Pop Goes The Illusions – Bishop Darneal Johnson | Atam.Org

Pop Goes The Illusions – Bishop Darneal Johnson

Pop Goes The Illusions – Bishop Darneal Johnson


Shalom People of the Most High.

I would like to share with you an elightened message I received from Bishop Darneal Johnson. This is an Astro-Prophetic message that I know you will be inspired and encouraged by. Isn’t it wonderful to know more Christian ministers are embracing astrology and sharing what Spirit is revealing? Here is what he wrote:


Grand Rising Master Magi Prophet.

An aspect of Pluto ending its trip through Capricorn that Spirit encouraged me to share with WGN (Wake-up Global Networks).


I had this download that I want to share with you as I sense that this is important for us all.

March 23, Pluto – Death/ rebirth/ transformation, will leave Capricorn( WHERE IT HAS BEEN SINCE 2008) for about 3 months to dip it’s feet into it’s soon permanent home of Aquarius in 2024 at O degrees.

KEY: this is because between March and 2024 Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn around 0° to complete its 20 year presence there. Whenever Pluto enters a house or planet it does so to expose and transform the shadow side of any energy that it resides in. The shadow side of Capricorn can be ego, abusive authority, hierarchy and inequality, just to mention a few.

As we have discussed, one of the most vital points in a sign is from zero to 28°, of a Cardinal sign; indicates that something major will play out on the world stage.

Prophetically this will be a major transition to Global governments (but I am being led in this email to talk about our life). Let me get to the point of this email.

I feel it is very imperative that as Pluto goes into 0° of Aquarius on March 23rd and retrogrades at 0° back into Capricorn that we are being asked to become serious about doing the work in an area which we are called. I have been emphasizing with our group for the past 6 months and that must be authenticity, authenticity, authenticity. The bubble of pretense, fake it until you make it, lack of transparency, lying to self and others, will be exposed through Pluto’s final transits in Capricorn. This is what we’ve been seeing on a global level already in politics, the financial markets, and even with the latest beating death of Tyre Nichols.

We are being encouraged to pop the bubble of all of those areas in our life were we are not true to our self or our souls calling.

As this new energy is ushered in we will see a lot of people and things that were built upon competition, mere desire because we saw someone else do it, and greed exposed, and moved off the scene. Pluto at zero degrees of Capricorn and it’s calling for this. I employ us that whatever we do in this season it must be because we are following our souls path and purpose.

Now I must say this very controversial statement, that within the next year you see great historic institutions that you and I never thought would dissipate or persons of prominence transition prematurely, understand that Spirit begged them (as it is us) to get real and authentic. The energy that is moving into the planet today will not support fakeness= this was reflected in the Neptune in Pisces conjunct Jupiter illusions that began around 2012. Now as Pluto moves into the last degree of Capricorn there is a lot of leveling up that we will witness over the next 10 years in our society. Most of our pretense exists at a very deep subconscious level due to the fact that many times we were born with it, or conditioned at a young age to operate in this low level existence of our-self; this is why for many it will take a lot of work to undo.

Much of what exists today around us and even in US is an illusion and Pop Goes the Illusions. There is just too much light coming into the planet now to support lies, illusions and falsity.

Those of us that have ears to hear should hear what spirit is saying to humanity.

Stay Woke

Much agape

Contact Bishop Johnson @ – darnealjohnson@gmail.com


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Order of Melchizedek

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