by Order Of Melchizedek | Jan 12, 2022 | Eye See, Uncategorized |
For decades it has been our tradition to post Prophetic words for the New Year. They are usually given in visions, intuitions, astrological readings or other spiritual means. This year I did not get to write, so I just shared during our LIVE Masterclass on Monday – Jan. 3. 2022. As always, we share but we also pray that some of these things don’t manifest. Click the link below: ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK Ways to Donate: Our CASHAPP info: $8Mystics WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARD AT THIS SECURE ACCOUNT. Sharing is...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Oct 20, 2021 | Astrology, Eye See |
If you are on this page, you already know this is not your run of a mill Christian religious website with traditional messages. Never have been and never will be. Hallelujah! A few weeks or more ago, around 1:30am I was meditating while on my bed, during the 3rd Watch. Spirit begin to download some information for me to get out to our Rising Mystics Institute Initiates through our LIVE Zoom gatherings. It was information I had touched on several times, but Spirit was now leading to do an in-depth teaching. The teaching was basically correcting the erroneous traditional teachings most of Christianity hold to be true regarding the “Occult Sciences/Arts.” Further, Spirit said to do a PSYCHIC FAIR and demonstrate the abilities much of the Church call “witchcraft” or “demonic.” I wont take the time to go over the lesson here, but we dealt with all the Scripture that talked about, witchcraft, astrology, numerology, necromancy, divination, etc. What is the definition of a PSYCHIC? A person who claims to use extrasensory perception (ESP) to identify information hidden from the normal senses (prophecy, word of knowledge), involving telepathy (communicating through thought) or clairvoyance (clearly seeing visions), clairaudience (clearly hearing the voice of Spirit) or who performs acts that are apparently inexplicable by natural laws (healing, miracles)… Is this Not what the New Testament and Old Testament Believers practiced? Let’s not be Dictionary challenged. In the video from our LIVE Friday International Session (5 hours of glory), you will see and hear Psychic abilities (prophetic abilities) demonstrated. It’s October! Come to our PSYCHIC FAIR. High Priestess aka Kelli – Taught...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Sep 7, 2021 | Astrology, Eye See |
Shalom, We usually write a prophetic article at the beginning of the New Year/Rosh Hashanah and prophecy into world events. Due to the lack of time, I felt led to use our Monday evening LIVE Master Class to Teach and Prophesy the word of the LORD for year 5782. It was EX-PLO-SIVE!!! Don’t be stingy. Share this word with others. @ about 1hr & 4 mins, 52 sec. Eye started to predict – “I wouldn’t be surprised, when you wake up tomorrow you will see the Financial Markets dropping …” What did today’s morning news say? “The DOW open today and dropped 250 points. All the Cryptos are Plummeting…” Don’t worry- Cryptos will make a huge rebound soon – Experience the power of Numerology (gematria)- Astrology and the Esoteric Sciences. Sow a New Years SEED Your Prophetic Word is in this video below …Hear it and Receive it.. CLICK HERE ~~~ Order of Melchizedek Ways to Donate Our CASHAPP info: $8Mystics WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARD AT THIS SECURE ACCOUNT. Sharing is...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Jul 21, 2021 | Astrology, Eye See, Uncategorized |
People of the Most High, This has been such a Fun-filled Summer so far. The boys and I went to southern California, hung out with some Mystics out there, ate lots of good food, went to the beach, amusement park, museum, etc. etc. Hmmm, I think I am ready for another vacation.. How are you all doing out there? School will be starting within a few weeks here. Yes, I am still home-schooling. My oldest is in High School now and youngest in Jr. High. I can hardly believe it. I don’t get to write very much because of the Rising Mystics Institute, I am teaching/preaching/prophesying for literally hours of day throughout the week with our on-line International Institute. I want to share a message from the LIVE Monday evening Master Class. I believe there is a lot of relevant prophetic insight, visions, reading of the heavens, and information that could help you survive the Fall/Winter season. Based on accurate prophetic words Eye gave last years regarding dates of the CoVid Waves/Phases – When Lock Downs and Spikes would occur, I am sure we can provide accurate Holy Spirit Intel this time. Share this video below with others. Out on line Master Class is Free. When will the next Wave of the Plandemic hit and Spike? When will the next level of Restrictions take place? What can you do? Is there a coming Global Food Shortage? How long will it last? What about God’s Blessings? (Near the middle of the video – There is a Prophetic Word I shared about a coming Water Event in China and I mentioned...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Mar 5, 2021 | Eye See, Uncategorized |
We are in such exciting times and some of the strangest things are happening on the planet. Are You Awake Yet? Have you heard of the Mountain of Gold discovered a few days ago? In the Democratic Republic of CONGO – Africa. Yes a mountain full of gold. When I first heard/read about it, I knew it was a major prophetic sign. In this article I want to share the Word of the Lord and uncovered some ancient prophecies I am sure many of you have never read or heard about. But let us first get just a bit of Congo history I am sure most of you are not aware of: THE CONGO The Democratic Republic of the Congo, also known as Congo-Kinshasa, DR Congo, the DROC, or simply either Congo or the CONGO, and historically called Zaire (the River), is a country in Central Africa. It is, by area, the largest country in sub-Saharan Africa, the second-largest in all of Africa, and the 11th-largest in the world. It has a population of around 107 million, the third most populous country on the continent of Africa and the 14th populous in the world. French is the official language spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo & the Republic of Congo, which are separated by the Congo River. Kongo or Congo is a Bantu name or word, from the Bantu people from which most Congolese come from. Kongo/Congo in Bantu language means “mountains” (the river that flows between the mountains). Much of the landscape is mountainous. The Congo River (also known as the Zaire River) is the 2nd longest...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Jan 14, 2021 | Astrology, Eye See |
Shalom People of the Most High God. It is 2021 on the Gregorian Calendar and yet 5781 on the current Hebrew Calendar. Some of you have been inquiring when am I going to release a Prophetic Publication for the year 2021? I already did. Please check out these messages/links below and See the Word of the LORD. However, we will share more here now. (THIS HAS TURNED OUT TO BE A PROPHETIC BUFFET. EAT!! FEEL FREE TO SHARE THIS CONTROVERSIAL 401st PROPHETIC WORD IN OTHER PROPHETIC VENUES, WHERE INTERCESSORS MEET, WITH YOUR PASTORS, PROPHETS, APOSTLES & CHURCHES. THIS IS NOT FROM THE 400 PROPHETS OF THE BAAL SYSTEM WHO ALL PARROT THE SAME LIES.) PROPHETIC ASTROLOGICAL SEASON – AGE OF AQUARIUS From a LIVE Rising Mystics Class in December 2020. POST ELECTION ASTRO-PREDICTIONS 11/8/20 Usually, on Thursdays during our LIVE Zoom International Prayer Gathering, Spirit is speaking extensively and we have documented detailed prophetic words and their fulfillment and what to expect. When time allows we shall put together videos showing what was revealed and did happened. EXPLAINING HOW IT WORKS WITH ME Due to lack of time, without going into too much information Eye will share some extra Prophetic Insight here that has been shared in our LIVE Zoom Gatherings, among our Private Telegram Group & what comes as I write. Please keep in mind that dates I might mention that astrological event will be happening does not necessarily always mean the interpretation of that energy will manifest on those or that date. Nor does it mean the events are limited to those dates. It means that the...
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