by Order Of Melchizedek | May 2, 2014 | Uncategorized |
DaVINCI LAST SUPPER MYSTERIES Leonardo da Vinci, perhaps most noted as an artist, was also an architect, inventor and chronicler of science, among other outlets for his talents. Born on April 15, 1452, in Vinci, Italy, Leonardo da Vinci was the son of a prominent attorney notary and a young peasant girl. Born out of wedlock, he was raised by his father, Ser Piero, and several stepmothers. Leonardo di ser da Vinci became accomplished as a painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer. Leonardo’s “Last Supper,”” which he worked on from 1492 to 1498 by most accounts, was painted on the dining room wall of the of the Santa Maria delle Grazie monastery in Milan. It depicts the dramatic moment when Jesus tells the apostles that one of them will betray him soon. It was not done with the fresco technique where water-based paint is applied to fresh plaster but Da Vinci instead chose to try to paint on the wall in layers. As a result, the masterpiece began to deteriorate during his lifetime and has undergone an extensive restoration. Did Da Vinci knowingly embed secret codes into his paintings? Was his hand guided by an unseen force in the “Last Supper” painting to unveil mysteries relevant for our time? Prophet Daniel did say that in our day knowledge would increase. Jesus told us that everything hidden would be revealed. Take a look at the video clips below. There are some fascinating revelations seems to be embedded, you decide. Could there be sacred secret music actually embedded in Da Vinci’s “Last Supper? If...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Jan 16, 2014 | Uncategorized |
Take a deep breath. Things are really getting weird. We have been speaking about how everything is accelerating, but this is a bit scary in a good way. For a few weeks Spirit has been prompting me to release a message into the atmosphere again about the literal giants from an extraterrestrial race would soon be seen among us on the planet. I was kind of waiting until I had another current similar story to dovetail it with. That happened yesterday. After all, who wants to hear about giants coming, whose going to believe something like that? Yesterday I posted a blog called ALIENS RUN THE USA At the end of the message I felt to prophesy out on a limb a weird prophecy and to give a prophetic sign to back it up. The prophets in the Bible gave signs, so why can’t we? Here is an excerpt of what was stated: “Take a deep breath. Do you think we have the power to summon giants? When you see the news report, this question will come to your mind. Quite some months back, I shared an experience I had. I was in a dream/vision journey and I am not for sure what city I was taken to, nor if was in this country. Eye saw Giants, well over 3 stories tall walking in cities on the planet… This prophecy out on a limb is that, In the near future it will be reported in the news of Giant humanoid sightings, there should most likely be film or photograph to support this amazing event. *****I must confess that I...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Jun 21, 2013 | Aliens & UFO's, DNA & Science, Uncategorized |
This message, the Defeat of Artificial Intelligence, is kind of a follow up to Summer Solstice 2013. That message was getting too long and complex as Spirit moved upon me, so we had to break it up into two articles. We were looking at the Book of Joshua, mainly the 10th chapter. It opens with recounting the destruction of Ai and quickly moves to the defeat of 5 kings that came against Gibeon, which were in league with ancient Israel. They were defeated in a high tech battle that was nothing less than miraculous from the human standpoint. The Sun stood still, the Moon also and on top of that, extraterrestrial beings called the Elohims…used ancient weather modification technology to create huge hailstones. With this technology, they were not only able to create the hailstones, but target them to literally crush the enemies of ancient Israel. This was called the “Missing Day.” Here’s a quote below, in my opinion that further confirms the Bible is not just some book of allegories, but literal recorded history. “According to the space computer software, not an entire day was lost, but 23 hours and 20 minutes. Now there’s a new problem. What about the other 40 minutes? That’s when the same employee remembers that there is another story in the Bible about a day when the sun moved backwards 10 degrees which, according to the employee, is an arc of 40 minutes…so the entire question of the missing day is solved!” – Curtis Engine Company – Maryland (Although this story has been around for decades, featured in many magazines and on documentaries; elements of...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Feb 6, 2013 | Uncategorized |
“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.” 1 Peter 3:15-16 Call me old fashion, but I think there is an answer for everything or every question about human life in the Bible. When a person buys a Mercedes, it comes with a manual, to help the owner understand this wonderful advance technology. The most highly advanced technology on the planet is the body human and we have been given a Manual to help us while we are here. It the B.I.B.L.E = Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. In order to thresh out the gross error and deception that yet remains in Christianity, we must take a closer look at it’s most controversial subjects. We realize that even with Scripture proof, science, history and astrology confirming truth; the ego of many will not allow them to change their minds. Fear and religious pride are the strongholds that keep the masses in mental bondage. The opening message to the Church (called out ones) in the New Testament was very simple. It was and yet is, Repent, change your mind; then you will see God’s all inclusive Kingdom is here right now. STRAIGHT TALK The heavens are always declaring what is to be before it becomes. Those who operate in the shadows behind the scene are aware of this science and use it to their advantage. They also...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Feb 3, 2013 | DNA & Science, Uncategorized |
So far, we have learned that Jesus did not have a problem with gays, he even stated that some are born that way. Matthew 19:12 We have also learned that with modern technology, called “Queer Technology,” used by devilish psychopaths; they can drop bombs, or spray chemicals into the atmosphere, that can trigger genes to turn you gay. By the way, what’s in the chemtrails? You have 30,000-40,000 genes that defines your specific DNA script; which can be re-scripted. Furthermore, we found out that some prescription psychotropic drugs and drugs used to treat Parkinson disease can literally turn you into a flaming gay sex-addict. The Bible has been misused to justify the slavery of Blacks, starting wars that kill millions, and to manipulate the masses. In this article, our intent is not to condone or condemn; but to show accurately what the Bible says on this subject. We are not here to promote lifestyles or behaviors, just to promote truth from the Bible. The tares of the Zionist Agenda have been sown in with the good seed of the field on EVERY level – to bring deception, division and death. Matthew 13:24-30 You simply can not be anti-gay and call yourself a follower of Yahusha (Jesus), because he was not. The word homosexual was not used thousands of years ago, and the word gay would not have meant ‘homosexual’ thousands of years ago. The word used in Hebrew or Aramaic was (cariyc), is pronounced “saris.” The Greek new Testament word is “eunouchos.” Saris and Eunouchos are synonyms for our modern term “gay man” in the Bible original languages. Now with...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Feb 2, 2013 | DNA & Science, Uncategorized |
We appreciate the respectful email comments from those of you that’s having lights come on and those that’s not there yet. The Bible is truly fascinating. We will try to reply to your emails as time allows. We are totally aware that many of you never had a challenge in the area we are discussing and maybe you will never minister to people facing these challenges, that’s ok. As stated, there is a growing number of younger people being exposed to the message and have questions. I believe the Bible contains an answer for every question. As we learn how to rightly divide the words of Truth, the truth will set us and others free. I learned a long time ago that I don’t have to try to protect GOD, if He needs my protection, then he should be worshiping me. What it boils down to many times is, we try to protect our theology or ego. Just let it go. None of us have it all correct-we are all learning and growing hopefully. I hope to not get to the point where I feel I have all the answers anytime soon. Even, prophesy shall fails. Jesus told us everything hidden would be revealed and love rejoices in truth. In yesterday’s Blog, our main point was that Jesus did address the Gay issue, however, it was not a big deal as people have made it out to be today in our culture. “For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother’s womb.” Matthew 19:12 I really don’t think he meant some babies are born castrated or...
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