by Order Of Melchizedek | Oct 8, 2017 | Astrology, DNA & Science, Uncategorized |
(Originally Written: October 20, 2011) Fear has kept so many sincere people in bondage; stuck in old paradigms, where there is no spiritual life or maturity. Many on the path have come right to the door of entering to the next level spiritually, only to allow fear to keep them out. They shrink back into repeating the elementary teachings (spiritual milk) that can not produce spiritual maturity and sonship. Let us journey on to celebrate and experience the 7th feast, Tabernacles – Sukkot. TABERNACLES Tabernacles speaks of In-gathering of the nations, harvest, New Wine outpouring of the Holy Spirit. There are many other deep spiritual truths and metaphysical revelations also tied to it. The ancient Hebrews were instructed to build “sukkahs,” branches taken from specific trees entwined together. It was to represent many spiritual realities, and how we should relate to each other. Individually, it foreshadowed, we are the tabernacle of God. Corporately, this foreshadowed the same as well as Cosmically. The Creator fills all things. Tabernacles – Sukkot represents the harvest of souls and the plan of the Creator to save ALL. Nothing will be lost. Sukkot is also the in-gathering and harvesting of all the versions of you to be integrated into the Christ. In this experience not only is your spirit renewed, your soul saved, but your body is also saved from physical death and corruption. Yes, we are talking physical immortality. The ultimate Tabernacles/Sukkot experience is becoming and realizing that we are the immortal temple, mosque, synagogue or cathedral of the Great Spirit. Astrologically speaking, Sukkot is the Age of Aquarius, the Outpouring of the...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Oct 4, 2017 | Astrology, Uncategorized |
(Originally written October 12, 2011) Sukkot – The Feast of Tabernacles begins at sunset. In Leviticus Chapter 23, the Almighty gave those who follow him a list of prophetic holidays to observe. These are literally power dates. Nevertheless, they have been replaced with observing “literal satanic holidays” and ancient pagan unholy days disguised as “Biblical holy days.” Unfortunately, the majority of Christianity willfully and ignorantly observe these substitute dates, thus, aligning themselves unknowingly at some level with the dark side. As we often have shared, God has a highly cryptic Prophetic Calendar that’s based on divine astrology, mystical agriculture, sacred numerology and many other esoteric technologies. This Calendar is introduced in Leviticus 23, as the original ancient people migrated out of Africa to Canaan; but it existed before the creation of Adam. Throughout the Bible, the prophetic science of this ancient technology is carefully hidden and disclosed. It is strongly connected to the original ancient literal nation of peoples called Israel, to whom it was initially given, so they could know the prophetic times, seasons and what to do. The Biblical nation of Israel Should Not be confused with the current satanic Zionists Movement and Europeans that converted to Judaism, that moved from Europe to Palestine and have hi-jacked the name “Israel.” Zionism is a demonic murderous political movement masquerading as a religion that has deceive the whole world; especially Christians. The only Israel that the Almighty acknowledges are the descendants of the ancient people that yet exist today, and also now includes all that receives His Son. They become a ‘holy nation’ royal priesthood and peculiar people; not limited to a geographic region of the world. Yahweh’s Sacred Calendar, based on the movements of the heavens would cease to be, if the...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Sep 22, 2017 | Astrology, Eye See |
People have been asking me when I would write or speak about the September 23, 2017 event, since it is a huge prophetic celestial event. After checking with the Spirit, I realized there was no rush; plus, I could not fit it into my schedule until now. Before talking about the coming of Jesus September 23 event, I want to share a little testimony. In 1999, there was an unusual sign in the heavens, which in my opinion was the first phase of an Astrological fulfillment of Revelation Chapter 12 of the Sun clothed Woman. It was nearly the exact configuration of stars. It was September 11, 1999 – Rosh Hashanah -New Year- Feast of Trumpets. I was invited to a special event as speaker that was held outside, under the stars. People had become aware of me through my accurate Astro-Prophetic work and many postings I had on the internet, that did come to pass, as Spirit foretold. There was a group of Jews, Mormons, Christians, New Agers, people from various Native American Indian tribes, and people that practice Nature Religions represented. I was brought in by limousine and a bed of rose petals paved my way to the place where I was to address the eager crowd. (That was probably my first time in a limousine and surely my first time to do the ‘rose petal walk.’) There I was under the stars with my guitar slung behind me and my bible opened to Revelation Chapter 12, as the heavens were coming into alignment. There was no PA system, so I had to yell to make sure...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Aug 20, 2017 | Astrology |
We stated that we would be providing further revelation and information regarding the Eclipse…so here’s more. There is so much we can read from it prophetically. we are in very prophetic times. We will probably be sharing even after tomorrow- so much I have not covered. We had been looking at the 12 States dead center of the Totality Zone and the 2 other states – My brotha Slim pointed out to me the research of Clyde that shows 7 Cities name Salem will be darkened across America. So you think this Solar Eclipse happening tomorrow has No Relevance? Genesis 1:14 says God created the Sun Moon, etc for SIGNS. This Eclipse’s Path will cover exactly 7 Cities name SALEM across America- Find out what what this means. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL. (The map highlighting the 7 Cities named Salem was provided by Clyde — I could not get Salem Oregon to fit.) Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Aug 19, 2017 | Astrology, Uncategorized |
We are in highly prophetic times. Are you aware of what is really happening? Can you feel the energy rising as the heavens move into position to open portals to directly impact the Earth, specifically the USA? What an awesome time to be alive and AWAKE. In these video, we barely examine the Black Sun Cult and symbols; how it was hi-jacked by the Nazis and perverted to represent a symbol of Hate, Racial Superiority and Dominance. This is the esoteric story behind the Eclipse they have been waiting 100 years for that happens on Monday. Fortunately, they failed with the rise and fall of Hitler after the 1st phase of the Black Sun – June 8, 1918. They are counting on the August 21 Total Eclipse in LEO to empower them to arise as the kings of the earth, but they will fail miserably to not rise again – so says the stars. In the future as time permits we might get to share more in depth and prophetically – but for now – Be Aware of the spirit and esoteric technology being used behind the scenes to embolden and empower the alt-Right and their misguided sympathizers. The Black Star energy will ultimately be to their own demise. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL August 21 sets the mark to “Go!” As the months and years play out we will see many astounding things. The line is being drawn in the sand. Choose what side you are on, this is not about Republican or Democrat. It is good or evil. Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Aug 1, 2017 | Astrology, Uncategorized |
The Portal for the Lion’s Gate is opening. (Just before we proceed through, we are thankful for new people finding the website and want to address a reoccurring question. Why do you deal with astrology and profess to be a Christian? It is very simple, the Bible is filled with astrology from Genesis-Revelation. The very first prophecy of Messiah was astrological. Furthermore, it is a powerful prophetic science that’s being restored to the Body of Christ. Most of the prophets in your Bible understood and used this prophetic science. For more in depth understanding check out: Astrology.) What is the “Lion’s Gate Portal?” It is when Earth, Sun and Sirius moves into alignment; while the Sun is in LEO, the Lion constellation. Just to get an idea how big of a deal this is, our Sun is so big that 1,000,000 Earths can fit inside it. Sirius A, a binary star is so big about 5 Suns the size of ours can fit into it. Sirius is the brightest star in our night sky, 8.6 light years away. It is located in the Gemini constellation, called the Dog Star (Canis Major)- this is the Zodiac sign that was assigned to the Hebrew tribe of Benjamin. “Benjamin shall be as a ravenous as a Wolf: in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil.” Genesis 49:27 “God counts the number of stars and calls them all by their names.” Psalms 147:4 Benjamin means son of authority, power; son of my right hand. The movements of the heavens affect everything on the Earth, absolutely...
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