Israel In Prophecy – Part 1

Israel In Prophecy – Part 1

Israel in Prophecy is a hot topic among Evangelical Christians. Unfortunately, when it comes to the what they consider to be End-Time Prophecy or events, they are in error. They have seemingly misidentified a complete people group and it appears as though is not by mistake. Prophecy can be a double edge sword.  The prophet-seer may be shown a future event that will happen, but also told to pray it doesn’t, or that it does not have maximum impact.  We have often demonstrated this throughout the years, as Eye have shared detailed future events.  This is why some prophecies can fail.  The Biblical prophets were often told to prophesy against ancient Israel, her leaders and also told to pray for them.  Jeremiah often wept over what he said and saw, but could not prevent the events from happening. There are some prophecies that can not be changed.   For example, the prophecies that a Messiah would come at a specific time in history.  The prophecies that Jesus gave about the destruction of Jerusalem that happened in 70AD, he even told the people to pray that they would not be impacted greatly.  Matthew 24  The prophecies and “woes” he spoke against the leaders of Judea in Matthew 21, I am sure that many thought he was being too negative, self-righteous, hateful or carnal.   Prophecy is about neither of those things,  it  is about revealing the truth of  what will be and giving people a chance  to change (repent) that event,  in some cases. The cable news is flooded with images of prophecy in motion, especially in the middle east.  Some would say, since it is Bible...
Black Moon Rising Prophecies Validation

Black Moon Rising Prophecies Validation

 While musing over world events and interceding on behalf of them, my mind went back several months to a few prophetic articles we posted.  In our Black Moon Rising series, we interpreted the meanings of this astrological and astronomical phenomenon, prophesying accurate events, which are taking place now.  In this writing we will only mention a few important events. A Black Moon is when an event takes place where there are (2) New Moons within a month.  January 30, 2014, the second New Moon of January was the first stage and it was a rare Super New Moon in Aquarius  that could be seen in daylight.  March 30, 2014, the second New Moon of March was the second phase of the New Moon in Aries, which alerted me to what would be happening over the next many months.  The month of February did not have a New Moon.  Here’s an excerpt of what Eye saw and stated about what would be happening in February behind the scenes. “The month of February will have NO NEW MOON. The shofar will not be blown to announce the month. It will be as if February did not come into being. With the acceleration of time and experiences, most wont even remember the events of it anyways. The darkness of February will be overcome by Light. Eye see the evil ones will be in major planning of events that will be happening during the Spring, especially April. Our prayers and rituals can soften the impact of those things and send confusions into their Spring plans for disaster and war… February 2014 becomes a “WATCH MONTH”, even though based on no New...
Solomon’s Temple  Replica Has Been Built

Solomon’s Temple Replica Has Been Built

  3ooo years ago King David had a desire to build a Temple for God.  Yahweh told him that he could not because he was a bloody man, a man of war; however, Yahweh gave him the mystical blueprints for an extraordinary edifice.  King David could not build the Temple, but his son Solomon, which mean Peace,  would.  The mystical Solomon’s Temple was built with the energy of peace and was to be a sign in the middle of the Earth that the Almighty would bring peace to all the nations and tribes of humanity. Solomon’s Temple was a place where the Shekinah was seen and witnessed by the world, as travelers came from all religions and nations came to witness the manifested glory of Almighty God.  This beautiful white-stoned edifice was flanked by 2 amazing Pillars of highly polished brass standing on the porch.  When the morning sun ray hit the pillars on Mt Zion, it was like exploding suns and could be seen for many miles away.  The Temple seemed to be engulfed in almost blinding white light.  The brilliant light was beaconing all nations and showing the way to the holiest of all. This was not a temple just made by man’s hands,  various spiritual entities were summoned to assist with the building of Solomon’s Temple.  King Solomon was a master in mysticism and spiritualism, he was very gifted in exercising dominion over the spirit world.  He was also a Master Builder, the first recognized of what is today termed, Mason – Freemason of the highest degree.  Solomon’s friend,  Hiram King of Tyre  also held the ancient secrets of Freemasonry,   he sent another man by the...
SEC Votes To Freeze Money Market Funds

SEC Votes To Freeze Money Market Funds

  The Securities and Exchange Commission voted 3 to 2 to adopt a set of new rules for money market funds, a $2.6 trillion industry where ordinary individuals and sophisticated institutions alike park their money. The rules come after years of debate among regulators and lobbying from Wall Street. The delays to withdrawals that funds will be able to impose during crises could introduce new problems, said Kara M. Stein, an S.E.C. commissioner. At the agency’s meeting on Wednesday, she argued that sophisticated investors would be able to sense trouble brewing and move to withdraw their money before the delays are imposed. Investors, she said, would have “a strong incentive to rush to redeem ahead of others,” creating a run on the fund and potentially on other funds as well. “Ultimately, this contagion could freeze the wholesale funding markets in much the same way as occurred during the recent financial crisis,” said Ms. Stein, who voted against the rules.  Read more here ~ Are You Awake Yet??!!   Can’t you see the red flags everywhere?  The vote to Freeze your Money Market Funds is a nice way of telling you they are about to confiscate, steal your money right before your eyes.  This is the “Bail In”  that we have been mentioning over the past year.  The government is too broke to bail the banks out again, so those who have not exchange their paper money that’s tied up in Money Markets, IRA, 401k, etc to Gold, will be bailing the banks out with their savings..bail in.  Watch this short video interview: I am not a financial adviser, but...
The Zionist Massacre of Gaza –  Max Igan & Chris Everard

The Zionist Massacre of Gaza – Max Igan & Chris Everard

Modern technology allows us to watch the Israeli Zionist massacre and genocide of the innocent Palestinians (true Semitic people) in Gaza from the comforts of our own home.  This ethnic cleaning of Jesus’ literal bloodline from Mary’s side is cheered on by most Christians that have chosen to not believe the truth, refuses to do any research or just enjoy being stuck on stupid.  Our so called evolved society today is not very much different from the blood-thirsty people of 2000 years ago,  that enjoyed going to the Coliseum to watch the gladiators or lions rip apart the flesh of humans, while the crowd yelled and cheered.  They excitedly egged on the animals and psychopaths that took great pride in committing murder and causing great pain.   Today people support the terrorists committing genocide, deceived into thinking they are God’s chosen people killing terrorist.   There are many violent events happening in the world, but this latest incursion by Israel into Gaza seems to be very prophetic of what Spirit revealed in January to me.  Eye have felt unsettled in spirit more than ever before, feeling where this will possibly lead to.  You can read it here  I was sent this powerful video interview below of Max Igan & Chris Everard that echoes many things we often say regarding the imposters occupying the land of Palestine and unlawfully renamed it Israel.  They seem to confirm many of my suspicions.  Max, Chris and others on this radio interview go in greater details with history and facts that will blow your mind.  If you are a seeker and lover of truth, you will forward this information to all you know.  * PLEASE SEND THIS TO YOUR...


While in prophetic prayer and intercession for the nations, Eye heard the Spirit say, “The power of transformation is sometimes cocooned in what appears as chaos.  The scroll for this outer world of illusions is rolling up fast, as reality is being unrolled for those who want to see.  Continue to intercede and mediate between the two worlds;  pulling down the strongholds of deception and principalities.  The destruction of the old paradigm will become more evident and horrifying for many as the old form transforms into the new.” Looking through natural eyes at the outer dimension of this world, it appears to be steadily falling apart.   Everything has been accelerated on the planet and in the galaxy.   Here on planet earth,  human greed, pride and hatred is driving a large portion of humanity to the end of itself.   There are those who want to engulf much of the world in war, this is part of  Agenda 21 plan to eliminate up 80%  of the people on the planet. On the individual level,  there has been such  pressure,  spiritual warfare and fiery trial in this phase of the birthing of a new consciousness in the earth.  So many that I have spoken with over the past several months seems to be in the midst of the fire, entering the fire or just coming out of fire .  The fire is definitely on and the Father knows exactly which area of our lives need to experience heat to produce transformation. If the fire is on in your life there must be something that yet needs to be consumed and transmuted into fuel to launch you further into your destiny....