(I realize the word, “occult” throws lots of folks off. People use your dictionary and stop listening to idiots. If you are of a Pentecostal/Charismatic background, practice everything you believe in falls into the category of the occult, based on the definition of the word).
Not for sure what we will call it, just putting that out there. This will not be a FREE Course. It will be through the Zoom Platform. If you think you have a serious interest and want to be contacted later; send an email to melchizedek88@yahoo.com In the Subject Line clearly state “Astrology School.” Ask no questions at this point, I have no answers. More details about this later. You will be contacted later.
This is separate from the Rising Mystics Institute (www.risingmystics.com) – Soon we will find the time to upload all of the classes/gatherings from the past 3 and 1/2 years to the platform and make them available to the public. ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK Ways to Donate: Our CASHAPP info: $8Mystics WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARD AT THIS SECURE ACCOUNT.
Shalom Beautiful People,
It’s Pluto’s Return and the Russian invasion. We are already headed toward the 3rd month of 2022. What have I been doing? We are yet advancing in the Kingdom of YAH. What a glorious time to be manifesting Him.
I am seriously considering opening, The Order of Melchizedek School of Astrology & Occult Sciences, soon. There have been multiple confirmations of lately.
We are yet doing our Master Class on Monday Evenings 6:00 pm PST. On Thursday mornings is our Int’l Prayer Day @ 8:05 am PST. Usually before we start praying I do a short teaching that many times ends up prophetic (reading the heavens or inspirational flow)
Below are 2 excerpts, the teaching portion before the Intercessory Prayer. The 1st one was February 3, 2022, the 2nd video is from February 17, 2022.
Here are some Prophetic Clues, Questions: Will we see an increase of warfare/blood shed, days between March 14-20, 2022? Will the Center For Disease Control and Media be making specific announcements on or about these dates? Enjoy the Prophetic Insight below:
Pluto’s Return & Russia/Ukraine War Prophecy

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