Children of the 5G Network | Atam.Org

Children of the 5G Network

Children of the 5G Network

(We are the Children of 5G and beyond.) It was 8 years ago after the Fukushima Nuclear disaster, I was inspire to write an article called, “Children of the Atom.” Months and up to weeks before the Massive 9.1 Earthquake & Tsunami that hit Japan on March 11, 2011, I had predicted it and posted it on the website. Just about a week or more before it hit, I was able to give the exact date and describe an earthquake of over 8.0 that would cause Crustal Displacement (land mass, islands moving out of their places), the volcanoes that would be set off and other things.

The Massive Earthquake destabilized some of Japan’s Nuclear Reactors and they began to leak. They leaked into the Pacific Ocean and til this day, some say they are yet leaking. By, 2012 it was evident that radiated ghost ships displaced from the Earthquake and Tsumani were showing up on the West Coast of the USA and Canada. People were concerned about the Fish & Salmon Industry. There were mutated fish and more radioactive debris and ghost ships was showing up on our coast from Japan. Fear an panic became prevalent, especially, among the canneries in Alaska and along the Northwest Coast line. People with Geiger Counter’s were detecting high level of radiation in the water, fish and soil on the West Coast.

Then, I thought, how ironic or is it Karma. Wasn’t it in 1945 that we use Nuclear weapons of mass destruction on Japan cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki, resulting in the deaths of over 200,000 humans? Plus, the long term effects that cause deaths to millions. 66 years later there’s an earthquake, tsunami and the Fukushima explosions in Japan, sending radioactive clouds across our nation. By the end year 2012, we received the gift of over 5 million tons of nuclear fallout covered debris. I am sure many were and are effected. We are yet here. Sushi for lunch…anyone?


“But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge (technology) shall be increased.” Daniel 12:4

5G is the fifth generation of wireless communications technologies supporting cellular data networks. 5G communication requires the use of communications devices designed to support the technology. The frequency spectrum of 5G is divided into millimeter waves, mid-band, and low-band. Wiki

5G is a dangerous escalation of traditional cellular technology, one packed with higher energy radiation that delivers potential damaging effects on human beings. Some 5G theories contend that the new network generates radio frequency radiation that can damage DNA and lead to cancer; cause oxidative damage that can cause premature aging; disrupt cell metabolism; and potentially lead to other diseases through the generation of stress proteins.

5G will play a big role in launching us into the next phase of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and a lot of what was once considered science fiction. This article is not to tell you all the in depth pros and cons of 5G. We have entered into a new world, like it or not. The times have changed right before your eyes. You went to bed a few months ago in the old world and woke up in a new world and there’s no going back. They are launching 50,000 low altitude satellites that will beam down signals on Earth. They are creating a grid or net around the planet. The planet is literally being electrified, massive amounts of radiation will be hitting the planet and all the living species on it. People, plants and animals will be affected by it. But how will it affect you?

Yes, some of the side effects of 5G can be flu like symptoms, cellular expulsion of toxic waste and other things, especially for those with low immune systems. But there is a CoVid-19 Virus that’s killing people globally. Bottom line, you can pray against 5G, rebuke it, protest it, or curse it; but you can not stop it. But how will it affect you?


There is lots of fear out there of this new system. Those who are fearing will be lowering their immune system and possibly manifesting what they fear. I remember a Scripture that says, “No weapon formed against me can prosper.” What is mean to do harm to me physically, emotionally, spiritually, or mentally has no power over me, unless I give it power.

Back in 2012, when fear was rampage about the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster, Spirit spoke something very powerful to me. Over the past month, He has reminded me of it again, “RADIATION CAN BE GOOD FOR YOU…” There are people groups on the planet who can absorb the radiation and transmute it into something powerful.

I have prophetically shared for many years how radiation will be used to assist in our next stage of evolution. Everyone on the planet is evolving, but there is an advance evolution taking place in melanated people. It was literally decades ago when I started to prophesy this and into the Solar Flares and sometimes predicting exact dates they would hit and many times the Class it would be. Some of you that have followed our ministry for more than a decade know that we even encouraged you to go out and absorb into your being the highly charged solar winds and radioactive “mysterious particles” hitting our atmosphere. I even suggested safe “Sun Gazing” during those times. Why?

I had received a revelation from the Book of Malachi, the last written prophetic book of the Old Testament. In the 2400 year old verses are hidden mysteries and clues for today. Verse one, of the chapter 4 speaks about people being negatively affected by the radioactive ultra-violet rays of the Sun, Solar Winds, Solar Flares and perhaps other things in space emitting radiation on the Earth.

The ones mostly affected were lacking melanin or low vibrational people, in biblical terminology; the arrogant, evildoers and wicked people. What does all these people have in common? FEAR. The behavior of arrogant prideful people is rooted in Fear. The have to convince themselves they are superior to others because deep inside they are insecure and afraid. People do evil acts based on Fear, fear of not having enough, being overlooked or losing something they feel entitled to. All sorts of wickedness is rooted in Fear.

How will 5G affect you? If you choose to live in Fear or any of the lower vibrational behaviors rooted in Fear, the Scripture say the heat will burn those people up. They will be impacted by the radiation from the Sun or anything emitting that type of frequency from space. Get rid of Fear. Perfect love drives out all fear, fear causes torment. The opposite frequencies of Fear are Faith & Love. No doubt that many will be impacted negatively by radiation from the Sun, 5G and other Nuclear Radiation. Do you choose to be one of them?

“But to you that respect my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings (healing rays/emission);”

Can you see it? That same energy from space that harms some, will bring healing to others. Those who reverence and live out from the divine nature will receive that.


“For the past 2-3 months, Spirit has been telling me to tell others to get ready for the download. It’s time to get on the 5G Network. I am talking about your brain wave and biorhythm. We must accelerate and improve our communication abilities with Spirit to perform the supernatural. Just as they are launching 50,000 satellites to reboot the planet, Spirit says, “I am rebooting My people. Get on that frequency. 50 is the number of Jubilee, Liberation and Pentecost. It’s time for humanity’s liberation. It’s time for the Outpouring of Spirit on All Flesh. When they flip the switch; because you are electric, because you are radioactive, because you are energetic, you can catch the frequency.”

The same radio-waves, radiation, radiated material that kill others will not be able to harm those vibrating at a higher frequency and melanated. It doesn’t matter whether the radiation is from the Sun, 5G or a Nuclear Bomb. Eye see a people that will have the ability to absorb radiation and transmute it into something that will cause a complete transformation within them.

That which could cause disease and death for others will cause health, healing and life for us. The natural electromagnetic radiation in your body is being enhanced to accommodate excessive radiation coming from outside your body. The two will become one within your tissue, cells and DNA. It will cause a mutation of what we know of as human. The treasure hidden in your earth suit shall begin to manifest.

This acceleration at the DNA and cellular levels will give birth to what will be known as Transhumans, or Metahumans. Some of you have known this as the ‘manifestation of the sons of God.’ I will use what has been meant for advancing technology, greed, and the subjugation of mankind to advance My plan and purpose. I will cause a Divine Mutation that will cause many to break through the limitations of what you have known as human in the days to come.

Unknown abilities will begin to be activated within common people and people from all walks of life.
I will activate such abilities, gifts of healing, gifts of miracles, telepathy, teleportation, invisibility, unlimited words of knowledge, technological creativity, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, shape-shifting abilities, accurate visions, supernatural sciences, prophecy and many other unbelievable abilities. Break out of your limited self into your unlimited self.

I will take their technology and use it to glorify Me. For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of Yahweh as the waters covers the sea. All shall hear, see and know of my wondrous works. The Good News of My Kingdom will reach every corner and village. The knowledge of Me shall fill the earth. Fear not, says the Lord. Embrace the new day, it is the Day I have made for you to rejoice and celebrate. There is nothing anyone can do to you or undo which I have already done. Be not as those of the night who have no hope and can not see.

You must realize that you are divine. I will use what appears as evil to give birth to a new specie. The things that will harm or destroy those depending only on their human abilities, will make you stronger.”

We are children, the product of the 5G Network.


Yes, I am about to go to what some perceive as the “Strange Zone.” (2 months ago most of you would have thought it strange of a global quarantine) Last week as I was in a period of fasting, one afternoon I spent some time walking around my courtyard praying in tongues. Then, I felt moved to looked to the west and began to Sun-gaze. I had not done this in a while and was surprise at how long I could gaze without taking breaks. While Sun-gazing Spirit began to show me some visions and speak some things. I will only touch on a few hear and maybe share other things in our Master Class at a later time.

As I Sun-gazed, Eye saw the 5G Network of satellites. Eye saw them being loaded with technology that would be equivalent to mind-control and the ability to create Emotional Responses anywhere in the world basically at the strike of a computer key. They could focus on any city or neighborhood and create whatever type of emotion they wanted for the most part.

For example, if they wanted to create unrest, at the strike of a key, radio-wave frequencies would hit the targeted area and the people would become extremely agitated for no known reason. If they wanted to quell a people in an area big or small, at the strike of a computer key, the people would become calm and docile.

Eye saw them manipulate the emotions and control the minds of the masses with this technology. It was as if I was watching a screen while starring into the Sun. All of this happened in a matter of seconds. When I broke my gaze, Spirit began to talk more.

Again, I gazed and Eye saw radiation frequencies open portals on earth and in the seas. Ancient seals were broken that released ancient creatures of the Nephilim mentioned in the prophecies of Isaiah and Revelations. Eye saw this technology working with CERN to open ancient portals on the planet and to release very interesting beings. This is not something that you will see tomorrow or the next day. It will be in weeks, months and years to come; there will be verifiable proof. The sightings and video proof shall become so frequent it will almost become a craze for some. These strange things will be verified in the media in time, perhaps, foreign media first.

For those operating at a higher frequency, they wont be impacted by the bombardment of mind and emotional control technology. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.

Here’s one of the most important points of this message. Whatever you amplify from your being, radiation will have an immediate affect on accelerating it. If you are focusing on fear, negativity and negative E-motion, more of that will manifest in your reality. If it is love and positive things, more of that will be amplified and come to you.

(We are currently offering a Free Master Class Mon-Friday 8:10 am PST- 9:30 am PST on mystical spirituality and foundational teaching for those new on the Path. This is another phase of Rising Mystics Institute. If interested send an email to:

The prophecy 1 week before the Japan Earthquake of 3/11/11 The Kingdom of Uranus Is At Hand

Order of Melchizedek


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  1. Yes prophet one of my daily decrees, well I try to decree daily is that I can understand electromagnetic fields in myself and others to cause healing to manifest !
    So this is confirmation!

    • Yes!!

  2. Thanks Prophet John! This is definitely confirmation for me. About 2 weeks ago, I had a deep thought to cross my mind that made me wonder if the 5G radiation would positively activate our DNA, making us immune to its effects. Sometimes what we think is “our” thought(s) is actually the Spirit of The Most High (TMH) downloading supernatural intelligence into our spirit. I’ve had other similar supernatural sci-fi thoughts that, to the carnal mind, sound utterly ridiculous. I shared this most recent 5G DNA activation thought with my sister. However, she quickly dismissed it as implausible, stating radiation destroys the body. Now, I’m starting to realize TMH is giving me these “seemingly” far out ideas to embrace for future manifestation. Spiritual X-Men are on the horizon, and I decree and declare I AM one of them!

    “But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.” – Genesis 50:20


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