by Order Of Melchizedek | Nov 26, 2014 | Eye See, Uncategorized |
The image above could be easily mistaken for Gaza in Palestine. I have been asked by several people, what Eye thought about what’s happening in Ferguson, MO with the grand jury’s verdict, no charges against the police officer for murdering the unarmed Black teen and the violent protest. Here is an excerpt from the word of the LORD that Eye saw on August 19, 2014 written below. We are seeing it come to pass as the Spirit said 3 months ago, “simultaneous protest across the nation.” “Eye see shortly after this next SHIFT on September 23, the planet will have shifted into yet another spiraling cycle of death, aggression, violence and war… Over the next 3 and 1/2 years, nearly every nation will be touched with massive unrest, violence or war. We have almost reached the tipping point in America, the protest against the police for executing another Black unarmed teen in Ferguson, MO is a prelude of what will happen simultaneously across this nation as people rage at the machine. The evil orchestrators will inflame and manipulate the situations with more violence and injustice, provoking the people and creating a war zone within cities. Snipers and others will commit random acts of violence and retaliation to further provoke. The retaliation against police officers and other officials and extreme rage will create periods of martial law. The evil ones will seek to provoke race wars with the random killings, they shall appear to be successful; but this will only last for a season. Eye see the word intervention, something will happen and the evil ones will not achieve their goal. The prayers and intercession of the...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Nov 21, 2014 | Aliens & UFO's, Uncategorized |
There have been so many sighting over the past few months with good video footage of UFO’s, witnessed by police officers and regular citizens. We haven’t posted anything on UFO’s, Aliens and other worldly beings in a while. The video below was sent to me and I found it very fascinating. Many of the things we have posted in the past are mentioned in this video. I can’t say that I agree with everything in the video, but for the most part I believe there’s a lot of accurate hidden history. Plus, it is so good to see this type of research getting out to the public. Here’s a few things you might want to consider while watching: Alien or Extraterrestrial basically means something or someone that was not born on this planet; does not come from this planet. Angel means messenger; they do not come from here, but somewhere else. By this we understand that what the ancients called angels, today people call them aliens or extraterrestrials. This would be the same for “good” angels or “fallen” angels. Based on Genesis 6 and Enoch 6 the “sons of God” – angels descended on earth. They were assigned as Watchers over mankind’s development. These sons of God or angels only became fallen or evil when they rebelled; otherwise, they were called sons of God. This is a point that many who are finally sharing and exposing these things seem to be afraid to mention or admit. I think this is due to not understanding the Sovereignty of Prime Creator God. Demons are not aliens. Demons are spirit – entities, spiritual beings or inter-dimensional beings. Demons are real,...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Nov 16, 2014 | Health, Uncategorized |
It seems like more people are beginning to realize that there really is an Agenda 21, a plan that is being implemented to depopulate the planet. If I remember correctly, the number they would like to reduce the population to is around 500,000,000 (5 hundred million) people. We are already around 7,000,000,000 (7 billion) people on the planet. That’s a big undertaking to kill that many people over the next several years. The evil ones behind this plan are very clear and the main targets of their Agenda 21 are the poor, minorities; those they consider the undesirables of Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America. Here are a some of the ways this global program is being implemented; War, Disease, GMO Foods, Chemtrails, Pharmaceutical Drugs and VACCINES. More than a decade ago, we felt to discourage people from taking the yearly Flu Shots, and Vaccines. It became evident that AIDS, Ebola and many of the others diseases plaguing Africa and other parts of the world were man-made. When the African nations decided they would have no part of the GMO eugenics program to commit genocide against their own people, the evil ones came up with another plan. As you will see in the video clips below, and the news article; they are using Vaccines as a biological weapon of mass destruction on the African population. I am reminded of the story of Pharaoh being threatened by the Hebrews in Africa (Egypt). The males were killed to control the population. Some Hebrew traditions record, “at that time the women began to give birth to twins, triplets and quadruplets.” Man can not stop God’s plan. Looking around...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Nov 12, 2014 | Astrology, Uncategorized |
The Path of Initiation is a revelation I received in 2001 from the life of Samson. I had plans for it becoming a book but never got around to it…yet. Furthermore, it was yet somewhat unsafe to mention astro-theology or allude to it in many of the circles where I was invited to speak. Since the Sun has been in Scorpio and yet is; we have mentioned the Samson connection in previous writings over the past few weeks. In this scheme of events called life, we are presented with many choices and there are many paths that all lead somewhere, even if it’s to a dead end. However, for the disciple that’s seeking true Enlightenment, there is only one path. The Path of Initiation is the Path that goes within, veering off to yet many smaller paths deeper into oneself. An Involution must precede each Evolution of consciousness. “The Path of the just is as the shining light, that shines more and more unto the perfect day.” Proverbs 4:18 The New Testament Greek word for “mystery” is musterion, which means to shut the mouth (sshhh), silence imposed by Initiation. Jesus (Yahushua) often spoke to the multitudes in parables, however, to the inner circle He showed them the Path of Initiation into the mysteries of the Kingdom. Matt. 13:11 The Path of Initiation, which is oftentimes humiliating, is to determine if one is qualified to receive the rite of passage. This brings into mind the questioning of one’s character, which must be tried. Words like, Integrity, Courage, Loyalty, Commitment, Faith, Obedience, Sacrifice, and Love must become the garments of the one seeking Initiation. Question:...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Nov 9, 2014 | Eye See, Uncategorized |
Over the past few days I have heard a new word, “BomboGenesis” or Bomb Cyclone discussed in the news. In this article, we want to look over some prophetic words given earlier this year to judge the accuracy of them and determine “if” this is what Spirit was showing us way back in January 2014. While engaging the Spirit for prophetic words for 2014, Eye heard Spirit speak about strange clouds and weather patterns that would be given Names that would be NEW to most ears. Spirit said, “IT WILL BE LIKE A NAME MXTURE.” Shortly after I released that word, the name mixture – “Polar Vortex” began to dominate the news. I had never heard of that before. Now we have come to nearing the end of the year and we are being prepare for a most unusual Storm system our generation has seen, with a NEW Name Mixture we have never heard of, “BomboGenesis.” (Eye see another prophetic clue/warning in this name mixture – beginning to bomb USA or bomb beginning USA – we will deal with that explosive prophecy in another article) Here’s an excerpt from the prophetic word given January 3, 2014 – PLUTO RISING Part 2 – 2014 & BEYOND PROPHECIES – “Eye do not see a lot of good news to report regarding overall weather globally for the next several years. As we have stated since “Neptune Rising” article of February 4, 2012, we have entered into a unique cycle that will last until year 2025. (Of course there are beautiful days, weeks, between the extremes). Eye see more Extreme weather. Summers Hotter! Winters Colder! For...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Nov 9, 2014 | Uncategorized, Wealth Building |
Several weeks ago, we shared an interview with our Kingdom Karatbars Gold Team. It was regarding the coming Global Reset or Revalue of currencies. The Ambassador from the Red Dragon family of elders shared some very interesting things. Among them was that the Red Dragon family was responsible for the global wealth and that they were positioning themselves to move forward. From other sources, the members and elders of the Red Dragon family are believe to be hundreds of years old, they live in private out of public view, however, I am sure that they have been seen many times and no one even notice anything different. There are several ancient Dragon families scatter throughout various parts of the world, each has their own responsibilities. In the THRIVE video clip below, Foster Gamble (as in Proctor & Gamble) makes mention of the role the Red Dragon family is expected to play in the soon coming global transfer of wealth. He also mentions the importance of GOLD. “Is a family of Asian elders about to spell the end of the Banking Cabal through a worldwide monetary reset? Or is the global economy about to be consolidated even further? One way or another, the value of your money is about to change…” FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE THRIVE MOMENT CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW: To learn more about Exchanging your failing fiat currency for 24K Currency Grade LBMA Gold and to join our Kingdom Karatbars Gold Team, click on the links below: Click ~~~~TELL ME ABOUT KARATBARS GOLD SOLD IN GRAMS AND HOW TO OPEN A FREE GOLD SAVINGS ACCOUNT Click~~~ MORE...
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