What Prayer Does For the Brain

What Prayer Does For the Brain

 Prayer is literally health for your brain.  “Men (people) should always pray and not give up praying.”  Luke 18  Many people struggle with doubt, wondering if pray works or if the Creator hears.   Others struggle with fear and condemnation; judging themselves unworthy to talk with God.  Yet others profess that they just don’t know how to pray or what to say. Experience this video and learn the scientific benefits of prayer and of regularly gathering together for services or fellowship, for your brain health. Prayer heals, extends life,  reduces stress, causes longevity, prevents dementia…. Prayer turns off the Serpent Brain and Limbic System (carnal mind), scientifically proven.   What Prayer Does to Your Brain <object classid=”clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000″ id=”ooyalaPlayer_3wlke_gw7yved3″ width=”640″ height=”360″ codebase=”http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/swflash.cab”><param name=”movie” value=”http://player.ooyala.com/player.swf?embedCode=s4YnY0MzqsLZn6RmkdlAIflRu8e6Nzhm&version=2″ /><param name=”bgcolor” value=”#000000″ /><param name=”allowScriptAccess” value=”always” /><param name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true” /><param name=”flashvars” value=”embedType=noscriptObjectTag&embedCode=s4YnY0MzqsLZn6RmkdlAIflRu8e6Nzhm&videoPcode=JkcWs6v53lsRdGfwlCSwg_a5CUMv&autoplay=1&layout=chromeless ” /><embed src=”http://player.ooyala.com/player.swf?embedCode=s4YnY0MzqsLZn6RmkdlAIflRu8e6Nzhm&version=2″ bgcolor=”#000000″ width=”640″ height=”360″ name=”ooyalaPlayer_3wlke_gw7yved3″ align=”middle” play=”true” loop=”false” allowscriptaccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”true” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” flashvars=”&embedCode=s4YnY0MzqsLZn6RmkdlAIflRu8e6Nzhm&videoPcode=JkcWs6v53lsRdGfwlCSwg_a5CUMv&autoplay=1&layout=chromeless ” pluginspage=”http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer”></embed></object>       Disclaimer: All information and results stated in this video are for information purposes only. The information is not specific medical advice for any individual. The content of this video should not substitute medical advice from a health professional. If you have a health problem, speak to your doctor or a health professional immediately about your condition. Get rid of all your excuses and fears, just do it.  Do it daily, throughout the day.  Just simply talk to your Creator in your own way, establish communication. Yes, verbalize your thoughts and direct them outward, upward or inward; which ever direction that helps you to connect.   The words proceeding from your lips are only part of prayer, a very necessary part; but...
Songs of Ascent – Part 2

Songs of Ascent – Part 2

In Songs of Ascent Part 1  of this message, we shared some of the hidden meanings the secrets of the stairs, you might want to study it before proceeding further. Tabernacles is the only feast of Yahweh that seems to go out of the way to acknowledge the female or Divine Feminine. This foreshadows a very in depth work taking place in the Soul (mind, will, emotion, intellect, imagination), the saving of the soul, so that she might once again ascend to that exalted state. During the Feast of Tabernacles, the women were positioned in the higher place, the balcony.  This is a clue to what is happening literally with the female and on the metaphysical levels. THE FEMALE GOD-DESS ?! “So God created man in his image, In the Image of God Created He Him (Adam), male and female created he them.”  Gen.1:27 God’s Image is both Male and Female, however, most believers today only know about the masculine side of God. God revealed Himself to the patriarchs in the book of Genesis, as El Shaddai (Breasted one, Almighty) Gen. 17:1 This is the feminine – Mother God (dess). They did not have an “in depth” revelation of the masculine, Father God – until Moses was called. “And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name God Almighty (El Shaddai-Breasted One/Mother), but by my name Yahweh (Jehovah- Self Existing One/Father), was I not known to them.”  Exodus 6:3 They had heard the name Yahweh and used it, but there was no special revelation given to it. Unbelievers hear and use the name Jesus (Yahushua)...
Songs of Ascent – Part 1

Songs of Ascent – Part 1

This is the 8th day of Tabernacle/Sukkot, the Great Day and we are rejoicing and singing the Psalms of Ascent.  This has truly been a blessed season of rejoicing.  We have returned from our conference in San Diego, CA where we had a glorious time feasting on Him and experiencing His Power.  The kingdom of God is not in word (revelation knowledge) only, but demonstration of the power of the Holy Ghost.  “These signs shall follower those who believe.”  I believe and we saw and experienced the supernatural signs. The Book of Psalms is one of the most favorite books in the Bible for Believers and non-believers. This was the hymnal for the Old Testament Church as well as the New. This book was actually divided into 5 books, or sections, divinely inspired and put together. The first 5 books  of the Bible are called the Torah (teachings of the law), which are parallel to the 5 divisions of the Book of Psalms. This book teaches us Worship, Wisdom, and Warfare. It exalts the Creator and declares that all creation, even nature must praise Him. It also speaks about blessings,  sin, evil, justice and judgment, and of course, the coming Messiah. The Book of Psalms was written by several prophetic psalmist over a span of 1000 years, 73 of the psalms are attributed to David; the beloved psalmist of Israel. This Prayer Book opens with a benediction, “Blessed is the man,” and ends with Praises and Glory to God. PSALMS – SONGS OF ASCENT Toward the end of this great book are 15 Psalms (songs that were sang with...
Feast of Tabernacles 2 – Mystery of the Trees

Feast of Tabernacles 2 – Mystery of the Trees

In this message we want to share some little known mysteries of the trees that were used to make the sukkah to celebrate the feast of Tabernacles.  Keep in mind, ancient Israel were rehearsing very powerful realities that would manifest in the future.  To some extent we are yet rehearsing by observing the Creators feast days, until we are fully manifesting all that has been promised and prophesied.  What an awesome experience to connect with Spirit at this level, with a greater knowledge and understanding. “And king Solomon spake three thousand proverbs: and his songs were a thousand and five. And he spake of trees…And there came of all people to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all kings of the earth, which had heard of his wisdom.” 1 Kings 4:32-34 Our spiritual ancestors of every culture were taught to respect and honor the earth. All the inhabitants of the planet were realized to be an extension of the Being we call God, the Creator. Since everything that grew from the planet was realized and known as such; that meant that everything on the planet is related to humans and it sacred. Nothing was taken unless it was necessary and then it was taken with thanksgiving and full acknowledgement of the consciousness within it. Animals were not killed for sports or trophies, they were killed with dignity in full awareness that it’s life would be extended and become a part of a higher life form. Our spiritual ancestors understood the mysteries of trees; they have personality, consciousness and intelligence. Trees were often used as a metaphor for humans. “You shall be like...
Feast of Tabernacles

Feast of Tabernacles

 At sunset tonight October 8, 2014,  we enter into “our season of rejoicing,” also known as the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot. This is the last festival of the 7th month on the sacred Calendar, it is also the last of the Torah Feasts that Yahweh instituted in Leviticus 23. This festival is celebrated for 7 days and then the “great day”, a total of 8 days. When Israel came out of Egypt they had no houses to live in while traveling through the Wilderness, so they built booths (sukkahs) from tree branches. They were commanded to observe this feast each year starting the 15th day of the 7th month (Tishrei), this was to commemorate their experience. However, there were many more deeper spiritual significances to the observation of this feast. Their rehearsal in the natural of building booths (sukkahs) was foreshadowing a time when humanity would realize that God lives within mankind. We are the trees of righteousness that make up the tabernacle, booths (sukkahs). YAHWEH’S HOLIDAYS-FEASTS Does God have holidays (festivals)? Yes! The Creator is a party being and loves to enjoy Himself. He does this through humans/creation. Spirit expresses and experiences all of the wonderful emotions of love, joy, excitement and peace through us. He gives us joy and peace that surpasses that which material or fleshly pleasures can offer. “And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: “The feasts of the LORD, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, These Are My Feasts.” Leviticus 23:1-2 We know that God has set times for celebrations and they must...
Heavenly Court In Session

Heavenly Court In Session

At the time of this posting (September 30, 2014), it is the 6th day of awe and 4 days before Yom Kippur; the Holiest day of the year.   The Heavenly or Celestial Court is filled with activity and the Accuser of the righteous is digging up every accusation possible against us.  For the past 5 days some of us have been in the Heavenly Courts dealing with various cases and addressing the accuser, Satan. We are accusing the Accuser, filing lawsuits against him and reminding him that his time is almost up (from the human concept of time).  The various cases are of personal matters, on the behalf of others, for the nations, the world and the universe. The Order of Melchizedek is a Cosmic Kingship-Priesthood, representing issues and concerns that go beyond the realm of this planet.  We can ascend into the Courts of the Heavens any time of the year and present our cases, motions and petitions before the Righteous Judge.  However, there is a “set time” of the year that we can actually face the “accuser of the brethren, who accuse us day and night.”   This is the 10 day period from Tishrei 1 – Tishrei 10, this year it is September 25 – October 4, 2014. In the first chapter of Job, we are told that there was a day – “set time” when the sons of God presented themselves before Yahweh, and that Satan was also among them. Job 1:6 Then one year later, we find the same scenario. Job 2:1  The encrypted Biblical Calendar and understanding of Yahweh’s feast days hold the keys to unlocking many...