The 5th Zodiac house is considered to be the house of satisfaction, pleasure, enjoyment, procreation, offspring, children, creativity, literature, creative arts, party, emotional release, etc. It is also considered to be the house of royalty, rulership and relationships. It is ruled by the Sun. The element is Fire. The 5th Zodiac house correlates with the 5th month on the Hebrew Calendar, the month Av, equal to our month August. The 12 tribes of ancient Israel were assigned the 12 Zodiac signs. Joseph had a profound astrological dream that his brothers and parents evidently had some understanding of. “Then he had another dream, and he told it to his brothers. “Listen,” he said, “I had another dream, and this time the Sun and Moon and eleven stars (zodiac constellation) were bowing down to me.” Genesis 37:9 There were 12 sons of Jacob/Israel- they later developed into 12 tribes and a nation. Joseph saw the Sun (Jacob/Israel- his father), Moon (Rachel – his mother) and 11 stars (11 of the Zodiac constellations/houses – his 11 brothers) bowing to him the 12th of the constellations. The assignment of the 12 Zodiac Signs were not based on the birth order of the 12 sons. It was based on the prophecy given to them by their father, who understood very well the prophetic science of the heavens (stars – astrology). On his death bed he prophesied over the 12 and told them their characteristics, based on the prophetic science of divine astrology. Genesis 49 [With a revelation of this and research, it provides an accurate astrological charts that stands true til this day. This is what my book TribeOscope – Christian Alternative To secular Astrology is based on.] Over 300 years after Joseph’s dream, the 12 sons of Jacob/Israel had become tribes and Moses added to the prophetic word already given by Jacob whose name had been changed to Israel. “Judah is a lion’s whelp; From the prey, my son, you have gone up. He bows down, he lies down as a lion; And as a lion, who shall rouse him?” Genesis 49:9 – Deuteronomy 33:7 Each of the 12 tribes carried a flag as they traveled through the Wilderness in a circle for 40 years, mimicking the movements of the Sun through the 12 Zodiac houses. The emblem on each flag represented their assigned Zodiac (Mazzaroth) sign for the tribe. The tribe of Judah was assigned to the Zodiac house of LEO, the Lion. Judah carried the symbol of the lion, reflecting on Earth what the Zodiac sign of Leo, the Lion declared in the heavens. Hermes Trismegistus of ancient Egypt said, “As above, so below.” – Yahushua (Jesus) said, “Thy will be done on Earth as it in heaven.” This makes sense, ancient Israel lived in Africa (Egypt)for 210 years. Study the book of Numbers chapter 2. Judah is the tribe which the kings sprang from in ancient Israel and the land of Judah. It is also the tribe of Yahushua (Jesus the Christ), he is the Lion of the tribe of Judah. The lion is perceived as the kingly beast of the planet. Leo represents triumph, power, courage and leadership. In Christian terminology, Leo would represent the kingship anointing or the manifestation of the kingdom of God on Earth. Regulus is the principle star of Leo. It is called the royal star. TETH The ancient Hebrew alphabets are hieroglyphs, characters; they are an encrypted star language and actually star maps. We have barely scratched the surface of this high-tech language. The 22 alephbet (alphabets) are actually emanations of the Divine in myriads of expressions throughout the universe. The 12 single letters of the Hebrew Alephbet are assigned to the 12 Zodiac signs houses or sons of Jacob. The Sun is 1 degree in Leo, the Hebrew character assigned to Leo/Judah is Teth. Teth is the 9th letter of the Hebrew Alephbet. It speaks of good, hidden inside of evil. Teth represents the two possibilities within mankind. An out of balance person will manifest what is perceived as evil. One aligned with the Creator will manifest what is perceived as good. 9 also represents finality, judgement, initiation and birthing. Av or Ab is the fifth month on the Biblical Calendar, the month of the Lion. Av means father, it represents masculine energy that sows the seed of conception and expectancy of a birth. One way of seeing the Teth is as a pregnant woman ready to give birth. What shall the birthing be? Kings and priests unto the Most High God. We are showing you basic hidden messages in the Hebrew alephbet that’s relevant for us today. Taking a closer look at “Teth,” it is easy to see the “serpent” in the letter. It is an ancient mystical symbol known in all major cultures. It is the symbol of the wise serpent eating his tail or the Ouroboros. The Ouroboros is the cycle of life, death, rebirth, and immortality. This symbols goes back to ancient Egypt and other ancient text describes it as the Milky Way forming what is called the Serpent of Light. This symbol can be found in all ancient cultures and ancient writings, the hidden messages seem to be the same. Leo is reminding us that we all go through cycles in our life. Maybe there are some things dying in your life, there will be a rebirth. Maybe there are some new things, there will be a seemingly death. We will end one phase to enter another, to yet end that one. How does this tie in to Leo? One of the sub-constellation of Leo is Hydra the Sea Serpent. At the time of this writing, HYDRA is rising. This is just another example to show us the connection of the tribe of Judah with LEO and the prophetic picture for our time. The Hydra is the longest constellation of the Zodiac. Leo the Lion is seen in the heavens pouncing on the Hydra. This is a wonderful picture of overcoming the evil or the carnal nature within. It is the transformation and transmutation of what is perceived as evil so that the true wisdom of the serpent can manifest. “Be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove. “Each of the sub-constellations rise for 10 days. They are also called decans or faces. Hydra is rising from July 23 – August 1. Next, we see in the image above, the sub-constellation of Crater the Cup of Judgment being poured out on the Hydra. This power sign in an expanded understanding is showing us the stages of destruction to the kingdom of darkness that encircles the world, as Hydra encircles 1/3 of the Zodiac. Crater rises from August 2 – August 11. Lastly, there is Corvus the Crow/Raven pecking at the Hydra. We are being shown 3 stages of transformation, brought by the Lion, the Cup and the Crow. Each area of our being, spirit, soul and body must be transformed. Everything of the lower realm must be transmuted into that which produces life. Hydra, representing the carnal mind and that which produces evil must be cast down, so that the royal divine nature of the Lion of the tribe of Judah can be expressed. Corvus rises from August 12- August 22. LONGEST LUNAR ECLIPSE OF THE 21ST CENTURY- Also, look at the video Eye made at the end of June. We are already seeing many prophetic words come to pass. The INTENSE HEAT breaking records worldwide, Eye saw a Capsized boat with fatalities – mentioned @ about 34 minutes. Unfortunately, 17 people died in that accident a few days ago. (Pray for the families) – Also, the Yellowstone Super Volcano, a 100 ft wide fissure open. Here is the Video: JULY MONTH OF EXTREMES
Shalom! At the time of this writing the Sun is 1 degree in the Zodiac sign house of LEO. Leo is the 5th House of the Zodiac (Mazzaroth). There are 12 Zodiac signs, the biblical Hebrew word for Zodiac is Mazzaroth. “Can you bring forth the Mazzaroth (Zodiac/Constellations) in their season…” Job 38:32 (Mazzarah – #4216 Strong’s Concordance = the Zodiac and 36 constellations) – The 12 Zodiac signs are called Houses or Mansions. There are 12 major houses, each have 3 small houses/mansions that form the Great Zodiac Wheel within a Wheel of 48 mansions above our heads in the 2nd heaven. “In my Father’s house are many mansions.” John 14:2
July 27, we will witness the longest Lunar Eclipse of our time. It will be a Blood Moon. Totality will be over Jerusalem, Israel. To see other nations that will be affected – Go Here: Lunar Eclipse.
LEO Assigned to Judah

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