Divine Genetics – Radio Show Recording

Divine Genetics – Radio Show Recording

Last week on August 5, 2015,  I was invited back to the Soul Speaks Radio show with host Lynn Means.  I was asked to speak on DNA –  We had an awesome show sharing on Divine Genetics, the greatness of God within each of us and our Divine Nature.  During the second half of the show, we share about how thoughts, negative meditation (worrying) and negative speech impacts our DNA creating health issues. You will be enlightened and blessed…There is a slight delay at the beginning for several seconds.  Click on the link below to hear the recording. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ex3radio2/2015/08/05/the-soul-speaks-8-5-15 To learn more about activating your DNA and experience a recording from a LIVE Workshop where hundreds of people gathered, get our DNA Activation MP3 for s small donation today.  Click here:  ~~~~ Divine Nature Activation Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...
Portals & Pyramids

Portals & Pyramids

David Ovason stated,” A city that is laid out in such a way that is in harmony with the heavens is a city in perpetual prayer.  It is a city built on the recognition that every human activity is in need of sanctification of the spiritual world, of which the symbol is the light of the living stars.” This article below is a follow-up someone sent to me last week, questioning could there have been other reasons why Detroit was chosen to be the city of Unveiling Satan or Baphomet. Were you aware that Detroit is believed to be a huge Portal or Stargate?   Why has Detroit been allowed to go to ruins?  Was this part of a plan to move much of the population away from the portal, due to future events they are aware of that will take place?  Detroit seems to be a place of beauty, ruins, hidden technology and mysticism. Prayer is a portal rarely used in modern times.  Detroit/Dearborn has the highest concentration of Muslims in the USA that pray 5x a day at the same time.  Plus, there people from Christianity or other religions that offer prayers.  This is why the area is considered a city of perpetual prayer. http://www.michigansotherside.com/mysterious-michigan/mysterious-places/20-mysterious-places/70-the-detroit-stargate PYRAMIDS Did Martians or other beings build Pyramids on Mars?  Pyramids have been found on about every continent and even on the ocean floor. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2015/06/24/pyramid-mars-rover-discover-curiosity-nasa-space-red-planet-aliens/29226297/ 3 Pyramids found in Anartica  –  https://atam.org/3PyramidsAntarctica.html A gigantic structure, is perhaps larger than the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt. The discovery has rocked scientists around the world. The pyramid could confirm some engineers contentions that pyramids were originally created as...
The Fall of the GOP Prophetic Sign

The Fall of the GOP Prophetic Sign

We have been sharing some prophetic insight about what’s going to happen with the GOP – Republican Party  lately.  Father is so faithful to not allow my words to fall to the ground.  Did you see the Headline News today?  “George HW Bush, 91, falls at Maine home, breaks bone in neck.” First of all, the George HW Bush you are seeing projected on your TV or computer screen Is NOT the ‘real’ President George HW Bush.  That is one of his clones or an artificially intelligent (AI) bodies that houses the consciousness of Mr. Bush.   In 2012, Eye was instructed to release a prophetic death decree/declaration and Mr. Bush died or that clone.  In was reported with the obituary in the German news and later retracted.   http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2012/12/30/german-magazine-bush/1798865/%C3%82%C2%A0%C3%82%C2%A0?siteID=je6NUbpObpQ-FQBB3fot5WoklJhnAe_s6w In February 2015 @ the New Years – Overcomers Conference in Minneapolis, MN – Eye was moved to release a prophetic declaration against the current clone/artificial body of George HW Bush and commanded it to malfunction.  This was recorded, as the Church joined in the prophetic declarations over many things that night.   Here is the word, Eye published March 10, 2015 on our website: “GEORGE H. W. BUSH SR WILL DIE AGAIN… OR SOMEONE CLOSE TO THE FAMILY WILL BECOME INCOMPACITATED. Some of you are wondering if that’s another one of my uncheck typos again. “Die Again.”  No it is not.  The person you see masquerading as George Bush Sr is a clone.  George H W Bush Sr died December 2012 according to the word of the Lord released by me. Eye prophesy again and command this clone to malfunction, fail and be removed.  LET THIS BE A...
Something is Affecting the Entire Solar System

Something is Affecting the Entire Solar System

Something is affecting  the entire solar system, the Sun’s Magnetic Field is 230% stronger.  Strange things are happening in both outer and inner space scientists are discovering that the Solar System, the sun, and life itself are mutating in totally unprecedented ways. They are reporting changes that are being recorded in space that have never been seen before Studies show that the Sun and the planets themselves are physically changing at an accelerated pace. Most notably, they are undergoing major changesin their atmospheres. Let’s begin with the Sun. The Sun is the center of our Solar System, and all life that is on this Earth came from the Sun. If there were no Sun, we would not be alive. This is simply scientific fact. And so any changes that occur in or on the Sun will eventually affect every person alive. We know that the Sun’s magnetic field has changed in the last 100 years. There’s a study by Dr. Mike Lockwood from Rutherford Appleton National Laboratories, in California. Dr. Lockwood has been investigating the Sun, and reports that since 1901 the overall magnetic field of the Sun has become stronger by 230 percent. Moon: Earth’s moon is growing an atmosphere . Around the moon, there is this 6,000- kilometre- deep layer of Natrium that wasn’t there before. Mercury: Unexpected polar ice discovered, along with a surprisingly strong intrinsic magnetic field. Venus: 2500% increase in aurora brightness, and substantive global atmospheric changes in less than 40 years. Mars: “Global Warming,” huge storms, disappearance of polar icecaps. Jupiter: Over 200% increase in brightness of surrounding plasma clouds. (Huge belts in...
Gay Nation…?

Gay Nation…?

 Gay nation – USA.  Every parent and every person should watch this News Interview…several times at least.  Send this to all your friends.  “My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge, because they reject it…”  Professor Tyrone Hayes is a Black Scientist/Chemist, turned Whistle Blower.   He exposes how the herbicide  ATRAZINE used on food is turning people gay.  The worldwide corporation Syngenta produces this product-maybe we should call it (Sin-genta). Is there a scientific reason why there’s a huge increase in the gay population over the past 50 years?  Is there really a sinister plan to created more homosexuals?  Is it partly for population control?  YES!!  I can emphatically say that, because nearly 15 years ago, Eye saw something in the Spirit I could not fully understand at that time.  Eye started telling people, “they” are going to somehow do something to make people gay.  Of course, people looked at me  strange …sort of the way some of you are as you read this.  Early in 2013, I was led to write a 5 part series on Gay – vs – the Gay Agenda –  in Part 3 & Part 4 of the links below, Eye shared what Eye had seen and confirmation how the side effects of some psychotropic drugs can turn a person gay.   I am not anti-gay or homophobic,  we are only sharing information, revelation and inspiration relevant to NOW.  We are not condemning or condoning, just bringing light to ancient Scripture science is confirming, which  many seems to think is no longer relevant. We must upgrade our theology and knowledge, yes some people are born that way…but using modern...
Brain Metaphysics- Radio Show

Brain Metaphysics- Radio Show

 We want to share with you a recorded radio broadcast from the Soul Speaks Radio Show – Host Lynn Means  on May 27, 2015 –  I was sharing on the Metaphysics of the Brain.  We are awesomely, beautifully and wonderfully created in the image and likeness of the Creator.  In this message, Eye reveal the scene and characters of the Garden of Eden in our brain.  We only touch on various aspects to show this experience is taking place within…we are fully aware that the Garden of Eden was and is a literal place.  Your brain is a super biological computer, surpassing any technology the present human mind can even think of. Find out where the Tree of Life is in the Brain, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.  What about the Serpent/satan or God…Can we identify them in the brain?  Yes!!!   Enjoy this message and BE INSPIRED. Check Out Spirituality Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with EX3 Radio 2 on BlogTalkRadio WE WILL SOON BE MAKING OUR BOOK ‘SERPENT BRAIN’ AVAILABLE HERE IN OUR WEB STORE. (Serpent in the middle of the brain image)  Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...