Harvard University uncovers DNA switch that controls genes | Atam.Org

Harvard University uncovers DNA switch that controls genes for whole-body regeneration

Harvard University uncovers DNA switch that controls genes for whole-body regeneration

DNA is the blueprint for life, it is also called the Book of Life. This double helix material coiled in our cells is over 6 ft long and filled with information about literally everything. It is the most complex data storage piece of technology in the universe.

Human DNA is so complex that scientist say that only one gram of this genetic material can store up to 1 Zettabytes of information. 1 Zettabytes is equivalent to 1 trillion Gigabytes, which would require millions of laptops storage data, for one gram of DNA.

How awesome and wonderfully are we made. Science has been able to only successfully map 3% of the human genome, there is 97% yet unknown and alien to them. Out of the 3% they have discovered an elaborate system of codes and switches which are controlled by the highly complex language of DNA. This language is based on 4 letter, ACGT (adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine). These are the four nucleotide bases of a DNA strand. The metaphysical or spiritual bases for ACGT are YHWH. This is the complex coded name of the Creator. Just as ACGT base letters are used in many combinations to create protein, chemical and everything needed to build a body, grow limbs and cause it to function, so it is with the multifaceted many names in one of God.

The DNA ladder has Codons that ascend up and down, they are the messengers/angels as on Jacob’s Ladder. Codon simply means, Code On. There are thousands or millions of code or switches to turn thing on and off in the body. For example, a small set of codes turned on can change your appearance from human to animal. TP53 is a gene code/switch when turned on will gene provides instructions for making a protein called tumor protein (tumors). When gene p53 is switched on, it provides instructions to Suppress Tumor proteins.

There are switches or codes that can be turned on for all types of diseases known and unknown to humans. Thankfully, there are also switches that can be turned on that will shut off instruction for making diseases. Diseases are like computer programs in the body written in algorithms and genetic codes, waiting to be uploaded by specific switches.

What is it that triggers these switches or Codes to produce death in the body?

Without going into lots of details here is a short list: Low vibration food (meats), excessive sugar, sickly thinking, alcohol, drugs, fear, toxic emotions (anger, bitterness, hate, unforgiveness) environment, etc.

In Genesis chapter 3, we are introduced to the ‘death gene’ in humans being turned on. “The day you eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil you will surely die.” Genesis 2:17 “The pay for missing the mark (sin) is death.” Romans 6:23

If there are switches that can be turned on to create diabetes, cancer, mental illness and other deadly diseases, there must be switches to turn them off. Since there is a ‘death gene,’ there must also be an ‘immortal gene.’ Looking at the list above, it is possible that if we did opposite of what’s on that list (eat properly, think healthy, avoid drugs/alcohol, detoxify our emotion, be love, etc), we might cause genes of life, longevity and immortality to be activated.

I am sure that scientists, somewhere in a secret lab have already discovered the immortality gene and how to switch it on. Here a little and there a little, they are disclosing more information.

I found this article below fascinating.


Order of Melchizedek

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