Life -vs- Entropy

Life -vs- Entropy

Greetings, We are From the Future.  In the future,  promoting entropy is a cardinal crime.  Entropy is the probability that everything will devolve into chaos. Entropy is the scientific term for Murphy’s Law.  Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.  But there is a subtle force that reverses the irreversible and overcomes all impossible odds.  What is that force??  What could it be??  It is LIFE.   Hallelujah!! Experience this…   Get your TribeOscope book download today. This is Prophetic Empowerment, Christian Alternative to Secular Astrology.   Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...
The Cobra Was Beheaded

The Cobra Was Beheaded

  Serpent or snake has dual symbolism.  Serpent is a symbolism for wisdom, sexuality,  enlightenment and also immortality.  Serpent is also symbolic of rebellion, deceit and death.  Linda Pankretz sent us this new report below.  It was very clear that it had “prophetic” written all over it.  As we often share here, everything that happens in the world has a prophetic message interwoven and most times more than one message.  Some events speaks more louder and are more relevant than others.  We want to take a look at this news article and pick out a few of the prophetic messages that’s relevant to us now and how they might have historic or biblical counter-parts.  Everything is connected in the universe, space and time are only our ways of defining when and where events may have taken place. “The Cobra, a millions-year-old, iconic rock formation popular with rock climbers, met an unfortunate demise last week during a period of severe weather. The top-heavy head of the 50-foot rock tower near Moab, Utah, became detached and crumbled to the ground between Tuesday and Friday, according to The Salt Lake Tribune and Deseret News. Officials aren’t exactly sure what caused the decapitation, but it is believed lightning, high winds, and rain are contributing factors…This makes me think the beheading was a result of a lightning strike, either direct or collateral damage.” Here’s a photo of what the Cobra Tower used to look like:     Here’s a photo of what it looks like now with the head cut off. Let’s look at some of the prophetic clues that we can divine messages...
Israel In Prophecy – Ephraim & Manasseh Part 5

Israel In Prophecy – Ephraim & Manasseh Part 5

Which ones are those that converted to Judaism & who are those born Semitic Jews?  The Scripture below may be somewhat misunderstood. “There is no longer Jew (Judean-Judahite-Semitics) or Gentile (nations-non Semitics), slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.”  Galatians 3:28 Thanks to all of you for the feedback and glad to know that many of you are learning something new and that you are finding the Bible interesting again.  We told you this series would not be the Sunday School version or watered down version of Israel in prophecy.  Also, we have attempted to show you a more truer version of what the ancient people looked like and yet look like, for the most part.  It is a bit different from what Hollywood, politics and religion has portrayed.   I am convinced that you can not wake someone up without disturbing them.  Truth is not always popular or pretty and only those who love truth can appreciate it. If you have not studied the previous message 1-4 of this series, you might want to.  —  —- —- This is our last message of the series as we bring the investigation into this global identity theft to an end.  We have presented more than enough evidence to make an arrest, a citizens of the Kingdom arrest.  Not only that, we have the evidence to proceed into the celestial court and accuse the accusers and imposters of Global Identity Theft, deception, fraud, mass murder, genocide, financial theft of the nations, human sacrifice (war) to the demons of warfare and an attempt to overthrow the rightful heirs of the...
Israel In Prophecy – Chosen People Syndrome – Part 4

Israel In Prophecy – Chosen People Syndrome – Part 4

In our investigation into Israel’s Identity Theft yesterday, we found out  about Japheth (Ashkenazi European Jews) have been greatly deceived into thinking that they are of Semitic origins and the literal genetic seed of Abraham.  We found out that Japheth was the only one of Noah’s sons called Gentile, according to King James Version 1611 Bible translation.  Therefore, the people occupying Palestine, which are East European, are Gentiles (Japhethic nations). They are demanding that the world serve them; especially the darker-skinned world.  Their Talmud clearly says, Gentiles were created to serve them.  They don’t have a legal, moral or Biblical right to be in the land. This deception is the fulfillment of a 5000 year old prophecy given by Noah. Genesis 9:27 If you have not read Part 1   Part 2  and Part 3    of this series you might like to do that before proceeding further. I reiterate this point.  We  shared that the Scripture in Genesis 10 of the King James version of the Bible clearly identifies the Japhethic European nations as Gentile.   This important point disqualifies Europeans legal possession of the land based on the Bible. Japheth (biblical father of European race/nations) is the only one of Noah’s sons identified as Gentile; Shem and Ham’s descendants intermingling makes them Semitic for the most part.  We have evidence of this today through genetic testing, the Palestinians are Semitic people, but they are descendants of Ham through his son Canaan.  Genetic testing has offered the same proof with other descendants of Ham throughout Africa. We find the same Hebrew word “gowy” (animal-like, swarm of destructive locust) translated for Gentile used throughout the Bible, is...
Israel In Prophecy – Japheth the Gentile – Part 3

Israel In Prophecy – Japheth the Gentile – Part 3

  “Have you ever stood and stared at it, marveled at its beauty, it genius? Billions of people living out their lives oblivious.” Agent Smith from the Matrix-He was observing people in the Matrix. Click here > AGENT SMITH (observation) You may find Part 2 of this series here ~ When there is an investigation of a crime, it is important that the investigators follow the evidence.  A true investigator must be able to set aside his/her beliefs,  convictions, and any emotional ties to the case that might pollute the investigation or recuse him or herself from the case.   Are you prepared to move forward with discovery and disclosure of truth, or would you prefer to go back to fairy-tale land?  We have been investigating the global identity theft and outright hacking of another race of people.     So far the historical evidence that’s been there in plain sight is overwhelmingly convincing that a global scam and hacking of a race has occurred and that there has been a systematic extermination of a people group…genocide of this race globally.  In yesterday’s blog, Israel in Prophecy – Identity Theft, as we followed the evidence, we found out that the people occupying Palestine and claiming to be descendants of biblical patriarchs are thieves and imposters.  Furthermore, they are the wrong skin color and race.  Genetic proof says they lack Semitic genetic markers and that they are of East European and Central Asian descent. Their own encyclopedia states: “96% of all Jews known to the world today are descendants of the Khazar tribes of Russia, Eastern Europe and Western Mongolia; these are the Ashkenazi Jews..”   (Standard...
Israel In Prophecy Part 2- Identity Theft

Israel In Prophecy Part 2- Identity Theft

  This is an inspirational and informative message that truth seekers will love and share with others.  Our Intent is to show  Israel in prophecy based on the Bible, history and science, and show why there seems to be so much confusion in the Middle East that affects Global Stability & Peace. Warning! All sacred cows are subject to being joyfully and lovingly slaughtered as an act of LOVE during this and the next several blogs. We ended yesterdays Blog with some provocative questions that many in Christianity due to the strong delusion never seems to ask themselves or others. IDENTITY THEFT Years back before I had children, while living in Washington State, my home was more like communal living.  As a people lover,  missionary, and humanitarian; I had been exposed to people from all over the world and had visited many countries.   I lived in a large house and it was actually called by some, the House of Prayer of All Nations.  The then directors at World Relief knew me well and appreciated my work in the Slavic community in Washington, Russia, and Ukraine, often they would call me when they could not place refugees (Christians or Jews) anywhere. Bosnians, Kenyans, Central Americans, Asians, Russians and other Europeans often filled my house.  Occasionally,  we worked with other agencies in transition going through the 12 step program for addictions or those just getting out of jail.  Those were some of the most exciting years of my life, getting to lead many of these people to a living loving relationship with the Almighty God.  Out of all those years of opening my home up to strangers,...