Next Stage is the Revolution of Love

Next Stage is the Revolution of Love

 UpRisers – We Are From The Future latest transmission is this awesome video below called, “Next Stage is the Revolution of Love.”  This is a vision of what can be. Choice, which sometimes appear as an illusions is very powerful.   In a world that’s gone mad and just when you think that humanity can not stoop any lower, we are again surprised by media reports at the depths of evilness one can descend to when they choose not to  Love. Love does not mean that one has to become a “yes”  man or woman  and agree with the insanity that’s running rampant.  Nor does it mean that one must become mute, overlook and pretend that evil, hatred and injustice does not exist.    Love is Light and Light is Love.  The Being we call God is Love and Light.  Love can never consume, absorb and transmute the darkness into Light, until it acknowledges it and  exposes it.  This is why the universal text, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…” is so powerful and yet relevant today.   John 3:16   The Light of the world had to descend into darkness, reproved it and expose the very root of it as Fear, so there could be Light. Let there be Light!!  “This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.  Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.  But whoever lives by the truth comes into...
Prince William Refuses The Throne

Prince William Refuses The Throne

Exciting news on the Royal  Prophetic Watch Front.  Prince William is turning down the opportunity to become King. This may not seem like major news right now or just a bunch of royal drama.  What you are seeing take place is only what they want you to see. There is a more sinister scheme behind the scenes that Eye have been privileged to have prophetic insight into for several years.   I feel this will lead to the revealing of the coming world ruler that will fulfill the role of the “Anti-Christ” or what the bible calls “the beast.” For those of you fairly new to our prophetic articles, in early 2012 the Spirit told me to publically release prophetic declarations and decrees to remove the Pope Benedict XVI and the Queen of England from their throne.  We posted articles and gave prophetic signs, which did come to pass.   Here’s an excerpt from the 2nd public prophecy in May 2012: “THE POPE MUST GO!!! This is what we have been hearing for the past few years. After the Sign Over Fatima prophetic article about assassinations and attempts, news was leaked that there was a plot to kill the Pope. We do not know for sure how he will go, but we would be surprise to see him yet around summer 2013.” Pope Benedict XVI publically resigned February 28, 2013.  According to the word of the Lord, In April 2012- Eye saw and  spoke that there would be major changes at the Vatican in 6-8 months.  That would have brought us to October-December 2012.  The decision for the Pope to go was finalized during that time, he was...
Scorpio – Hercules (Samson) Part 4

Scorpio – Hercules (Samson) Part 4

If you have been following the series of SCORPIO writings, you will understand we are sharing Biblical prophetic insight into Divine Astrology and we have now come to Hercules, the 3rd decan or sub-constellation of Scorpio.  Yes, there is a constellation of stars names Hercules and his constellation will be rising  November 13-22.  Let’s keep in mind, these star constellations are not only declaring the works of Christ, but they tell your story, as you experience various phases of life.  Each of the 48 Celestial Characters and Images that form the ancient Zodiac also have a Biblical counterpart and can be found in Greek and Roman mythology.  (Our point is that the overall message – not word for word – in the myths are the same as the stories in the Bible.) Greek mythology was a part of the Greek religion, the stories were used just as we use the Bible stories today. Most of their myths were borrowed from the Ancient African Mythology, mostly in Egypt. As we continue to progress in our spirituality, we will come to understand more and more that the many stories we once thought were myths; were indeed actual accounts with some distortions of our history from the distant past.   The so called myths set forth in Egyptian, Greek and Roman mythology of a large family of Gods (Elohim) and demigods that ruled and oversaw the planet are also mentioned in our Bible and all Holy Books by different names. (In the Bible the demigods were called Nephilim). Not only do we have the same records in mythology and holy Books, but the heavens also bear witness and tell...
Scorpio – Ophiuchus Part 3

Scorpio – Ophiuchus Part 3

Ophiuchus is the 2nd face or sub-constellation of Scorpio.  Each Zodiac house has 3 faces or lesser constellations.  Ophiuchus, also spelled Ophinuchus, will not be rising in the heavens until November 2 – 11.  We are continuing on with the Scorpio series instead of spacing the messages out to the actual times the constellations are rising.  Our intent in this message is to show the close parallel between the Bible, Divine Astrology and Mythology,  therefore, we will show the same message given in the Bible was first given in the heavens.  Just before we delve into the mysteries of  Ophiuchus, lets revisit  SCORPIO Part 1 and look ahead at some other space news. [In SCORPIO Part 1, we shared that the heart of the celestial Scorpion is ANTARES, a fiery red fixed binary star  that would be seen in the southwestern sky this week.  The Archangel & Watcher Uriel was assigned to Antares.  Uriel means the Fire of God.  It was no coincidence that the Space Rocket Exploded  in a ball of Fire October 28, 2014.  The name of the Space Rocket was ANTARES.  Do you think the rocket was named Antares and scheduled to be launched while the star Antares would be rising was just a coincidence?  We have shared for many years that NASA, elements of government, major corporations and the powers that be are keenly aware of the influences of the stars and know how to use them by matching similar energy on earth with energy in space to further their  plans.    Prophetic Sign 10/28/14:  ANTARES the Space Rocket Explodes.  ANTARES, the Space Rocket was not allowed to rise to match the energy in the...
Scorpio – Serpens Part 2

Scorpio – Serpens Part 2

The Sun is in Scorpio from October 23- November 21 and Serpens is rising through November 1.  In the divine order of the heavens, the Sun of Righteousness appears to move in a circuit, spending about 30 days in each Zodiac sign house. Serpens is the 1st decan, also called face or sub-constellation of the  house of Scorpio.   Each Zodiac sign has 3 sub-constellations of stars that form a distinct image in the heavens.  The images and names can be traced back to antiquity and modern science can trace these names back to over 5000 years. How did these names come about that can be found in every culture on the planet?    “God keeps track of the number of stars, assigning names to all of them.”  Psalms 147:4  Each body of stars formed (constellation) exerts energetic influences upon the earth and in space, it is a subtle prophetic language, that can be interpreted. Scorpio is the 8th sign of the Zodiac and holds many mysteries relating to life, death, healing, sexuality, creation, the supernatural and immortality. During this period that the Sun is in Scorpio, each of its 3 decans rise for about 10 days each.  The heavens are always speaking and declaring the mysteries of the Almighty for those who want to hear and see. We will share some of the hidden astrological and metaphysical secrets in  Serpens.  May we become wise as serpents and harmless as doves.  The giant Serpens appears to be wrapped around the Serpent Handler or Medicine Man called Ophiuchus.  These 2 major constellations are literally entwined.   In this fascinating constellation, the mysterious hidden 13th Zodiac sign is revealed.  The fixed and brightest...
Scorpio – Part 1

Scorpio – Part 1

The tropical Sun is in Scorpio October 23 – November 21. In the heavens Scorpio is portrayed as the constellation of a giant Scorpion. This is the 8th Zodiac house (mansion), which is ruled by Pluto & Mars. Scorpio is a feminine sign and element is water. The heavenly signs are ruled by the planets. Each Zodiac sign has a ruling energetic planet or two, that exerts influence upon those born while the Sun is in that particular sign house. Genesis 1:16 tells us that Elohim made the heavenly orbs to “Rule”, from the Hebrew, it means to Govern over the day and night. Just as the Sun and Moon are the Celestial Prophetic Governors, so are the planets. According to Genesis 1, they are to give light, the Hebrew words mean illumination; cause the face to shine or glow. The more we understand about the heavens and our connection to the constellations, the more we will become illuminated. God’s glory will literally beam from our face. How is this possible? One will realize that he is the Sun, the Moon, the Constellations and even the Zodiac. Sun is spirit, the masculine energy. Moon is soul, the feminine energy. Constellation is a group of stars that form a shape or energetic light-body. Humans and the universe consist of 3 major parts, Sun=spirit, Moon=soul, Constellation=body. You are the Universe, the Multiverse. You are the verse multiplied, magnified; sang, thought and spoken in a melody of the many Oneverse. Pulsating, vibrating; static and unsteady echoing in and as the surround sound and silence of dark matter, spiral galaxies, black holes, supernovas and...