Hanukkah – The Feast of Illumination starts today.
“Receive the Light from the Holy Spirit during this time. Allow the Christ light to explode within your consciousness, bringing you to a state of transcendence, to the point of divorcing yourself from the you that you have known and experienced. It is in this state, the darkness from within or without is transformed.
You will know what to do. You will know where to go, as you enter into the stillness of My Light Presence. Do not rush or feel pressured to give answers or make commitments you may not be able to keep. Go within and seek counsel and your path will be directed by Spirit. Allow the illumination of My Spirit to dispel all shadows, doubts and fears.
(For many reading this prophetic word): Eye hear the Spirit of the Almighty saying, ‘You are moving from the season of disappointments to a season of appointments. Elevation and promotions are in the atmosphere. Eye will cause the spotlight to shine upon you… Eye hear honor and favor. There’s a lot of people that’s about to be recognized for their efforts and secret labors of love. You have sown much but seen little, that’s about to change says the Lord.”
Eye want to share a revelation on the Feast on Illumination that was given to me in year 2000. You will be blessed with the history and prophetic insight.
(Message Originally Written & Spoken on November 26, 2000)
As darkness and confusion seem to hover over the world system and those that are a part of it, we move toward the Feast of Illumination (Lights). This is not a Torah Feast/Holiday commanded by God in Leviticus. Rather, this is a Rabbinical Feast later instituted.
This is one of the best known and least known of the Hebrew holidays. Chanukah celebrates the deliverance from spiritual destruction.
Prior to 168 BC the Judahites (Jews) had maintained a good relationship with Alexander the Great. During the Ptolemaic Empire, King Ptolemy ordered the Bible (Torah-Tanach) to be translated into Greek (Septuagint) to better understand the Jewish religion. In 168 BC things began to change. Antiochus Epiphanes of the Greek Empire destroyed Jerusalem, the treasury was taken, and 10,000 women and children were sold into slavery.
Antiochus was different, he was called a madman because of his strange behavior. At times he’d run through the streets giving away money. Other times he’d pour oil on the bathhouse floors to take pleasure in watching people fall and injury themselves.
On Kislev 25, he entered into the Temple and erected a stature of Zeus on the Altar, sacrificed swine flesh in the Holy of Holies, and scatter pigs blood and urine. {According to the Biblical Calendar, Kislev is equivalent to our month December, but not the same dates since the Hebrew month starts with the new moon}. Antiochus forbade the teaching of the Torah (Bible), and speaking Hebrew. He also forbade them to observe 3 Laws given by God.
1) Observance of the Sabbath
2) Circumcision
3) Rosh Chodesh (New Moon)
The observance of the Sabbath; which was before the Law of Moses, testified of God as the Creator of the world. It also foreshadowed Tabernacles Experience (Golden Age), the age we are moving into now, and the Kingdom manifested. The true Sabbath cannot be any day of the week, just as Tabernacles cannot be experienced before Passover. The 7th day principle must be understood in the natural before it can be realized in the Spirit.
Circumcision testified of God’s covenant in our flesh. It was the identification mark of God, you could not discern a Jew by outward appearances. However, since the Greeks worshiped the body they forbade circumcision. So it is today, you cannot discern the elect of God by appearances (Black, white, brown, yellow, American, Arabic or Asian) it is the circumcision of the heart. You have been marked as God’s Property, and brought into a covenant relationship with him.
Rosh Chodesh (New Moon) testified of God’s commitment to his people. The observance of the new moon for establishing the months was the first law that God gave to the Israelites before the exodus. The Hebrew Calendar is based on the lunar (moon) cycles, so are all the Feasts of the Lord. {The practice of Judaism, from which Christianity grew is based in Astrology}. God’s prophetic clock of future events can be understood through the cycles of the moon in relation to the Feasts of the Lord.
The moon also represents various phases of our experience; new life (new moon), level of maturity (full moon), testing (waning moon), gaining strength (waxing moon). Gen.1:14-16 Exodus 12 Matt.24:29-31
In spite of Antiochus decree, and the many Judahites becoming Hellenist (Conforming to the world); there was a woman that chose to disobey. Her name was Chana, which means, dedicated. This is where the name Chanukah (Hanukah) is derived from.
Chana and her 7 sons disobeyed, publicly denouncing Antiochus policies, and refusing to eat swine flesh (pork). For this righteous act they were tortured to death. (However, Chana and her 7 sons later became immortalized in what is called a Menorah).
Mattathias, a high priest killed a Hellenist for offering a pig on the altar of the LORD. He then said, “Whoever is on the LORD side, follow me.” Judah Macabees, one of his 5 sons became their leader. Along with a small group of people they were called Macabees, which means, Hammerer. God gave this small group of warrior’s victory over the Greek army. They got hammered.
Once the war was won the Temple had to be restored. Exactly 3 years later to the date Kislev 25, 165 BC the Temple was Re-Dedicated.
According to Exodus 27:20, the candle was to burn continually in the Temple. (We should continually burn with the fire of God’s love and wisdom). There was a problem, there was only enough oil for one day. It would take at least 8 days to get the olive oil and process it according to the law.
A miracle happened, the oil burned for 8 days, providing light in the Temple of God. Thus, Chanukah celebrates 2 miracles, victory over the Greek army, and the miracle of the oil/light.
Chanukah is made up of 2 words. Chanu = they rested, and Kah – from 2 Hebrew letters (Kof=20, Hey=5) which have the numeric value of 25. They rested from battle on Kislev 25.
The 25th word in the Bible is “Owr” meaning Light, illumination. Genesis 1:5 The word candle in Hebrew is “Ner”, which has the numeric value of 250. How many candles are used for Chanukah? The answer is 8, plus the Shammas. 8 x 250 = 2000 (At the time of this message was first spoken and written it was the year 2000)
This is indeed the time of Illumination. Light is coming forth at 186,400 miles per second. Jesus is the Light of the world, and as He is, so are we. (Affirm this: “I Am the Light of the World!”).
We know that the Feast of Tabernacles is the 7th of the Torah Feast, symbolizing experiencing the Day of the Lord within, and His fullness. It also speaks of a universal Sabbath, where all creation will be delivered and enter a state rest- The Golden Age, Kingdom Age. However, I find this 8th Feast of Dedication or Illumination to be very important also.
Did Jesus observe this feast? Yes! ” And it was at Jerusalem the Feast of the Dedication, and it was winter. And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon’s porch. Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long will you make us doubt? If you be the Christ, tell us plainly.” John 10:22-24
This Feast of Dedication, also called Illumination; commemorates the complete restoration and reconciliation of all things. 8 is the number of New Beginnings, Resurrection Life, Immortality, Covenant and Infinity.
It is a time when the world and religious system will relinquish their doubts and know for sure who the Christ is. They will realize that he is not just in Jesus, but Christ is in All, as All. This Feast speaks of the time after about 1000 years from now that the True Light, Jesus’ message will have lit every persons heart. Every knee will have bowed in worship, and every tongue confessed that Jesus is LORD. This will be a time of Universal Illumination.
In the Tabernacle of Moses and Temple of Solomon, the lamp stand had 7 candle sticks. On the Menorah you will notice 9 with the one in the middle. The middle candle is called Shammas, which means Servant. It is the candle used to light a candle each night of the Feast of Dedication or Illumination.
The Shammas represents Jesus, the Servant. In a more expanded understanding it represents each of us sent to serve our fellow man and bring light. “The true Light which lights every person that comes into the world.” John 1:9 The 8 Candles also speaks of the 8 Cycles of Time in which God will manifest as All and in All. The Shammas has been sent forth to Illuminate a people that will last through the 8th day as the miracle of oil lasted. “Touch not the oil and the wine” Rev. 7:3 The oil (illumination & anointing) lasting for 8 day also speaks of immortality. For it is in the 8th day that the Universal Temple is completely restored. The Universal Temple that I speak of is not limited to human, rather, it is the solar system, the galaxy, our planet and everything on it will be an expression of illumination and worship. The Creator’s Temple is the universe.
“The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching all the inward parts.” Proverbs 20:27
“You will light my candle, the LORD, my God, will lighten my darkness.” Psalms 18:28
THE 8TH CHURCH (Called out ones) ??
(We use the word “church” in the original Biblical sense, not the contemporary sense of religion; such as clicks, denominations or buildings). In the Book of Revelation we are introduced to the 7 Churches of Asia in the form of 7 Candlesticks. And there in the midst of the Candlesticks is the Shammas, Jesus. However, we know that there are really 8 Churches (groups of called out ones). The hidden Church is the Overcomers mentioned at the end of the 7 Churches. “To him that Overcomes” the resounding prophetic clue points to the 8th Church. (8th Church plus Jesus the Shammas = Menorah – Illumined Ones, this is the real Illuminati).
We see this same type in 1 Samuel 16. Samuel the Shammas (Servant-Seer) is sent to the house of Jesse to light a fire, he is carrying the oil with him. He passes before Jesse 7 sons (7-Churches Ages) and the oil does not flow, finally the 8th son David comes in and the oil (illumination) flows. David rises to the throne of power.
The 1st Church of Ephesus did not remember from where they were fallen. This speaks of the fall in consciousness of Adam and genetically, therefore, their candle (understanding) was removed. Rev. 2:1-7 The 8th Church is also foreshadowed as the Virtuous Woman of Proverbs 31. She is without spot and blameless. “Her candle does not go out.” Prov.31:18 “And at that time I will search Jerusalem with Candles.” Zephaniah 1:12
We are living in the time of Illumination. God is Light and in Him there is no darkness at all. However, as God arises in His people it will create great frustration, anxiety, and fear within many.
Many have become accustomed to the natural light (secular wisdom-knowledge) of the Court Realm. This light can only last 12 hours of the day, then darkness sets in. Furthermore, too much of this light will destroy the body.
Then there is the artificial light (religious wisdom-knowledge) of the Holy Place. This light last a long time, but the smoke can make it hard to see clearly at times. It can be like looking through a glass darkly.
Thank God for the supernatural spirit light behind the veil. This is the miracle of Light that pulsates from the Holy of Holies, showing the way to the 4th, and 5th dimensions and beyond. This is the All seeing eye between the Cherubim. On a metaphysical (beyond physical) level, it is the Pineal Gland between the two hemispheres of the brain. “If your eye be single, your whole body will be filled with Light.” What is the single eye? Is it not what many of the ancients called the Third Eye, or the Eye of God? That gland that has laid virtually dormant for 6000 years.
By the time we get to the 8th day this gland will be functioning in all creation (humans & animals) as it did before Adam’s fall in consciousness and genetically. This is the gland that help orchestrate the whole body. This is the gland that has allowed us to age since “the fall” because it becomes virtually dormant by the age of 30 in humans. Remember from where you fell, turn back (repent), the Spirit yet echoes from the Church of Ephesus to us. When the eye becomes single, you become a body of light – ageless, immortal and eternal. You truly are a Light being. This is the secret quest of all those in secret societies; to become a totally illumined one – illuminati.
This is where many will close their eyes in fear, or put on sunglasses. Most seem to limit the Light of the world to a flashlight. When coming out of a room of darkness into the light, the first natural reaction is to shut our eyes. The light hurts at first, but as our eyes adjust to the light, everything becomes normally. Those that are afraid to open their eyes, and will not give themselves a chance to adjust will continue to walk and stumble in darkness. It is understandable for children to be afraid of the dark, but surprisingly so many adults are afraid of the light. Watch and pray.
Over 2100 years ago a few people decided that they would not conform to the world system, or be limited. They chose to obey God rather than man, they dedicated themselves to God. For some it caused them their life, other counted themselves as dead to the world. Because of their dedication God brought forth illumination.
Today many Believers want illumination (revelation knowledge-wisdom) without the dedication. What we call salvation is free, but it will cost you your life to reap the full benefits of it. You can read books, listen to CD’s, watch videos, and learn to quote all your favorite gurus. But if your temple (body, soul, spirit) is not being purged of the abomination of desolation brought on by Antiochus, the mad man (carnal nature-ego), you only have natural light and too much will destroy you. Don’t allow the beauty and light of this season to be dimmed by drugs, alcohol and lower vibrations.
Arise and shine for your illumination has come and the glory of the LORD is risen upon you. Isaiah 60:1 During this season, be a light to someone. Let your light so shine that others will see your Good Works and glorify your Father. Re-Dedicate your temple to Spirit whole-heartedly. Allow Him to deal with the abominations of the lower self, let go of all that would defile you. Now experience the miracle of Light in your being and in your home. This Light consumes all darkness till there is nothing left but the Light that you are.
Walk In the Light Till You Manifest That Light.
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Order of Melchizedek
Blessings to all of the Lords hosts..last night as I mediated n His presence the Holy One had me hold up my left hand palm up. As i did i saw my hand appear as thought it were one of those old fashioned candle holders. He said it has a lit candle n my spirit. What a beautiful way to b united to this feast. Bless His precious Holy name!!! The I am that I am.
As always your anointing and wisdom is ever flowing and constant. I believe that for those of us who will receive it, there is ever unfolding an accelerated perception, and insight for the times ahead and beyond 20/20.
Thank you. Shalom.