Greenspan’s Golden Testimony

Greenspan’s Golden Testimony

Greenspan says conspiracy is real, not just a theory – See more at: Greenspan says conspiracy is real, not just a theory – See more at: Greenspan says conspiracy is real, not just a theory – See more at: Greenspan says conspiracy is real, not just a theory…   Aaron, one of the members of our Kingdom Karatbars Gold team and a few others sent us this article below posted on Dr. Stephen Jones website.   We thought many of you would like to see this.  We live in a world of conspiracies theories, but there are also conspiracy facts. Greenspan says conspiracy is real, not just a theory – See more at: Here is an excerpt: AND NOW THE SWORN TRUTH FROM THE MAESTRO… CHAIRMAN: Dr. Greenspan, please raise your right hand. Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God? GREENSPAN: I do. COMMISSIONER ROOTA: I’m going to get right to the guts of this hearing if you don’t mind. Throughout the first part of your life you were the most avid gold bug on the planet but in the mid 1980’s you sold out to the banking cabal and became gold’s biggest enemy…why did you do it? GREENSPAN: I didn’t. I have always been a die hard advocate of using gold as money and I continue to be so today. COMMISSIONER ROOTA: But you worked for the evil Federal Reserve Bank. You were the king of fiat money which is the opposite of gold…the only real money. GREENSPAN: Yes. I did work for the Federal Reserve...
70% of Stock/Bonds in your 401K Have Multiple Owners…

70% of Stock/Bonds in your 401K Have Multiple Owners…

70% of All Paper Instruments held in investment accounts have multiple owners, according to Bix Weir and other financial experts.  Are we coming to an end of this version of paper?  Will you be affected greatly?  Are you prepared or preparing, by being a wise steward over the little or much?  (We intend to only provide education and information..not fear.)  Are You Awake Yet??!! “It’s time to get REAL about the fraud that has been going on at the DTCC and in brokerage houses around the world. THEY ARE NOT SETTLING TRADES!   It is estimate that over 70% of all paper instruments held in investment accounts have multiple owners or are phantom shares. I would put that number at 90%+! When you really think about it why would you have one penny “invested” in a 401k, IRA, Stock, Bond, Mutual Fund, etc. The brokerage houses are NOT going out and legally securing the rights to the stocks they claim to hold for you. Think hard about it…billions of financial instruments are “High Frequency Traded” in milliseconds and with a finite amount of shares and certificates issued by public companies it is YOUR SHARES that are getting traded. On average it takes 5-7 days for the total amount of shares of a company to trade hands even though very few “investors” are daily traders. On more active days over 100% of a company share float is traded in a SINGLE DAY! Meaning somebody claimed ownership of YOUR SHARES and sold them to somebody who thinks they own the same share of stock that YOU DO. Also, everyday an average of over 300M shares are...
Scientists Discover That Atheist Might Not Exist…

Scientists Discover That Atheist Might Not Exist…

In the ego driven pursuit for knowledge, many people once thought to be spiritual or held a firm belief in a Higher Power are now professing to be atheist.  Others refuse to acknowledge a greater power or Being outside themselves or the human experience.  Professing themselves to be wise, they have become blubbering fools; spouting or writing religious and esoteric clichés, using scientific terminologies, revelating and reveling in their own drunken deceptions. God is a myth.  Jesus is a myth.  All the stories of the Bible and other holy books are somehow  allegories and myths, much like Santa Claus, says the atheist and deceived.  There is no God!   I have often stated, “I don’t believe anyone can be an atheist.  If we are created in the image and likeness of God, how could there be.”   Nevertheless, the ego in full drive will allow people to deceive themselves in to believing anything. We live in a world where things seems to be constantly changing, people change,  ideas change, values and morals change.  Aren’t you excited that the Almighty does not change?  On the one hand, we have people that once tasted of the good word of God, turning backwards and leading many with them.   This is what happens when Pride and the Ego is activated, people are literally blinded by their own arrogance and do not realize it.  Is the next stage of spiritual evolution, to come to an awareness that “God” is just a figment of our imagination, constructed by mass consciousness?     Leading atheists who are scientists are now discovering, There is no Atheist!  Instead of saying, God does not exist, they are boldly saying, Atheist do not exist....
Enoch Chapter One “A Quantum Leap” – Rudy Jones

Enoch Chapter One “A Quantum Leap” – Rudy Jones

  Enoch is one of my favorite Biblical characters, the man that walked with God so closely that he cheated death.  “Enoch was not, for God took him.”   Don’t you want to be a “was not”?  Rudy Jones and I had been sharing some exciting insights about Enoch over the past month.  Unbeknownst to me Spirit had also given him to start a series of writings/messages on Enoch.  Herein you will find, Part 1.  To get part 2-4 or however many there may be, you’ll have to email him.  He will send them as he receives them.  Here is his email address:    Now let’s experience this teaser message from Rudy. ——————– I propose that the mystery of Enoch was concealed in cryptology thorough out our Bible; especially in Revelations 4 and 5..all the history was based on an Enoch quality of faith operation. (By faith Enoch was translated) In Jude, v.14. “And Enoch also, the 7th from Adam; prophesied of these, saying Behold the Lord cometh with ten thousands of His saints” Enoch hasn’t said (prophesied) anything as Enoch, for five thousand years. He helped his dad Jared and his son Methuselah, bury Adam, when Adam was 930 years old. At the time of Enoch’s translation, it was about 1,000 years from Adam, about 5,000 years ago. Jude used the word cometh; which is in Greek “erchomai” and was “used only in the present, imperfect tenses”) I associate the coming spoken of by Jude, ” as the Lord’s coming” , as an imperfect or incomplete coming. Later I will call your attention to Hebrews 11; where Enoch is mentioned...
Occult Message in Speech by Christine LaGarde of IMF?

Occult Message in Speech by Christine LaGarde of IMF?

This video has been sent to us by various people over the past 24 hours, we decided to share it with everyone.  First of all, don’t allow the word “occult” to scare you.  Most of you reading our blogs practice the “occult” in the real meaning of the word.  Occult only means to hide.  There is hidden knowledge that will avail itself to those who seek it out.  Occultism is the belief in mysteries, prophecies, numerology, miracles, message in the stars, etc.  These are all the things taught in the Bible, that most spirit-filled Believers practice or believe.  We do not deny that there is also negative occultism.  Watch this carefully.  As we often say, these people do nothing that doesn’t have occultic meanings.   Are we being given a date for wealth transfer?? Published on May 24, 2014 “7” references: 1:22 – “Now I’m going to test your numerology skills by asking you to think about the magic seven” 1:34 – “Most of you will know that seven is quite a number 2:24 – “2014, you drop the zero, fourteen, two times, seven” 4:08 – “It will mark the 70th anniversary, 70th anniversary, drop the zero, seven, of the Bretton Woods Conference that actually gave birth to the IMF” (7 + 0 = 7) 4:22 – “And it will be the 25th anniversary of the fall of the berlin wall, 25th..” (2 + 5 = 7) 4:38 – “It will also mark the 7th anniversary of the financial market jietters” 5:08 – “After those seven miserable years, weak and fragile” 5:14 – “We have seven strong years” 5:43 –...
Return To The Mother Church

Return To The Mother Church

Pope Francis Meets With Charismatic Church Leaders To Plan Return To Mother Church In our March 5, 2014 blog we share a message of Pope Francis appeal to the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement of denominations to become Catholic.  In reality, behind the scenes, only the Charismatics/Pentecostal are or were considered Protestant. “Since the 1999 Lutheran agreement with the Roman Catholic Church, we are all Catholics, there are no more protestants, says Anglican Bishop Tony Palmer. The Evangelical Pentecostal/Charismatic Church seems to have been the last piece of the puzzle to fit in the One World Church scenario. The message to Kenneth Copeland seems to be aimed at completing the puzzle and returning the church to being catholic. If there are no more Protestants and all are Catholics, then there is one leader of the Catholic church, Pope Francis.” Do you think Kenneth Copeland and other Charismatic/Pentecostal leaders may have taken it to heart, the Pope’s appeal? Based on the photo above with Kenneth Copeland, the second on the right of Pope Francis, looks like the Charismatic leaders have taken the bait.  Isn’t this the fulfillment of prophetic scripture?   Did they sign secret agreements as the Lutherans did in 1999, acknowledging and pledging all Charismatics/Pentecostals to be Catholic?    Pope Francis is calling for the Charismatics to Return to Mother.  We are not here to judge un-righteously or self-righteously.  We only serve as a prophetic voice crying in the Wilderness of mass consciousness and showing the accuracy of the prophecies in the Book we call the Bible. CAN YOU STRETCH YOUR MIND A BIT FURTHER?? The Book of Revelation, written about 2000 years ago speaks...