Sodom & Gomorrah – Burn Baby Burn  Pt 4

Sodom & Gomorrah – Burn Baby Burn Pt 4

So far, we have learned that Jesus did not have a problem with gays, he even stated that some are born that way. Matthew 19:12 We have also learned that with modern technology, called “Queer Technology,” used by devilish psychopaths; they can drop bombs, or spray chemicals into the atmosphere, that can trigger genes to turn you gay.  By the way, what’s in the chemtrails?  You have 30,000-40,000 genes that defines your specific DNA script; which can be re-scripted. Furthermore, we found out that some prescription psychotropic drugs and drugs used to treat Parkinson disease can literally turn you into a flaming gay sex-addict. The Bible has been misused to justify the slavery of Blacks, starting wars that kill millions, and to manipulate the masses. In this article, our intent is not to condone or condemn; but to show accurately what the Bible says on this subject.  We are not here to promote lifestyles or behaviors, just to promote truth from the Bible. The tares of the Zionist Agenda have been sown in with the good seed of the field on EVERY level – to bring deception, division and death. Matthew 13:24-30 You simply can not be anti-gay and call yourself a follower of Yahusha (Jesus), because he was not. The word homosexual was not used thousands of years ago, and the word gay would not have meant ‘homosexual’ thousands of years ago. The word used in Hebrew or Aramaic was (cariyc), is pronounced “saris.”   The Greek new Testament word is “eunouchos.”  Saris and Eunouchos are synonyms for our modern term “gay man” in the Bible original languages. Now with...
Drugs That Will Turn You Gay – Part 3

Drugs That Will Turn You Gay – Part 3

We appreciate the respectful email comments from those of you that’s having lights come on and those that’s not there yet. The Bible is truly fascinating. We will try to reply to your emails as time allows. We are totally aware that many of you never had a challenge in the area we are discussing and maybe you will never minister to people facing these challenges, that’s ok. As stated, there is a growing number of younger people being exposed to the message and have questions. I believe the Bible contains an answer for every question. As we learn how to rightly divide the words of Truth, the truth will set us and others free. I learned a long time ago that I don’t have to try to protect GOD, if He needs my protection, then he should be worshiping me. What it boils down to many times is, we try to protect our theology or ego. Just let it go. None of us have it all correct-we are all learning and growing hopefully. I hope to not get to the point where I feel I have all the answers anytime soon. Even, prophesy shall fails. Jesus told us everything hidden would be revealed and love rejoices in truth. In yesterday’s Blog, our main point was that Jesus did address the Gay issue, however, it was not a big deal as people have made it out to be today in our culture. “For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother’s womb.” Matthew 19:12  I really don’t think he meant some babies are born castrated or...
DNA Overwrite

DNA Overwrite

 JUNE 12, 2012 “I will open my mouth… I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.” Matthew 13:35 We have come to another very important set of dates for year 2012. These can also be called “shift dates” due to the movements and alignments of the heavens. JUNE 14 – 17, 2012 will create a shift in consciousness and much more. Knowing the times and seasons are very important as we come to the close of one age and the opening of another. Prepare yourself to receive. For many years, we have revealed how the movements of the heavens and Solar Flares would assist with the next stage of our evolution from humans to Gods (Elohims). Psalms 82:6 John 10:34 – In Biblical terminology, the Apostle Paul called it; being “changed from glory to glory,” “clothed with our house from heaven”, “knowing even as we are known” and “putting on immortality.” All of the ancient prophets and sages of every culture spoke about an event or series of events that would lead humans to being restored back to that Edenic state of consciousness. Jesus and others said, “ye are gods.” We have now come to a very important time in history and we are experiencing a series of events that’s forcing, if you will, the evolution of mankind and also the planet. It is very important that we live in the present moment with intent, so that we may capture the frequencies being broadcast from the heavens. We have just recently come through a series of very powerful celestial dates and have...


The “X” Stands for “Xeno” Every organism on Earth relies on the same genetic building blocks:  the information carried in DNA. But there is another class of genetic building block called “XNA” a synthetic polymer that can carry the same information as DNA, but with a different assemblage of molecules. The “X” in XNA stands for “xeno.” Scientists use the xeno prefix to indicate that one of the ingredients typically found in the building blocks that make up RNA and DNA has been replaced by something different from what we find in nature  something “alien,” if you will. SYNTHETIC DNA CREATED AND EVOLVES ON ITS OWN Food of today. Coming to a store near you. Bon Appetite. COMMENTS We know that there is nothing new under the Sun, and what has been, will be again. Jesus gave us a big warning about the time we have come to. He said, “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man.” First of all the days of Noah lasted a long time, before the Flood and 350 years after the flood. Before the Flood, technology had become a big problem. Angelic technology (Aliens – ET’s technology in the literal sense) had been misused and shared with humans in a very dark way. I should clarify, we realize not all races of ET’s are considered angels in the Biblical sense. One of the main problems of the days of Noah was Genetic Engineering or Genetic Manipulation. Angels (Extraterrestrials) were breeding with humans and producing monstrous giants. According to...
The Mystery Of Age

The Mystery Of Age

 NOVEMBER 22, 2011 What is age? Is it not an illusion? Based on photos you will see below, we know that to be true. Age is a state of mind. It is only a number attached to a visual concept or document. However, since we are yet somewhat attached to the 3-dimensional world of illusions; we must address it. As long as we acknowledge a certain set of numbers (age), we hold that frequency and give it power to manifest with all the expectations of that set of numbers (age). We not only hold that frequency, but we give others permission to verbally or non verbally assign and catalog that frequency to their limited ideas and expectations. In other words, you will be reminded of how you are suppose to think, act, dress, believe and live; based on mass consciousness traditional interpretation of that particular set of numbers you hold so proudly. You may be discriminated against for being too young or too old. Begin to detach mentally and verbally as much as possible from your set of numbers and see the big picture of who you really are. This will give you permission to be what is called, child-like, elderly, middle-age and anything in between when necessary; with the ability to communicate appropriately at all levels. Take the limit of a set of numbers off. In reality, you are ageless, immortal and eternal. You were never born, so you can never die-you have always existed. This is the I AM, you. In yesterday’s blog, dealing with the 3-D physical form (illusion), we told you that we would prove...
You Are Only 7 Years Old

You Are Only 7 Years Old

NOVEMBER 21, 2011 After having a vision in my late teens, I came to the conclusion that we are ageless, immortal and eternal. It dawn on me that Spirit does not age, I AM spirit and therefore in reality I can not age. Of course, it sounded like the ranting of a lunatic kids to the people at the Church I was then involved with. Plus, I did not have the vocabulary to explain with words what I knew by Spirit. Others, just cocked their head sideways and questioned, “why are you worried about getting old, you’re just a kid?” That is yet the misconception for many today that hear this truth, they think it is sparked by a fear of aging, death or not accepting what many have been programmed to believe is the inevitable. That’s not the point. The point in short is; humans becoming so aware of the NOW and Spirit (getting so full of it), that the physical form will change to vibrate at the same level of Spirit. The aging, disease and death process will be arrested and stopped as certain chemical and genes are completely activated. The outer will reflect the inner as we fully realize and believe that the kingdom of God is within us and all around us. This is something that humans have longed for since we were lowered into this dense 3rd dimensional physical form. Very few mystics, prophets, sages and initiates have actually attained to that level of consciousness over the thousands of years. However, we know that it is attainable and that this is the generation to...