Orlando Gay Massacre Unravelling??

Orlando Gay Massacre Unravelling??

Things are not always what they appear to be. Since the government performed the 911 Demolition of the Twin Towers, Building #7 which was not near the Towers, and the Pentagon; conscious people have been forced to question every major events. Does this mean that we are unpatriotic? Does this mean that we hate our nation? Does it mean that we are making excuses for others blamed for mass murder? Unfortunately, many Americans feel that we are, especially, when Muslims are allegedly involved. Someone once told me, “the Truth is like the Sun, it can not be hid forever.” In this day of increased knowledge and technology, lies and deceptions seems to be unraveling much faster. People are evolving and choosing to not accept everything their government controlled media tells them. In this article, we are only asking questions. Many years ago when Father renewed my calling and re-commissioned me into ministry, one thing He told me was this, “Give my people permission to Think.” I really had to ponder on that for a while, later I realized, we are mostly told what to think. Government, Media, Preachers, Society, Culture; they all tell us who to love, hate, be afraid of, accept, how to dress, eat and what to Think. Whomever or whatever has control of your Thoughts, has control of you. Keep in mind we are only asking provocative questions mostly: We are told that an armed man that happens to be of the Muslim religion went into a Gay Night Club and killed 49 gay people and injured 53. We are told that he did this because...
Summer Solstice 2016

Summer Solstice 2016

The Summer Solstice of power is upon us. June 20, 2016 is the Summer Solstice. As you may or may not know, energetically from the astrological standpoint, this is one of the most powerful days of the year. The Summer Solstice marks the day with the most daylight hours of the year. This year there is something very different that the heavens are shouting and screaming to us, as the planets move and configure themselves. Due to the energy being released from space affecting the Earth, the ancients have acknowledged this day for thousands of years. It is shrouded in mystery and power. Each time there are astronomical events, we realize that portals are being opened. These doorways allow us access to strong energetic frequencies that can be used with intent to achieve goals. Yet on the other hand, most people are happy that summer is finally officially here. The word solstice is derived from the Latin sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still), because at the solstices, the Sun stands still in declination; that is, the seasonal movement of the Sun’s path (as seen from Earth) comes to a stop before reversing direction. Divine Astrology is the interpretation of how energy in space (the planets, celestial bodies) is affecting our planet and the beings on it. We normally expose and prophesy into the works of evil being done on this day, since those on the dark side are aware of the massive amount of energy that’s being released and can be used, redirected or transmuted. Due to the uniqueness of this Solstice, we will read and prophesy into...
Can We Time Travel???

Can We Time Travel???

Summer is here and many are planning a vacation to travel to somewhere beautiful for a time of relaxation, refreshing and fun. It is Vacation Season. Have you ever thought of taking a trip in Time, or through Time Past or Future? What a vacation that would be?! Can you imagine seeing things that were and things that will be, but have not been, that are? Do you believe “time travel” is possible? Are there time travelers living among us today? Time travel might be more easier than one would realize. In the dream state, we all experience time travel in the comforts of our bed. Also, when we operate in the prophetic, there is an element of time travel that one experiences. The Seer moves in Spirit or consciousness between what is defined as time past, present or future; while the physical body is stationary. Is it possible to take the physical body through the portals of time? What is time? Time is every moment that has exist or will exist, according to Webster’s Dictionary. Perhaps a better way of understanding a bit more about time is realizing that there is an experience and existence beyond time. Time as we know it is subject to the movements of the solar system based on the 3 dimensional construct we were born into. Could a “born-again” experience lead us to a realm beyond time? What would that realm be? Where is it? What would it look like? In John chapter 3, one of the favorite chapters of most Christians, Jesus gives up a clue. He speaks about this born from...
The Coming of the Horned One

The Coming of the Horned One

There are so many trivial things to distract us from the bigger picture taking place globally. Last week celebration of the opening of the worlds longest tunnel was really all about summoning and welcoming the Horned One – Baphomet/Satan. While most Christians in America are concerned and distracted with “Toilet Politics,” trying to decide who gets to use which restroom, as if transgender/transsexual people just appeared on the planet…While many are confused and deceived by the “Fixed Presidential Contest,” thinking some man or woman can save them or help them to greedily hoard and consume more than they will ever need, while most of the world survives on much less…here are some things we really should be pay attention to. Last year, September 14, we announced it was the beginning of the Year of Lucifer – Annos Lucis . This is a high festival ritual year on the Masonic calendar that happens every 4000 years. The next one wont be until year 6015. This year is very important to the Luciferians/Satanists, which means many occult ceremonies will be going on that spiritual Believers should be countering with “spiritual warfare.” True Believers on the planet are the only ones that have the power to bind the forces of evil being unleashed through hi-tech conjuration, using technology and negative occult rituals to bring into our reality more demonic entities from the abyss. The Luciferians – Satanist are yet making their announcement of the coming of Satan aka Baphomet. They are actually groaning and begging him to come from the abyss and take his throne as god of this world. Just this...
DREAMS  ~~~~~~

DREAMS ~~~~~~

“For God may speak in one way (through people, nature, events), or in another (intuition, thoughts, inner or outer voice), yet man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds, Then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction.” Job 33:14-16 (NKJ) (The message for the most part herein was initially given and posted in 2004 on the website) The opening verse is telling us that most of us are too busy to listen while awake or conscious. Recently, I have been bombarded with questions about dreams and their interpretations. Every mammal dream, yes that mean animals, however, not everyone remembers their dreams. Dreams are a communication between the body, mind and spirit set forth in pictures or images on the screen of our unconscious reality. Dreams are a natural function of the unconscious mind to express itself. About 16 hours of the day most people live out of the overactive Conscious Mind, this brain wave activity is usually between the Theta, Alpha, and Beta States. The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind serves as a video or tape recorder collecting all the data that’s coming in through the 5-senses. This includes mostly data that you are not consciously aware of; every smell, vibration, sound, taste, the thousands of images that you don’t realize you see; cellular memories, long term memories, intuitions, spirit memories, and of course God speaking. Dreams are an outlet for the Unconscious Mind, allowing the brain wave activity to slow down to the Delta State so that it can...
Thorn In The Flesh

Thorn In The Flesh

It was late March 2016, I was inspired to go in the front yard and do some yard-work. Since I was finally inspired, I got tools and rushed right out with my flip-flops on. I was aware that I should have on proper shoes working outside, especially in a desert landscape. I had not planned to be out very long, since there was little to do. Trying to avoid stepping on flowering cactus plants, I backed into another one and got a heel full of cactus thorns of various sizes on my right foot. When I went into the house to pull out the needles and thorns, all came out but one. It was the biggest. While carefully pulling it out, it broke and seemed to sink deeper beyond the reaches of my tweezers. My youngest son Jeremiel had been with me and witnessed everything, he comforted me, assuring me it would be ok. I told him not to worry, it’s only a little thorn and we went out again. Days later my foot had a fever, was swollen, infected and extremely tender. (The image above is a few days later.) Sleeping at night became uncomfortable, standing for long periods and wearing shoes; painful. It seemed that no matter how hard I tried not to, I bumped my swollen fevered foot. My boys became concerned with the many “ouches” and grunts sounds throughout the day and they started to pray for my foot, where the blackened area was growing. Just last week I had thought of making a small incision and removing the bothersome thorn myself. REWIND Within the...