revelations Edition)- Due to trigger words and phrases in this prophetic message, it was censored, banned on Youtube. Follow the link on Youtube and hear what they did not want you to hear. Be Blessed! Go to Youtube and follow the link on the Description Box or first comment. The DOWNLOAD SPEED IS FASTER WHEN USING GOOGLE CHROME BROWSER. Experience the Power of Astro-Prophecy. Link: Order of Melchizedek WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARD AT THIS SECURE ACCOUNT. Sharing is...
Post Election Astro-Predictions

Post Election Astro-Predictions

On January 1, 2020 this is what I wrote in my Astro-Predictions for 2020: “ELECTION 2020 – There is a huge possibility that Trump will lose the popular vote again, perhaps even by wider margin, but yet becomes president. How? There is the outdated Electoral College & Gerrymandering (cheating) techniques that assures Republican contestants to be appointed/selected, even if they lose the popular vote from the people. (Google Gerrymandering) Not to mention the outside interference that’s been invited again. Corruption is no longer hidden in the USA. Trump was born June 14, 1946, during a Total Lunar Eclipse – Sun in Tropical Gemini and Moon in Sagittarius. Election date is November 3, 2020 (Mercury the ruling planet of Gemini goes Direct), this appears to go in Trump’s favor. Then, there is the Total Solar Eclipse December 14, 2020, Eclipsing Trump’s Moon in Sagittarius. Whoops! It’s like everything is going as planned, then things are turned sideways. This is suggesting the coming Election may be heavily Contested, Recounts, Unrest or perhaps something preventing him from being sworn in at the set time…” Year of the Rat 1/1/20 Joe Biden is the Projected President of the USA and Kamala Harris the Projected Vice President. Can’t you feel that something is amiss? The atmosphere in this nation is pregnant with the fraternal twins of Potential & Chaos. These twins are due and the water has been breaking for some time. The birth pangs of contractions are here now. I don’t think it can be delayed any longer. Both will be birth, but only one will be allowed to survive and live out...
Entering the Lion’s Gate – 2020

Entering the Lion’s Gate – 2020

Welcome, you have come to the Lion’s Gate – 2020. This is the portal or Stargate to propel you into your next reality. This is also the portal that brings things into our reality. Sirius has risen and given you the Light codes of the ancients to direct your path. Sirius is the brightest star in the sky. It is a Fixed Star at 14 degrees of Cancer and 26 times brighter than our Sun. Sirius is also known as the Star of Harvest, due to its brightness. The Egyptians saw Sirius as the great accelerator of Harvest, causing the crops to grow and mature for harvest quickly. Sirius is also associate with the 3 stars of Orion’s Belt, however, due to periods of time, the stars slightly shift back and forth. The 3 Pyramids of Giza, Egypt is aligned with the 3 stars of Orion’s Belt. As of August 8, 2020 Orion’s Belt has shifted back into alignment with the 8-8 Lion’s Gate Sirian energy. “Can you loosen the Belt of Orion?” Job 38:31 Here is what the heavens are saying, “Everything must become faster and louder. This energy is being dispersed throughout the earth and the cosmos. This is a process that will last and intensify over the next 6-7 years as Uranus entering Gemini in 2025 and there will be major revelations about many things in the media and unsealed documents before Uranus goes back to Taurus and finally exists. The code 8:8 will activate and unlock the blessings, prosperity and abundance for your whole being and give you more access to the etheric body. However,...
Prophecy of the Iran Conflict

Prophecy of the Iran Conflict

July 25, 2018 I began to interpret the heavens regarding the coming Total Solar Eclipse that would take place on July 27, 2018. In that prophetic interpretation Eye mentioned the Impeachment of Trump and the provocation of the war with Iran as a distraction. Eye also revealed the coming attacks on Iran and some of the cities Nethanyahu & the USA plan on bombing. Here is an excerpt: “They will do everything possible to force Trump to attack Iran. (This could serve as a distraction from his crimes – prolong impeachment and removal)… Eye see periods where most noise will be made and possibly provocative actions building up to events. Pray over these times and seasons which are most vulnerable for the Iranians. Most of the attacks are planned for Southwestern IRAN, near the Gulf of Persia, which would destroy or damage nuclear facilities, as well as cause loss of much life over time. See here~~ SIGNS – BLOOD RAIN, DARK SUN, WAR PROPHECY – July 25, 2018 *** Important Watch & Prayer Dates For Major Conflict, Major Loss of Life, Violence, International Event, Unrest – March 20 – April 2, 2020 TRUMP & CDC ANNOUNCED EXPECTED DEATHS IN AMERICA IN THE NEXT 2 WEEKS OVER 200,000 – March 31, 2020 — Be Aware of FALSE FLAG Events, designed to gain support for bombing another Muslim sovereign nation and taking their resources. (Remember 9/11 was an Inside Job). — As stated 1/20/2019 Predictions: This year and over the next few years or so we will see World Leaders, CEO’s of Corporations, Banks, etc. being removed. Some by Death, Assassination,...