Global Economic Shift In A Few Days….?

Global Economic Shift In A Few Days….?

Is the long awaited and expected Global Economical Collapse just ahead?  Are you prepared to lose your savings with a Bank Bail-In?  Since the government will no longer bail the banks out of the mess they got our nation and the world in, the banks have decided to make you (us) pay for the next soon coming collapse.  It’s the law, and it’s called a “Bail-In.”   They have the right to go into your account and take your money to cover their loss.  I don’t plan to contribute. This past week, around April 11/12, 2016 –  There was a Special Unusual Financial Meeting.  President Obama, Vice President Biden and Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen met, this was historical on many levels.  It seems like they are trying to prop things up just a bit longer, the following manipulation of the Gold market seems to further indicate that. Alternative News suggest that there was another person invited to this close door meeting.  It was a representative from the Dragon Family.  This has a lot of people talking and speculating in the currency world.  Yes, there will be a collapse…but before we see that, their might be a Global Currency Reset (GCR).   Those who follow alternative news believe that the representative from the Asian Dragon Family was in Washington, D. C. at that meeting to help put things in place and get the ball rolling faster for the release of long awaited funds.   That would be good. CELESTIAL PROPHETIC NEWS For the past month Eye have been sharing with others that when the Sun moves into Taurus this...
Miracle Money  $$$

Miracle Money $$$

January 16, 2015, Eye was instructed to re-post “GOD KNOWS YOUR ADDRESS”  and to prophesy Miracle Money.  So I prophesied as Eye was commanded.  We have received several calls from people receiving Miracle Money.  The Spirit changed my message at the Overcomers Conference in Minneapolis, MN.  He had me preach and prophesy Miracle Money.  The night before Vladimir and I left, I got a phone call.  The person on the phone was so excited, her daughter who had been going through some extreme challenges financially, but now was receiving Miracle Money.  I had spoken to her after the posting in January, she was jobless, staying with a friend and could not support herself but her faith was alive.  She received a small check out of the blue, I told her Eye saw more unexpected  Miracle Money coming and a job. She is gainfully employed now with an excellent salary in Seattle, WA.  Her mother told me she received an unexpected check from a property that foreclosed here in Arizona many years ago.  It was over $3000.00 – it was a miracle that it found it’s way to her mother who recently moved back to Seattle.  There was no address for the daughter staying with a friend…BUT God know your address.  You may be under a bridge, in a tent, sleeping in a car or shelter –  Miracle Money can locate you. As the mother went on rejoicing and crying, she said, “that’s not all John.  She also got a letter from the IRS stating that they owe her $14,000.00.”  We began to shout and praise God on the phone.  Somebody ought to shout, “MIRACLE MONEY!!!!”  Money...
God Knows Your Address

God Knows Your Address

Eye feel an anointing to prophesy Miracle Money, Uncommon Favor, Settlements and to loose things that’s been tied up, hung up and delayed in your life.   It is the anointing that destroys the yoke.  The anointing is the God’s energy, power; smearing His essence on or showing up in your situation, to do what you could not do.  The Spirit of God can move in such a way to make things happen within minutes, hours or days that would normally take many years.  Do you believe that??   Do you really believe that??!!!  “Is there anything too hard for the LORD?  I am the God of All flesh and there is NOTHING too hard for me.”  Genesis 18:14   Jeremiah 32:27   Eye felt led by Spirit to share this word from the past but yet is anointed and relevant for today.  The God, Creator of the Bible and all holy books is also concerned about your material needs and can move on your behalf.  There are many people facing financial challenges, we hope to release those of you into a greater level of faith by these true testimonies. God has not forgotten.  Much of this message  is from the Archives of our old website posted several years ago.  Get Ready! Today I was sharing some personal testimonies of financial miracles with some friends who are facing extreme challenges. I later read an inspirational news story that further stirred my spirit and confirmed what I told them. While sharing with some people, I was reminded of the exciting years I spent on the mission fields of many foreign nations. I have had the wonderful opportunity of...
Is the Value of Your Money About to Change?

Is the Value of Your Money About to Change?

Several weeks ago, we shared an interview with our Kingdom Karatbars Gold Team.  It was regarding the coming Global Reset or Revalue of currencies.  The Ambassador from the Red Dragon family of elders shared some very interesting things.  Among them was that the Red Dragon family was responsible for the global wealth and that they were positioning themselves to move forward. From other sources, the members and elders of the Red Dragon family are believe to be hundreds of years old, they live in private out of public view, however, I am sure that they have been seen many times and no one even notice anything different. There are several ancient Dragon families  scatter throughout various parts of the world,  each has their own responsibilities.  In the THRIVE video clip below, Foster Gamble (as in Proctor & Gamble) makes mention of the role the Red Dragon family is expected to play in the soon coming global transfer of wealth.   He also mentions the importance of GOLD. “Is a family of Asian elders about to spell the end of the Banking Cabal through a worldwide monetary reset? Or is the global economy about to be consolidated even further? One way or another, the value of your money is about to change…” FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE THRIVE MOMENT CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW: To learn more about Exchanging your failing fiat currency for 24K Currency Grade LBMA Gold and to join our Kingdom Karatbars Gold Team, click on the links below: Click ~~~~TELL ME ABOUT KARATBARS GOLD SOLD IN GRAMS AND HOW TO OPEN A FREE GOLD SAVINGS ACCOUNT Click~~~ MORE...
SEC Votes To Freeze Money Market Funds

SEC Votes To Freeze Money Market Funds

  The Securities and Exchange Commission voted 3 to 2 to adopt a set of new rules for money market funds, a $2.6 trillion industry where ordinary individuals and sophisticated institutions alike park their money. The rules come after years of debate among regulators and lobbying from Wall Street. The delays to withdrawals that funds will be able to impose during crises could introduce new problems, said Kara M. Stein, an S.E.C. commissioner. At the agency’s meeting on Wednesday, she argued that sophisticated investors would be able to sense trouble brewing and move to withdraw their money before the delays are imposed. Investors, she said, would have “a strong incentive to rush to redeem ahead of others,” creating a run on the fund and potentially on other funds as well. “Ultimately, this contagion could freeze the wholesale funding markets in much the same way as occurred during the recent financial crisis,” said Ms. Stein, who voted against the rules.  Read more here ~ Are You Awake Yet??!!   Can’t you see the red flags everywhere?  The vote to Freeze your Money Market Funds is a nice way of telling you they are about to confiscate, steal your money right before your eyes.  This is the “Bail In”  that we have been mentioning over the past year.  The government is too broke to bail the banks out again, so those who have not exchange their paper money that’s tied up in Money Markets, IRA, 401k, etc to Gold, will be bailing the banks out with their savings..bail in.  Watch this short video interview: I am not a financial adviser, but...
Greenspan’s Golden Testimony

Greenspan’s Golden Testimony

Greenspan says conspiracy is real, not just a theory – See more at: Greenspan says conspiracy is real, not just a theory – See more at: Greenspan says conspiracy is real, not just a theory – See more at: Greenspan says conspiracy is real, not just a theory…   Aaron, one of the members of our Kingdom Karatbars Gold team and a few others sent us this article below posted on Dr. Stephen Jones website.   We thought many of you would like to see this.  We live in a world of conspiracies theories, but there are also conspiracy facts. Greenspan says conspiracy is real, not just a theory – See more at: Here is an excerpt: AND NOW THE SWORN TRUTH FROM THE MAESTRO… CHAIRMAN: Dr. Greenspan, please raise your right hand. Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God? GREENSPAN: I do. COMMISSIONER ROOTA: I’m going to get right to the guts of this hearing if you don’t mind. Throughout the first part of your life you were the most avid gold bug on the planet but in the mid 1980’s you sold out to the banking cabal and became gold’s biggest enemy…why did you do it? GREENSPAN: I didn’t. I have always been a die hard advocate of using gold as money and I continue to be so today. COMMISSIONER ROOTA: But you worked for the evil Federal Reserve Bank. You were the king of fiat money which is the opposite of gold…the only real money. GREENSPAN: Yes. I did work for the Federal Reserve...