Summer Solstice 2014

Summer Solstice 2014

  This is the longest day of the years (depending on the time zone), it is the Summer Solstice. Due to the energy being released from space affecting the Earth, the ancients have acknowledged this day for thousands of years. It is shrouded in mystery and power. Each time there are astronomical event, we realize that portals are being opened. These doorways allow us access to strong energetic frequencies that can be used with intent to achieve goals. Yet on the other hand, most people are happy that summer is finally officially here. The word solstice is derived from the Latin sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still), because at the solstices, the Sun stands still in declination; that is, the seasonal movement of the Sun’s path (as seen from Earth) comes to a stop before reversing direction. This reminds me of a Biblical passage in the Book of Joshua. During a battle, Joshua commanded the Sun to stand still. How could a simple human being have such authority and power to command a gigantic ball of energy in space 93 million miles away and it obey? Of course, there are those that would relegate this event to mythology or an allegory, but modern science can confirm that there was actually a day around 3500 years ago that the Sun did “stand still”. Through using astronomical software we are able to go backwards in time to see events in the heavens that took place. The record proves this event did happen, although science can not fully explain how this one time event could be, others say it defied laws...
Ancient Earth Inside Earth

Ancient Earth Inside Earth

The idea of an ancient Earth inside Earth would have sounded foolish to most of the science community and most people on the planet only months ago.  Just a few days ago in our article, Hidden Underground Ocean Found, we posed several questions about future discoveries. “Eye know we are in an awesome period of time, where the hidden deep mysteries are being revealed as Yahushua (Jesus) said it would be.  Deep is calling unto deep and the deep is answering.  Can you hear it?   Now that they are admitting there is an ocean beneath the surface of the earth, will they eventually admit to the “inner Earth civilizations”  (IT’s = Inner Terrestrials) ?  Will they admit that there’s  a Sun in the Earth’s core and an atmosphere for those that dwell within?  That would mean they’d have to admit  that much of the science about our planet given to us for the past few hundred years was fabricated. “ Here’s another few verses that confirms the hidden oceans: “The waters are hid as with a stone, and the face of the deep is frozen”. Job 38:30. “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that IS IN THE WATER UNDER THE EARTH.” Exodus 20:4 The Exodus verse seems to tell us that somehow the people on the planet had access to the hidden oceans or knew how to get there and could see the creatures that lived in the underground oceans.  They were instructed not to make images of them.  Could it...
Hidden Ocean Found Deep Underground

Hidden Ocean Found Deep Underground

  A new study suggests that a hidden “ocean” is nestled in the Earth’s mantle some 400 miles beneath North America. The hidden reservoir, apparently locked in a blue crystalline mineral called ringwoodite, may hold three times as much water that exists in all the world’s surface oceans. This discovery may help explain where Earth’s water supply came from, and how subterranean water affects the shifting of rock in the Earth’s outer crust — a phenomenon scientists call plate tectonics. “Geological processes on the Earth’s surface, such as earthquakes or erupting volcanoes, are an expression of what is going on inside the Earth, out of our sight,” geophysicist Dr. Steven Jacobsen, an associate professor at Northwestern University, said in a written statement. “I think we are finally seeing evidence for a whole-Earth water cycle, which may help explain the vast amount of liquid water on the surface of our habitable planet. Scientists have been looking for this missing deep water for decades.” “Have you journeyed to the springs of the sea  or walked in the recesses of the deep?”  Job 38:16   The Most High seems to suggest there are ways to get to where the oceans come from.  Could there be beaches there also?  Are there portals in the Earth  or hidden places on the earth that leads to the hidden oceans?  This is where our surface oceans and seas come from. When I first started to read about this story, my first thoughts were, “science again confirms what the ancient book called the Bible recorded over 5000 years ago.”  Eye see this also as another sign of...
DNA Conference Update

DNA Conference Update

Highlights From DNA Activation Conference   May 23, 2014 was the launch date for Age To Age Ministries Int’l in Phoenix, AZ.   Just over 7 years ago the Holy Spirit spoke to me very clearly to sell my home in Washington and to move here.  We blindly obeyed, not knowing anyone here and have waited to see the promised fulfilled, which was spoken at that time.  In the meantime, most of the ministry, speaking engagements have been away from here. It was just a week ago we had a glorious gathering of 6 meetings that seemed to merged into one continuous meeting over the past weekend and into the middle of this week.   We were blessed to have people come from as far as Canada and Hawaii.  It was also a blessing to see  some of my spiritual sons and daughters that I mentored many years ago.  In this update, we will feature several short testimonials of some of the speakers and those who exhorted the Body in love.  The Presence was very strong and expectancy was very high from beginning to end.  Eye spoke on Friday night, Saturday Morning, Evening and Sunday afternoon.   Susan Chin from Seattle (area), Washington shared a powerful word of exhortation on Saturday evening and exhorted us to continue to hunger for more of God and reminded us that we are overcomers.  Actually, it was after the meetings were officially finished,  on Monday over lunch she ministered to us under a heavy prophetic anointing for nearly 2 hours.   Susan is an Evangelist and Prophetess of the Most High God, and also business owner.  She travels to Asia frequently and...


RIVERS TURNING BLOOD RED?? Should we take the Bible literally or is it only a Book of allegories, metaphors and symbols to be interpreted spiritually? The Apostle Paul encouraged his followers to rightly divide the words of truth. Many so called “progressive or new thought” believers, seems to think that it’s just a Book of metaphors. Many of the fundamentalist tend to be literalist and fear judgment for trying to decipher mysteries in spiritual sense. Could it be that the ancient sacred text does record literal events that did happen but are used as metaphors for deeper spiritual experiences today? “Now all these things happened to the Old Testament believers as an example and for our instruction and learning at the end of the age.” 1 Corinthians 10:11 Could it be that the Prophets did prophesy actual literal events that would take place in our time, but would also have symbolic meanings? I think so, however, if we only spiritualize the Book of Revelation, we will probably miss out on the Creator’s timing of what he is doing in the earth. If we only literalize it, we’d probably miss out on the deeper levels of prophecies and how they affect our life individually. “A false weight is an abomination, but a balanced weight is his delight.” Proverbs 11:1 Here is a perfect example of a Scripture that encourages us not to be out of balance, but also deals with greed, stealing and lying. For many years, people interpreted the prophecies about the Moon turning blood red as a metaphor for something else and not to be taken literal. Now that...