There’s a Storm Coming…

There’s a Storm Coming…

March 8, 2018 Written/Published Will Stormy Daniels bring the storm? Did you ever think you’d see the day that a sitting American president would be sued by a Porn Star (sex worker)? Not to mention all the weekly and sometimes daily high-drama that we have been subjected to as a nation and the world for the past more than a year. Is this some type of “national social experiment?” Is it a well planned Psyops? Did we enter the Twilight Zone? (Realizing we yet have a large Evangelical following of our work, messages, etc. My intent is to create awareness, and wake people up, so they can prepare. There’s a Storm Coming… There are various forms or expressions of the prophetic, this is only one possibly.) Trying to discern what’s reported in the media with a prophetic Eye, I am reminded of a scene and line from Batman – the Dark Knight Rises 2012 film, “There’s a Storm Coming…” For the sake of time, I am going to share many things in hints, codes, questions and riddles; without explaining in details. The Holy Spirit within you can connect the dots, draw the parallels and prophetic implications. See with your Eye and hear with your Ear. The setting for the Batman film is in Gotham City. Gotham is the literal nickname for New York City, given about 130 years ago. The name became popularized in the early 19th century and used in D C Comics. Gotham was seen as a very dark city, on the brink of destruction, filled with criminals, and villains. Gotham is an old Anglo-Saxon word meaning...
Noahide Laws, Parable & Crown Of Thorns

Noahide Laws, Parable & Crown Of Thorns

Noahide Laws, Parable & Crown of Thorns.  These are (3) separate messages from the Rising Mystics Institute Master Class.  Use the information, and revelation to further advance your spirituality. Have you ever heard of the Noahide Laws? Is there a “trap door” under the guise of Biblical Education in the Schools and the nation at large? Have you ever thought of yourself and your life as a Parable?  Did you know that every person on the place wears a Crown of Thorns? Beautiful People, as you realize I am not able to write as much as before due to the “illusions of time” I am yet somewhat influenced by.  I do realize that some of you really depend on the written Word.  Below are (3) recent and relevant Transmissions of Light.  You are see clearer the plans of the evil one and what they are doing.  Even more-so, you will be able to discern what the Father is doing. Share these messages with others. At the End of Job’s Suffering, he declares the Sovereignty of the Most High.  This is what he said. “I know you can do Everything, and that Your Plans Are Unstoppable.”  Job 42:2 GWT Somebody needs to memorize this verse and start declaring it, NOW!!  Someone may be near the end of a period of challenges.  Use this verse as a mantra to activate God’s Restoration, Healing, Delivering, Abundance, and Joy within you.  I dare you to get alone, and chant this verse with emotions, visualizing what you want at least 20 times, 3 times a day, for 7 days.  (Be sure to share your...
Outpouring Conference – Newport News, Virginia & More

Outpouring Conference – Newport News, Virginia & More

Outpouring Conference Newport News, Virginia. If you are in the Newport News, Virginia area or can travel, we invite you to this Powerful Prophetic Conference with Host Pastor Rob Allen. Come and get Refreshed in His Presence. If you can not come, Pray. —————————————————————————– DALLAS CONFERENCE – AUGUST 3-4, 2024 We have already opened Registration for our coming up Dallas Conference. Due to the venue there will be limited reservations. Don’t wait, Register today. Scan the QR Code for more info or Click here: Order of Melchizedek   Sharing is...
Leave the World Behind-Prophetic Clues

Leave the World Behind-Prophetic Clues

If you have followed our ministry for sometime, you will understand what is termed, “Predictive Programming.” In short, this is when Hollywood, the Media, film or song shares information of what is going to happen that will affect a large number of people. In a recent Master Class on Monday evening, I shared a review of the popular Netflix film Produced by President Barack and Michelle Obama – “Leave the World Behind.” It is my belief that they and the author of the 2020 book, Sam Esmail know somethings big is about to happen in this country that will negatively impact the world. The only way they can get the message out is in this film. In this video, I decoded some of the main clues. Watch the...
Scientists Discover An Ocean of Water in Space

Scientists Discover An Ocean of Water in Space

A massive ocean floating in space in today’s news? According to the scientists, it is the equivalent to 140 trillion times all the water in the world’s ocean? This is not a planet with water, it is just a large body of water. (See the article below) “This reminds me of the Sea of Forgiveness (Forgetfulness),” says V L Patrick. –But wait, before we get to that… AHSOKA & THE SPACE WHALES Several months ago my boys and I were watching the Ahsoka Episodes of Star Wars (Rebel Wars). In Episode 3, we were introduced to the pods of Purrgils, they are a specie of Space Whales. Actually, they are a biological splice between whale and squid, their giant body is like a whale with long squid like tentacles for the tail. These giants gracefully swim through the Cosmic Ocean of space and have a unique ability to jump into hyperspace, and cross galaxies and light-years in a moment. I was totally fascinated by the Purrgils, which are also called Spirit Whales. A Purrgil swallowed Ahsoka and Sabine in their spaceship, allowing them to escape death and jump through hyperspace to find their friend Ezra. (I immediately thought of Jonah and the whale – so much in that but I must stay on track). I told the boys that a lot of things portrayed as fantasy and science-fiction in film is actually real. I also told them about waters in space (waters above the firmament). I stated, since there is water floating in space, there is probably life in that water. Now I am not saying there are Space...