Grounds breaking for Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris started in 1163 and it was fully completed 1345. It took about 182 years to fully complete. (Notre-Dame of Paris = Our Lady of Paris). It was consecrated to the Virgin Mary and considered to be one of the finest examples of French Gothic architecture.
The building of the cathedral begun during the time of Bishop Maurice de Sully and mostly completed by 1260 and modified frequently over the years. April 11, 2019 during renovation the 12 Apostle statutes were lowered into the cathedral. Plan were made to restore the 80 year old lead Spire made of lead.
Yesterday evening while I was driving home from a road trip, someone called me to ask what I thought about the fire of Notre-Dame. At that point I had not heard anything, since I had been on the road for several hours. This morning I open the computer to read the news and learn more about the fire.
God, the Universe is always speaking and giving us patterns and signs to show us what is and what shall be. During the weekend of January 19, 2019, I decided not to leave the house, but to just stay inside and meditate to access the mind of the Spirit and see the events for the year 2019 and beyond. On the 20th of January I published many of the major events I was shown for the year. This is something I normally do at the beginning of each year and sometimes again by mid-year.
After I opened my map of the world, and map of the heavens – Eye began to scan to see into various nations, events that would be making headline news in 2019. During this process and experience, I most time just get images in flashes or quickly moving frames of data. Here is what Eye saw for France:
* France – “Eye see the Fires again as Upheaval and unrest builds up toward the summer. Some will start to call for President Macron resignation…” Written in ~~~ PROPHETIC INSIGHT & PREDICTION 2019
(I believe the fires I saw involved the Fire at the Notre-Dame Cathedral. We are in early Spring and this fire happened during the Election campaign of President Emmanuel Macron, of which he is the front-runner. The Election campaign has been suspended due to the Fire. It is my belief that according to what Eye see, that he will most likely be elected. [Certain leaders of other nations don’t want him in office] However, due to some other events over the next several months, some will demand his resignation. Or, there could be something preventing him from proceeding with this election; like the mishandling of an event that disqualifies him from proceeding with the election or something created to cause the public to lose trust in him.)
What about the other France or should I say the other Paris that most people don’t know about. We are all aware of the beautiful city of love, romance and thriving economy…I mean the Paris we see on TV. Very few know about the other Paris, the one just outside the city and outside other cities, where about 500,000 migrants mostly from Muslim nations live in horrible squalid conditions. Rows of shanty communities of cardboard, wood or tin and garbage lines the street in the smelly, filthy conditions these people have been consigned to live in. The old apartments of the ghettos are overflowing with people who have no hope, no jobs, feel disenfranchised and cut off from the prosperity of France. There are many angry people that feel they are yet victims of the Crusades and are willing to strike out at any reminders of the violence, murder, poverty and displacement the modern Crusades has caused.
Was the fire of Notre Dame an accident? There is more than one narrative here by people with agendas that choose to control how you think. I believe it will be revealed that it was not an accident, but an attack on the misrepresentation of Christianity (Christ). I believe President Macron is covering this fact up due to his Election campaign. He knows exactly who did it and who should be blamed, but not really responsible. It is possible that if he is elected and this information comes out later, there will be a demand for his resignation, as Eye See (saw) around January 19.
** Eye feel that this event or something related will become a trigger to riots and more fires coming into the Summer months. Eye see France becoming unstable and President Emmanuel Macron in a state of confusion and not really knowing what to do. Eye see this instability spreading through much of western Europe and leaders “scrambling” to come up with solutions as events leading into the Summer/Fall affect their economies. Eye see events happening and the world leaders seeming being caught off guard.
Clearly Eye see, as I further write, this was not an accident, but a planned attack during the most holy week of Christianity, leading up to Passover and Easter. It would ‘appear’ that it was done by Muslims who have an ax to grind. There may have been Muslim hands, but who was controlling the hands? Let’s think outside the box. What Middle East leader would like to see President Macron lose the election? What leader has he sparred with in the past over moving the embassy to Jerusalem and other issues?
Despite the massive fire destroying much of the roof and other parts, the FACADE and BELL Towers are saved. Paris is Beheaded -Article
Isn’t the radical Muslim group called ISIS famous for performing beheadings in Europe and the Middle East? (Of course we know various Mafia Drug Cartels operating in Mexico specialize in that also…they claim to be Catholic.)
Why did President Emmanuel Macron choose this word, “beheaded?” France was a major player in the Crusades against the Muslim during the holy wars of the 10th century. The attack on Notre Dame was an attack on what the Crusades stood for. (At least this is what the public narrative would suggest) President Macron stated that Paris is now without a head…Paris is now without a leaders. Isn’t he the leader of France? Isn’t he the head of the nation? Is this some prophetic clue that his time is coming to an end? Isn’t ‘God yet with France’ as his name, Emmanuel (God with us) implies?
I watched a video news clip of April 11, 2019 as they lowered the 16 headless statutes of the Apostles into Notre Dame Cathedral. 12 Apostles and 4 Gospel writers. Spooky.
In the New Testament we are introduced to John the Baptist, he was born on Passover. He was the cousin of Yahshua (Jesus), born 6 months before Jesus. He was killed by beheading, at Herod’s order. According to tradition, this was August 29, 28 CE.
John the Baptist represented the head of the body of God of the law and prophets, he was the leader of the end of the Old Testament era ecclesia (church) – being the last Old Testament prophet. He was also the forerunner and prophet making the way for the new age movement that would be inspired by Jesus (Yahshua), later called Christians. John the Baptist prepared the way for the Messiah.
Jesus said, “Foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.” Matthew 8:20
Did Jesus really not have a place to sleep? NO! Could he not have slept at his disciples homes, his siblings or other prominent followers who were wealthy? YES, he could have. He was not looking for a physical bed or pillow to lay his head on, he was looking for a body to become the Head of. He could not become the Head of the Old Testament body, until John the Baptist loss his head. The new Head (paradigm) renovated and revitalized the old body of Believers, making it a new creation.
“And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.” Colossians 1:18
Can you see the signs? Can you see the pattern? The Catholic Church and Western Christianity is nothing more that a headless floating ghost, a phantom. People are looking up to it in awe and amazement as it is being manipulated and set in places. The Apostolic & Prophetic move of most of those in Babylon Western Christianity are operating without a head…Performing tricks but not submitted to the HEAD. We hear much about the restoration of the 5-fold ministry, however, much of it is the same remixed greed filled religious garbage, led by pompous individuals chasing after glorified titles and offices they don’t even qualify for. They float around as phantoms from place to place; as the crowds praise the headless apostles and prophets stuck on the phonics of elementary teachings they refuse to grow up from.
The Spire of Western Christianity which is a misrepresentation of the true Christ (Messiah) is fallen. Babylon is fallen. What you see standing today is Only a FACADE. Yes, the Bell Tower yet sounds with her deceptive mixed messages…but is just a FACADE. What is a Facade? Facade, just a face, outward appearance that is maintained to conceal a less pleasant or creditable reality. A cover for the fake, a sham, a masquerade, and illusion. That’s what religion has become. A FACADE!!!! That’s the word that was used by the media and President Macron as he vows to rebuild.
Breaking News!!! It does not matter how you dress it up, build it up, add more demonic gargoyles, layer it in gold or jewels, the finest wood and brightest colors, giant statues, re-enforce the Walls, use the most contemporary architecture and get the most polished professional preachers…(read my lips) IT – IS – STILL – A – FACADE!!!!!
It must be gutted and the Walls torn down. “This is what the LORD Almighty says: “Babylon’s thick wall will be leveled and her high gates set on fire; the peoples exhaust themselves for nothing, the nations’ labor is only fuel for the flames.” Jeremiah 51:58 Revelation chapters 17 -18 says the religious political Babylon disguised as the true Church (ecclesia) will be burned with fire. She is called the Great Whore because she has committed spiritual adultery with the political system. She left her first love and went a whoring after political power, politicians that lied to her and whispered to her all the things she wanted to hear. She spread her legs, received the seeds of deception and lies and have conceived an abomination, as she is control by unclean spirits.
“Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of demons, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and Hateful bird.” Revelation 18:2
Look at the majority of the so called Evangelical Church (Believers) in America and Canada. Have you seen such hypocrisy, bigotry, Hate, racism, intolerance for others, sense of entitlement and love for daily chronic blatant lying? Even their lying prophets and preachers have no shame. The Western Evangelical Church is nothing more than a FACADE! Noisy clanging bells of loveless sounding brass. It is filled with ‘fake people,’ with their own interest…that have long abandoned the interest of Christ. May this false headless system be gutted and burned with holy FiYah!!
When the Sun is in the middle of Leo to early Virgo based on Tropical Astrology – August 10 – September 3, 2019 Watch for chains of event related to April 15, 2019 and non-related taking place not only in France but other parts of the world.
There will be a Shift in the religious and political realms. This will be partial due to what is taking place in global economies.
Europe is coming into a new cycle of violence and terrorist attacks. It will be later revealed that many of the terrorist attacks are funded and directed by western and European governments. Many of the the extreme Right Wing groups are seeking regime change through violence; they are using terror done by extremist Muslims and extremist Christian White Nationals.
The Crown of Thorns was saved from the fire, by a priest name Le père Fournier. It is believe to have part of the original Crown of Thorns platted on Yahsha (Jesus) head. This hold powerful messages we wont be able to go into here. Also, the Cross survived the fire. Despite the FACADE of religion and all the craziness going on in the world of religion and politics, the reality of the Almighty Christ remains. Fire purifies and is necessary.

crown of thorns

May the FiYAH (fire) of the Holy Spirit burn and gut everything in our lives, every false headless phantom idol. May the spirit of burning consume the facade and everything that’s anti-Christ within us. May only the empty Cross of his resurrected life be seen in us as we wear the Crown of thorns until it is transmuted into a Crown of Glory and Life.
Enjoy this and see the clues:
You might want to research French girl Madani Ines, whose in jail.
The 3rd most holiest site in Islam is the Al-Aqsa Mosque of Old Jerusalem. It is located on top of the Temple Mount, the center of the Israeli and Arab conflict. Is it coincidence that both Notre Dame Cathedral (Christian) and Al-Aqsa Mosque (Muslim) in the old city of Jerusalem was burning at the same time? NO! There is no such things as coincidence.
What part of the Mosque did the fire break out? It was the Prayer Room, also known as Solomon’s Stables. Solomon means Peace. It appears that someone is sending a message to prepare for War and that all the efforts and prayers for Peace will not prevent the fires of war and mayhem that is about to be unleashed.
Who could this somebody be or group of somebody’s? Those of you with your Eye open know exactly. In Nethanyahu’s mind and the Zionist fake Jews and fake Christian Zionists, there can be no peace until they have annihilated or driven out the true Semitic seed (Palestinians and true genetic Hebrews people) living in Palestine. They want to claim the whole region and it’s resources and achieve world domination. They want war and they will get it. Fortunately, they will not achieve their goal. Despite, creating chaos and hostilities between Muslims and Christians and other divide and conquer strategies; they will fail. All man-made religions will be tried in the fire and fail. Truth is the only thing that will stand.
The Watch & Prayer Dates or period also applies here, they are connected. It is the same hands attached to the hidden body behind the scenes. Eye am only showing you what is, their plan and reading the hidden prophetic messages. In the Cosmic scheme of things the intent of whose pulling the strings have many messages and unbeknownst to the evil ones, they are fulfilling the word of the Lord. What they mean for evil is exposing the Facade of religion, the hypocrisy, the hate; but also the grace of God. The true Cosmic Ecclesia that transcends label of Christian, Muslim, Jew will shine forth as light. Just as the Cross in Notre Dame Cathedral to unite and defeat the darkness.
“Not one of this world’s leaders has understood it; because if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord from whom this glory flows.” 1 Corinthians 2:8
Solomon’s Wisdom will speak and call out from the high places. She will utter her words of instructions, revelations, and inspirations. The effectual fiery prayers of the righteous will prevail to consume the religious fires (false revival fires) of Nadab and Abihu who made their own fire. We are in exciting time. It is great to be AWAKE & Alive.
(Our on-line global Monday Night Rising Mystic Class is growing and we are experiencing wonderful things happening. Email me if you are interested in being a part of it.)
I just could not resist this:
Order of Melchizedek
This is excellent! I’d love to be a part of your Mon evening class but I work every Mon until. 7:30. Bummer!
Blessings. Nancy
Thanks Nancy. Would love to have you. It starts 8:00 pm your ti me. Contact me (FB or email). Blessings.
Interesting times indeed!